The 10 most difficult players to defend in the NBA: Curry is out of the list, Jordan is second and James is fifth.

The 10 most difficult players to defend in NBA: Curry is out of the list, and Jordan is second., James fifth.

The 10 most difficult players to defend in NBA history, O ‘Neill actually surpassed Jordan, but Curry missed the list!

The NBA is an offensive league, and every fan likes to see players show amazing scoring ability and play wonderful offensive cooperation on the court. However, attack is also an art, and not every player can easily break through the defense and throw an efficient hit rate. Some players’ offensive talents and skills make defenders unstoppable and even make them feel desperate. Recently, the US media selected 10 players who are the most difficult to defend in NBA history. Some of these names may surprise you, while others may make you feel uncomfortable. So, who are these 10 players? Why can they get such an evaluation? Let’s take a look at it together.

Tenth place: Nowitzki

Nowitzki is a German NBA player and one of the greatest European players in NBA history. He won the MVP in the regular season in 2007, led the Mavericks to beat the Heat Big Three to win the championship in 2011, and won the MVP in the finals. His offensive weapons are his CIC and Golden Rooster Independence. He can shoot a stable mid-range hit rate from any position, and he can also use his height and wingspan to complete a hook or a back jump shot inside. His independent action of golden rooster is very difficult to defend, because he can adjust his angle and strength in the air, and his shooting point is very high, which is difficult to be blocked. Nowitzki averaged 20.7 points, 7.5 rebounds and 2.4 assists in his career, and his total score was the sixth highest in history.

Ninth place: Iverson

Iverson is the shortest No.1 pick in NBA history and one of the most influential players in NBA history. He won the MVP in the regular season in 2001, led the 76ers to the finals in the same year, and scored 46 points in the first game, giving the Lakers the only defeat. His offensive weapon is his speed and change direction. He has the fastest first step in the league, and can easily get rid of defenders and break through to the basket to score or pass the ball. He also has a very dexterous and elusive change of direction, and his crossover has become a classic teaching case. Iverson averaged 26.7 points, 3.7 rebounds, 6.2 assists and 1.6 steals in his career, and won the scoring championship four times.

Eighth place: Durant

Durant is one of the most difficult defensive players in active service and one of the most talented scorers in NBA history. He won the MVP in the regular season in 2014, led the Warriors to win the championship in 2017 and 2018, and won the MVP in the finals twice. His offensive weapon is his height and projection. He is 2.10 meters tall, but he has the shooting skills and athletic ability of a guard. He can throw an efficient three-pointer from any position, or he can dunk or hook with his height and wingspan inside. At the age of 22, he won the league scoring champion and became the youngest scoring champion in the league. Durant averaged 27.3 points, 7.1 rebounds, 4.3 assists, 1.1 steals and 1.1 blocks per game in his career. He is the only player in history who can shoot 180 shots with three points on the stage of the finals.

Seventh place: Olajuwon

Olajuwon is one of the greatest centers in NBA history, and the only player in NBA history who has completed a personal Grand Slam in a single season. He led the Rockets to consecutive championships in 1994 and 1995, and won the finals MVP twice. His offensive weapon is his strength and skill. He has the opposing power that a center should have, as well as speed and flexibility. He has excellent steps and turns in the low post, and his dream dance steps have become a compulsory course for many centers. He also has a good CIC ability, which can open up space or break through opponents. Olajuwon can score 21.8 points, 11.1 rebounds, 2.5 assists, 1.7 steals and 3.1 blocks per game in his career. He is a player who combines offense and defense and one of the most difficult centers to defend in NBA history.

Sixth place: Kobe Bryant

Kobe Bryant is one of the greatest scorers in NBA history and one of the most influential and legendary players in NBA history. He won the MVP in the regular season in 2008, led the Lakers to win the championship in 2009 and 2010, and won the MVP in the finals twice. His offensive weapon is his will and skill. He has a tenacious fighting spirit and a desire to win, and he can never give up under any circumstances and make amazing performances. He also has very comprehensive and exquisite offensive skills, can shoot a stable hit rate in any position, and can also use his body and feet to score or pass the ball inside. He also learned dream dance steps from Olajuwon, making himself more difficult to defend. Kobe Bryant averaged 25 points, 5.2 rebounds, 4.7 assists and 1.4 steals per game in his career, won the scoring champion ten times, and the total score was the fifth highest in history.

Fifth place: James

James is one of the greatest players in active service and one of the most comprehensive and influential players in NBA history. He won the MVP in the regular season in 2009, 2010, 2012 and 2013, led the Heat, Cavaliers and Lakers to win the championship in 2012, 2013, 2016 and 2020, and won the MVP in the finals four times. His offensive weapon is his omnipotence and vision. He has excellent physical fitness and athletic ability, and can play in any position and adapt to any style of play. He can throw an efficient three-pointer from outside, or he can use his height and strength to dunk or hook inside. His greatest strength is his ability to connect teams in series. He has a very good passing vision and creativity, which can create many opportunities for his teammates and win the game by himself at critical moments. James averaged 27.2 points, 7.5 rebounds, 7.3 assists and 1.5 steals per game in his career. He is the only player in history who can enter the top ten in total points, total rebounds, total assists, total steals and total blocks.

Fourth place: Chamberlain

Chamberlain is one of the most dominant and mythical players in NBA history and one of the most controversial players in NBA history. He won the MVP in the regular season in 1960, led the 76ers and Lakers to the championship in 1967 and 1972, and won the MVP in the finals twice. His offensive weapon is his height and strength. He is 2.16 meters tall, but he has amazing jumping and speed. He can dunk or hook at will on the inside, and he can also use speed and flexibility to break through his opponent on the outside. He has created many incredible scoring records, such as 100 points in a single game and 50.4 points in a single season. Chamberlain averaged 30.1 points, 22.9 rebounds and 4.4 assists in his career, ranking first in scoring and second in rebounding.


Jabbar is one of the greatest centers in NBA history and one of the most persistent and stable players in NBA history. He won the MVP in the regular season in 1971, 1972, 1974, 1976, 1977 and 1980, led the Bucks and Lakers to the championship in 1971, 1980, 1982, 1985, 1987 and 1988, and won the MVP in the finals twice. His offensive weapon is his hook. He has a height of 2.16 meters, but he has a very flexible and elegant shooting action. He uses his height and wingspan to complete the hook inside, which is very difficult to defend, because he can adjust his angle and strength in the air, and his shooting point is very high, which is difficult to be blocked. Jabbar averaged 24.6 points, 11.2 rebounds, 3.6 assists and 2.6 blocks per game in his career. He is the player with the first total score and the third total block in history.


Jordan is one of the greatest players in NBA history and one of the most legendary and influential players in NBA history. He won the MVP in the regular season in 1988, 1991, 1992, 1996 and 1998, led the Bulls to win three consecutive championships in 1991-1993 and 1996-1998, and won the MVP in the finals six times. His offensive weapon is his will and skill. He has a tenacious fighting spirit and a desire to win, and he can never give up under any circumstances and make amazing performances. He also has very comprehensive and exquisite offensive skills, can shoot a stable hit rate in any position, and can also use his body and feet to score or pass the ball inside. He also learned dream dance steps from Olajuwon, making himself more difficult to defend. Jordan averaged 30.1 points, 6.2 rebounds, 5.3 assists and 2.3 steals per game in his career, and won the scoring champion ten times, ranking first in the history of scoring per game and fifth in the history of total scoring.


O ‘Neill is one of the most dominant and domineering players in NBA history, and also one of the most controversial and individual players in NBA history. He won the MVP in the regular season in 2000, led the Lakers to three consecutive championships from 2000 to 2002, and won the MVP in the finals three times. His offensive weapon is his weight and strength. He is 2.16 meters tall, but he weighs more than 150 kilograms. He can dunk or hook at will on the inside, or he can use his strength and speed to break through his opponent on the outside. His weight makes many teams have no way to take him, so they will sacrifice shark-cutting tactics. After all, O ‘Neill’s free throws can’t be mentioned, otherwise, O ‘Neill may really surpass Jordan to become the first person in NBA history. O ‘Neill averaged 23.7 points, 10.9 rebounds, 2.5 assists and 2.3 blocks in his career, making him one of the most difficult defensive players in history.

These are the 10 most difficult defensive players in NBA history selected by American media. What do you think of this list? Who is the most difficult player to defend in your mind? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to share your views and ideas!

Why did Jordan and James have different results when they also complained to the referee?

Why did Jordan and James have different results when they also complained to the referee?

This question is very interesting. This includes two aspects: spiritual and external performance. First, mentally, Jordan respects basketball, so he is upright and arrogant in his heart when playing. Mr. Murong focuses on profit, and his sense of superiority comes from profit. Even if he gains unjustly, people like Zhai Tianlin are indulged by the referee, and he also intends to use it himself, even at the expense of bowing down to all directions.

Second, whether the double standard how external performance? Jamie’s logic is: you say James walks, then Jordan can’t walk once, you say James stands, then Jordan can’t stand once. How generous are you to yourself and strict with the law? Therefore, Jamie’s performance focuses on profit, which is the same as Zhan’s spiritual core. Isn’t this interesting?

Jordan didn’t stand up a few times in his life, and James did it all the time. Jordan spread his hand and scored six three-pointers at half-time in the finals, with his hands spread out, invincible and helpless. And my impression is that Jordan questioned the referee’s penalty, which is just a few words, without pestering or begging humbly, and finally responded with action. If there had been any weak behavior at that time, it would have become a big news. You know, in the last three companies, Jordan has become the public enemy of the league, and young elites want to ignore Jordan’s position.

Jordan is good at physical confrontation, and he doesn’t have any bad moves, especially diving and padding. Then the referee will respond naturally when he stands up, and most of his hands are self-satisfied, so I can’t help it. James has been diving, padding and walking for 20 years, which can be said to be the worst type in the top 10 in history. It is naturally another result that he is so weak! Be strict with others, be lenient with yourself, and naturally be laughed at.

Jordan didn’t play basketball at his peak, he didn’t take his talent anywhere at his peak, and he didn’t take the initiative to hug his thighs at his peak. The only thing he did was that he was bored at his peak and retired to play baseball, and then the NBA cried and begged him to come back. So don’t make excuses, why do different players have different understandings of the same thing, blame the referee? Strange fans? It depends on a player’s long-standing impression, so don’t push your problems out.

And it doesn’t matter how many points you score, it mainly depends on how much role you play on the team. Like last season’s regular season, you hold a lot of ball rights and don’t retreat. Such scores are meaningless. And LeBron’s defensive ability is not a problem at all. His size and strength determine that he will be an excellent defender if he wants to defend. The problem is that his defensive attitude is really not good, especially when he is old.

Shenzhen Men’s Basketball Team Buys Out Li Jinglong! It’s time for Guangdong to take a fancy to the tough guy in the front line and test Zhu Fangyu.

In the offseason, the Shenzhen Men’s Basketball Team made an unexpected decision. According to the latest news, the club bought out Li Jinglong, which means that the relationship between Li Jinglong and the Shenzhen team has completely ended. This news is not good news for Li Jinglong, because his future has become uncertain and he will probably leave the CBA.

Although Li Jinglong performed well in Guangsha team before, his performance in Shanghai team was not ideal, especially without the help of Li Chunjiang, it was difficult for him to gain a foothold in CBA league. Due to passive competition, Li Chunjiang has left the Shanghai team and has been banned for five years, which makes Li Jinglong’s situation even more difficult.

For Li Jinglong, the most important thing now is to find a new home. He can consider going to other CBA teams to try it, or transforming to play three-person basketball. In any case, he needs to continue to work hard and improve his own strength in order to achieve better results in future competitions. However, he is only a functional shooter, and it is really difficult to gain the trust of the team after the sharp decline in three-point shooting percentage.

Generally speaking, this decision is an opportunity for both Shenzhen Men’s Basketball Team and Li Jinglong to make a fresh start. Although Li Jinglong’s future is uncertain, he can use his own strength to prove his value and try to find a new breakthrough outside the stadium, such as opening a youth training institution.

During the offseason, the Guangdong team has been looking for ways to strengthen the team’s strength, and their goal is now very clear, that is, to strengthen the lineup of striker players. However, the result is loud thunder and little rain, and there is no substantial reinforcement. According to a well-known basketball reporter, Guangdong Hongyuan took a fancy to Zhang Dianliang and Zhu Songwei, the tough strikers of the former Sichuan team, but they no longer play in CBA. Among them, Zhang Dianliang joined the professional three-person basketball team and Zhu Songwei went to overseas leagues.

Although Zhang Dianliang doesn’t play in CBA league, he is a very powerful small forward and can bring great help to Guangdong team. If Guangdong team wants to sign Zhang Dianliang, they must persuade Sichuan team to release him, because Sichuan men’s basketball team has excellent signing rights.

In addition to Zhang Dianliang, Zhu Songwei’s signing right is also in the hands of the Sichuan team. If Guangdong can sign all these two players, the team’s forward strength will be greatly improved. Although these two players are not playing in CBA league now, it is said that they are willing to join Guangdong team.

Now the problem is still with the Sichuan team, and the Guangdong team needs to convince them to complete the transaction. Fans believe that Zhu Fangyu will be able to convince Sichuan team through his negotiation skills and let Guangdong team get these two powerful players. #CBA#

Goodbye Pang Hu, goodbye Pelican! New Orleans core application transaction, stag recruitment, letter excitement

According to American media reports, Zion, the star of the New Orleans Pelican, has been worried about his future career. Because of Ingram’s rapid growth and selection into the national team, his prospects are already very worrying. In addition, the team management has made up its mind to deal with him this summer.

His agent is currently paying close attention to the possibility of other teams trading him. Players’ priority is to play in the big ball city or the championship team, and will not accept rebuilding teams outside the playoffs. Milwaukee Bucks, new york Knicks, Miami Heat, Los Angeles Lakers, Los Angeles Clippers and other teams are potential targets, depending on who the players want to join hands with.

Goodbye Pang Hu, goodbye Pelican! New Orleans core application transaction, stag recruitment, letter excitement

At present, Pelican is actually very optimistic about trading Zion. Now, only because some management personnel are on vacation, they have no time to deal with this matter. However, the player himself knows that it is only a countdown to his departure from New Orleans, and fans have called on the management to trade him as soon as possible.

There are a large number of teams interested in Pang Hu. If there is no injury, his annual salary will be higher and his business value will also rise. However, this situation is not bad now. After the contract expires, he will have the opportunity to get a super salary of more than 45 million.

According to reports, Milwaukee Bucks are very interested in him, because they hope that the ball emperor can let him ban Middleton, who is old and has many injuries. Bringing him here will improve the team’s chances of winning the championship, and it can also become the third place in the first print. Joining with Brother Alphabet will also enhance business value and personal level, which is very good.

If the Bucks want to do it this summer, the end of August to mid-September is the best opportunity. The team can use Potis as the main body of the transaction, and it is no problem to get young players and draft picks. The Pelican can accept these players and continue to deal with them, discounting a large number of draft picks or trading them to a good defender who can play with Yingge.

Bucks, except for letters and young players, all the other players can actually be said to be dispensable. Of course, Holliday can’t sell. The big Lomi God is very unstable. The former is almost forty years old, so this is his last career time. The team can contact Mitchell next summer or this summer if it wants. If it is formed into a combination of Holliday+Mitchell+Zion+letters+Daluo, the prospects will be very bright.

From the point of view of the letter brother, in fact, the arrival of Zion can maximize the team’s confrontation ability, which is also the advantage of the team. In addition, besides considering the deal to get Pang Hu, the team can also try to get other players such as alvarado to join the deal. If they can come, it will be even more powerful, and they are looking forward to the new Milwaukee Bucks!

I have something to say.

In fact, there is another plan that Bucks can consider, get Zion and then trade for Harden. With Harden here, there is no problem with the instant strength and rotation of this team, and the pick-and-roll system will be more perfect. The combination of two people with letters and beards has always been hotly discussed by everyone, and we are looking forward to the two people joining hands.

Great news! Guo Ailun has recovered well, and the Asian Games is expected to show its grace again.

Great news! Guo Ailun has recovered well, and the Asian Games is expected to show its grace again.

The fans ushered in great news! Guo Ailun is recovering well, and he is expected to show his outstanding strength again in the Asian Games. The resolution of the injury problem has cheered the fans, and his return will add a lot of strength and confidence to the China men’s basketball team. I expect him to shine again in the Asian Games and win honor for the China men’s basketball team. In the past few years, Guo Ailun has played an important role in the men’s basketball team in China. His outstanding performance and leadership style have made him an idol in the hearts of fans at home and abroad. However, injuries have been plaguing his career, which not only separated him from the team for a long time, but also worried the fans. Countless fans are looking forward to his recovery, hoping to enjoy his excellent performance again in the Asian Games.

In the process of recovery, Guo Ailun made great efforts and perseverance. He actively cooperated with the professional rehabilitation team to carry out rehabilitation training and constantly broke through himself in order to return to the stadium as soon as possible. And his firm will and unyielding fighting spirit also deeply infected the people around him. His teammates are full of expectations for his return, and the coaching staff is full of confidence in him. They believe that under the leadership of Guo Ailun, the China men’s basketball team will make some gains in the Asian Games. As the highest comprehensive sports meeting in Asia, the Asian Games is of great significance to the China men’s basketball team. This is not only a competitive game, but also an opportunity to show our strength. For Guo Ailun personally, the Asian Games is also a stage to prove himself again. He is eager to win honor for his country and bring joy to the fans with his own strength.

Therefore, he attaches no less importance to the Asian Games than other important competitions. Guo Ailun’s return will have a positive impact on the China men’s basketball team. As a leader, his play on the court and his influence off the court are irreplaceable. His excellent organizational skills and calm judgment made him the soul of the team. In addition, his personal ability is also quite outstanding. With superb skills and decisive attack, he can score key points for the team at critical moments. The fans expressed full expectations and appeals for Guo Ailun’s return. Numerous messages and comments have sprung up on social media, expecting him to shine again in the Asian Games.

Someone said: "I look forward to seeing Guo Ailun show his excellent state in the Asian Games, so that the whole world can know the strength of the China men’s basketball team!" Others wrote: "I wish Guo Ailun a smooth recovery and look forward to seeing him bring more victories to the China men’s basketball team!" The voice of the fans is undoubtedly the greatest support and encouragement for Guo Ailun. With the Asian Games coming, the news that Guo Ailun has recovered well is exciting. His return will add a lot of strength and confidence to the China men’s basketball team. I believe he will shine again in the Asian Games and win more honors for the China men’s basketball team! No matter how the game results, Guo Ailun will always be a hero in the hearts of fans, and his persistence and fighting spirit will inspire more young people to pursue their basketball dreams.

May he achieve excellent performance in the Asian Games and continue to make greater contributions to the basketball cause in China!

A Weibo 50,000 Shandong Men’s Basketball Association published inappropriate information and was reduced by 50,000 yuan.

Live broadcast on August 4 th CBA officially announced that Shandong Expressway Club released inappropriate information through the official social media platform, giving it a penalty of 50,000 yuan for reducing the league expenses of the club.

The official announcement of CBA is as follows:

CBA clubs:

On July 31, 2023, China Basketball Association (Beijing) Sports Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "CBA Company") punished the violations related to the Yumin Station competition of the 2023 CBA Summer League.Shandong Expressway Club released inappropriate information through the official social media platform, which had a negative impact on CBA league.

In order to enforce the league discipline, according to the provisions of Article 86 of Chapter VII of the Disciplinary Guidelines for Chinese Men’s Basketball Professional League (hereinafter referred to as the Disciplinary Guidelines),Shandong Expressway Club was fined 50,000 yuan for reducing the league expenses of the club.

Here, CBA Company requires Shandong Expressway Club to do its own education and rectification work on the above issues, put an end to behaviors that are detrimental to the league and sportsmanship, and maintain the image of China basketball and CBA league.

I am writing to inform you.

On the evening of July 31st, CBA officially announced the punishment for the conflict between Shandong and Xinjiang Summer League. Yu Dehao and Jia Cheng were suspended for one game and fined 20,000 yuan, while Gao Shiyan was fined 10,000 yuan.

After the ticket was issued, Weibo, the official of Shandong Men’s Basketball Team, released a dynamic statement, saying that the club decided to impose internal penalties on Gao Shiyan and Jia Cheng, and one person was fined 100,000 yuan; After that, this Weibo dynamic was deleted.

Little Potter can’t keep the rocket? Us media sun 1 for 2 trading plan: join the clippers and join hands to win the championship.

With the introduction of Van fleet and the selection of Amen Thompson by the Rockets, it is widely believed that Potter’s playing time will be affected and it is difficult to stay in the city for a long time. On August 4th, Beijing time, the US media came up with a 1-for-2 trading plan, suggesting that the Rockets and Clippers trade in exchange for Norman Powell and the first round signing in 2029.

For the Clippers, it makes sense to try 23-year-old Potter. If they don’t get Harden in the end, Porter Jr. is an alternative choice. At the same time, he has a certain scoring ability and can become the third scoring point of the Clippers.

Last season, Potter averaged 19.2 points, 5.3 rebounds and 5.7 assists per game, scoring and rebounding to a career high, and his three-point shooting percentage was 36.6%. Of course, the Clippers don’t want to lose a substitute scorer like Powell, but the addition of Porter Jr. can raise their offensive limit. He can become the starting backcourt with Wei Shao and pose a threat to his opponent.

Besides, little Potter is young enough to be a member of the Clippers in the future. If the clippers can get him at the right price, it is quite worthwhile.

As for the Rockets, they can add a reliable veteran and get a first-round signing. The 30-year-old Powell can be the sixth man in the Rockets. Last season, he averaged 17 points, 2.9 rebounds and 1.8 assists. He is willing to play as a substitute and is good at playing as a substitute. The Clippers’ first round in 2029 is also very valuable, when the Clippers may not be champions.

The US media also said that the Rockets will not have the motivation to lose in the new season, because their 2024 draft was signed in the hands of Thunder in exchange for Powell, which is very meaningful for the Rockets.

Potter has four years left on his contract, but only this season is it fully guaranteed. In the 2023-24 season, his salary was $18.23 million, Powell had three years left in his contract, and his salary in the 2023-24 season was $18 million.

The stars are dim! The American men’s basketball team lost to the sparring team in succession, but coach Cole said it was "tradition"

The high-profile American men’s basketball team has concentrated in Las Vegas to prepare for the Men’s Basketball World Cup. These days, the American men’s basketball team is playing a warm-up match with the sparring team for 10 minutes in two consecutive games, but the American men’s basketball team has lost to the sparring team, which makes the outside world have more worries and even doubts about this team that lacks star flavor. However, coach Cole has different views on this. He thinks that the American men’s basketball team has always been like this before, and losing during the preparation period has become a "tradition".
In the face of this year’s World Cup, NBA bigwigs are still uninterested. At present, the established American men’s basketball team lacks absolute superstars and is even regarded as the worst team in history by the outside world. It is true from the talent of players. The core lineup of this American men’s basketball team includes Ingram, Halliburton, bridges and Jackson. Although they are all-star players, they are still far from superstars. Comparatively speaking, the coach lineup of the American men’s basketball team is luxurious, with Warriors coach Cole in command, Clippers owner Bruu and Heat coach Spostra, who are NBA champion coaches.
All the players of this mediocre talent American men’s basketball team are playing the World Cup for the first time. People are not optimistic about what they can do. The fact that this team lost to the sparring team in a row during the concentration period aggravated the worries of the outside world.
However, Cole did not agree. He said, "This is a tradition of the American men’s basketball team, and everyone knows about it. In 2019, that is, in the last World Cup, the sparring team kicked the ass of the team. This is the point. You want the best players to join the sparring team to challenge you. This is what the sparring team is doing now. "
The 2019 Men’s Basketball World Cup was a disgraceful record of the American men’s basketball team. At that time, there was also a lack of heavy players to help them, and they finally got the seventh bad result. However, when the American men’s basketball team went to the Tokyo Olympics and many superstars returned, they won the Olympic champion as they wished. At that time, Cole was an assistant to the American men’s basketball team, assisting the then coach Popovich. Now Cole, who is the coach, is likely to go back to the past.
Text/Beiqing Sports Song Xiang

Iverson: Harden needs to prove himself. Only Curry James can be called super giant in active service.

Iverson: Harden needs to prove himself. Only Curry James can be called super giant in active service.

Recently, there was a shocking remark in the basketball world. Iverson, a former NBA player, said that he thought james harden needed to prove himself before he could be called a superstar, while only Stephen Curry and lebron james can be called real superstars in active service.

Iverson’s evaluation of Harden has caused extensive discussion and controversy. As the star of Houston Rockets, Harden’s scoring ability and organization ability are unparalleled in the league. He has been the king of scoring and assists in the past few seasons. With his outstanding personal performance, he led the team into the playoffs many times. However, Iverson believes that Harden still needs to prove his leadership ability and the strength to win the championship at a critical moment before he can really be called a superstar.

For Harden, this is undoubtedly a challenge and pressure. As a top player, he shoulders the heavy responsibility of leading the team to achieve better results. In the past few seasons, the rockets have encountered some difficulties in the playoffs and failed to make further breakthroughs. This has also become a question of whether Harden can play well at a critical moment. Harden needs to show stronger leadership and winning ability in the game and lead the team to higher honors.

However, Iverson’s remarks also caused some different voices. Some people think that Harden has proved his strength, and his outstanding performance and personal honor are enough to prove that he is a superstar. In fact, Harden has been selected into the All-Star Team for several consecutive seasons and is considered as one of the top scorers in the league today. His skill, basketball IQ and court dominance are indisputable.

In any case, the title of superstar is not easy to get. Only a few players can reach this height. They not only need excellent personal ability, but also need to play well at critical moments and lead the team to victory. Stephen Curry and lebron james, as superstars among active players, have made outstanding achievements in both personal honor and team achievement.

For Harden, he needs to accept this challenge and continue to work hard to improve his ability and leadership. Only when you prove your worth at a critical moment can you really get the title of superstar. No matter how the outside world evaluates it, Harden needs to focus on his basketball career and prove his value with practical actions.

As the top star among the active NBA players, Harden is undoubtedly under great pressure and expectation. His outstanding performance and achievements have made him a hot topic for fans. However, the answer to whether he can be called a superstar is not simple, because the definition of superstar may be different in different people’s eyes.

Superstars not only refer to players’ personal abilities on the field, but also include their influence on the team and the overall performance of the team. At this point, Curry and James do have the qualities of superstars. Curry led the Warriors to win the championship in a row, and his shooting skills and leadership are indisputable. James, on the other hand, is a player who has won the championship for many times. He led the team to succeed in the playoffs with his comprehensive skills and high basketball IQ.

However, Harden still has some room for improvement in this respect. Although he has excellent scoring and organizational skills in personal ability, his leadership and performance at critical moments still need to be strengthened. In the past few playoff games, the Rockets failed to make a breakthrough in the confrontation with strong enemies, which also affected Harden’s recognition as a superstar to some extent.

Harden needs to be more calm and decisive at the critical moment, not only to be excellent in personal performance, but also to become the leader of the team. He needs to take more responsibility in the game and lead the team to achieve better results. Only by showing his value in the success of the team and the competition for the championship can Harden really get the title of superstar.

However, whether Harden is called a superstar or not, his achievements and contributions can not be ignored. As a top player, he has proved his position in the league. His outstanding performance has brought countless wonderful moments to the fans, and his personal honor is beyond doubt. No matter how the outside world evaluates, Harden should continue to strive to improve his ability and strive for more victories for the team.

Generally speaking, the title of superstar needs to be proved by practical actions on the field. Harden needs to make a breakthrough in personal ability and leadership before he can really get this title. In any case, he has become one of the most influential and powerful players in the current NBA, and his basketball talent and efforts deserve our appreciation and attention.

Different choices: Kobe failed to catch up with Jordan, and James found another way to "be king" in another place.

When it comes to the comparison between Kobe and Jordan, most people think that Jordan is the first shooting guard in the NBA, Kobe is the second shooting guard in the NBA, and Jordan is in front of Kobe, which is not controversial.

When it comes to the comparison between James and Jordan, most people think that Jordan is ahead of James; But some people think that James should be ahead of Jordan.

The reason why there is such a big difference is not because James is better than Kobe, but because of the track problem.

Kobe’s choice is to catch up with Jordan head-on. His route is similar to Jordan’s, and even his playing style and style are close to Jordan’s. In this case, Jordan has six champions and six FMVPs, and Kobe has five champions and two FMVPs, so everyone thinks that Jordan won and Kobe lost.

James’ choice was to find another way. The route he took was different from Jordan’s, and even this road was not traveled by many people. In the end, James achieved some "first" achievements on his own road, but many NBA stars including Jordan didn’t, so James did what they didn’t do, so comparing from different angles, naturally James could be ahead of Jordan.

The most typical example is that James is the first player in NBA history to get FMVP from three different teams, but Jordan, Duncan, Russell, Bird, Jabbar and other stars can’t even get together with three teams. From this perspective, James is indeed the first person in history.

This is also the reason why in the first-person vote in history, Kobe got less votes and James got more votes.

Take the World Cup group match as an example. In the 2022 World Cup group match, the first in Group E is Japan, the second is Spain, the first in Group F is Morocco, and the second is Croatia.

Jordan is Morocco and Kobe is Croatia. They are very comparable. In contrast, Jordan is in the lead, so there is no suspense in the ranking. Jordan is the first and Kobe is the second.

James is Japan, and he is on his own way, and he is also the first. Durant and Harden are similar to James’ route. Obviously, they are all behind James.

When choosing the strongest team in the group stage, no one will choose Croatia because it has Morocco in front of it, but someone will choose Japan because it is also the first in the group. But can you say that Japan, which ranks first in Group E, must be better than Croatia, which ranks second in Group F?

Obviously not.

This is Kobe’s paranoia.

In fact, there was only one person in Kobe’s pursuit, that is Jordan. He just wanted to catch up with Jordan. As for the others, he didn’t care. For him, he either surpassed Jordan or didn’t surpass him. That’s all. In his cognition, there is no difference between the second place and the 100th place, so he can say that the second place is the biggest loser.

Of course, there was another one he wanted to surpass, and that was O ‘Neill …

James, on the other hand, is more rational and smarter.

Perhaps he wanted to catch up with Jordan’s path in the early days, but after realizing the difficulty, he chose another one. On this road, James was one of the pioneers, and finally he succeeded and became the leader of this road.

You can’t say that James’s other way is bad. After all, many imitators followed James’s old path, but their achievements were not as high as James’s, such as Durant.

And James is also trying to collect all kinds of "firsts" to increase his chips for the GOAT.

There are many criteria for the selection of the GOAT, among which James is the GOAT, but in fact, from a competitive point of view, Jordan is undoubtedly the GOAT, which is the fundamental reason why Jordan has a very high position in the NBA.