Celebrating the first anniversary of the countdown to the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games: Andy Lau sings

  Last night, the first anniversary of the countdown to the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games was grandly held at the China Millennium Monument. The famous Hong Kong movie star and singer Andy Lau sang the song "Everyone is NO.1" composed for the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games.

  Wang Bingyang, deputy director of the Paralympic Department of the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee, introduced that "Everyoneis NO.1" was written and sung by Andy Lau. The song vividly depicts the inner life and spiritual world of the disabled with majestic music and touching lyrics. It describes not only the difficulties and sorrows they face, but also their struggles and struggles. It can be called a spiritual portrayal of the self-improvement, optimism and continuous efforts of disabled friends to win dignity. As one of the entries for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Song Collection and Selection Campaign, this song has participated in two countdown celebrations for the Beijing Olympic Games and the Beijing Paralympic Games, and has received positive responses and has been widely welcomed.

  Andy Lau made a special trip to Beijing to participate in the upload ceremony of the Olympic Music Wireless Charts. In an interview with reporters, he said that he began to contact disabled athletes in the 1990s, and in 2000, he went to Sydney, Australia to watch the Paralympic Games at his own expense. He was very moved by the spirit displayed by disabled athletes on the sports field and in life. This song for the Beijing Paralympic Games is to admire and understand their self-improvement spirit. I hope this song can make more people start to pay attention to, understand, support and help the disabled friends around them, and participate in and support the Beijing Paralympic Games with greater enthusiasm. "To be able to do my little for the Beijing Paralympic Games is not only my long-cherished wish, but also contains a huge pride and glory. I hope this song can become an emotional bridge for disabled and able-bodied people to communicate with each other, so that more people can start to pay attention to, understand, support, and help the disabled friends around them, and participate in and support the Beijing Paralympic Games with greater enthusiasm. "Remembering the process of songwriting, Liu Dehua was filled with emotion and presented the record to the disabled athletes.

Editor in charge: Liu Xinlong

After Evergrande resumed trading…

Today is the first trading day of Hong Kong stocks in October. Evergrande’s two stocks resumed trading today, and China Evergrande has become the most concerned individual stock in the market.

According to the Beijing Youth Daily, as of the close, China Evergrande had a strong performance throughout the day, rising more than 40% during the session.

The biggest intraday rise fell back to about 10%, and then rose again. As of the close, it rose 28.13% to close at HK $0.41, and the turnover was HK $161 million, 73% larger than the previous trading day.

Evergrande Properties rose as much as 14%, but fell as much as 3.39% to close at HK $0.57.

Evergrande Automobile announced in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on October 3 that at the company’s request, the company’s shares will be temporarily suspended from trading on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange at 9:00 am on September 28, 2023, pending the company’s publication of an announcement on inside information.

China Evergrande announced on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on the evening of October 2 that the board of directors of the company believes that there is no other inside information that needs to be announced at present. The company has applied to the Stock Exchange to resume trading of the company’s shares from 9:00 am on October 3, 2023.

On the same day, Hengda Property also announced that the board of directors of the company believes that the company’s operating conditions are normal and there is no other inside information that needs to be announced. The company has applied to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange to resume trading in the company’s shares from 9:00 am on October 3, 2023.

According to previous reports, on the morning of September 28, China Evergrande, Hengda Automobile, and Hengda Property announced the suspension of trading on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

That evening, China Evergrande Group announced on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that the company had received a notice from the relevant departments that Mr. Xu Jiayin, the executive director and chairperson of the board of directors of the company, had been taken compulsory measures according to law on suspicion of illegal crimes.

On September 24, China Evergrande Group issued an announcement on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, containing the terms of the company’s proposed overseas workout ("Proposed Restructuring"). Each new note to be issued under the proposed restructuring shall comply with the "Pilot Measures for the Administration of Overseas Issuance of Securities and Listing of Domestic Enterprises" issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the "Measures for the Administration of Examination and Registration of Medium and Long-term Foreign Debt of Enterprises" issued by the National Development and Reform Commission according to its applicable circumstances. The company must prove that it complies with the relevant provisions. In view of the ongoing investigation of Evergrande Real Estate Group Co., Ltd. (the main subsidiary of the company), the current situation of the group cannot meet the eligibility for issuance of new notes. Holders of securities of the company and potential investors should exercise caution when trading securities of the company.

On the evening of September 22, China Evergrande announced that since the announcement of the company’s planned overseas workout, the group’s sales were not as good as the company expected. Based on the company’s current situation and consultation with its advisors and creditors, the company believes it is necessary to re-examine the terms of the proposed restructuring to match the company’s objective situation and creditors’ demands.

On September 16, the WeChat official account "Shenzhen Nanshan Public Security" issued a case report saying that recently, the public security organs have taken criminal compulsory measures against Du and other suspected criminals of Evergrande Financial Wealth Management (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Investors who need to report the case can register the case.

China Hengda in the first half of 2023 financial data show that in terms of liabilities, as of June 30, China Hengda’s total liabilities 2.3882 trillion yuan, excluding 603.98 billion yuan of contractual liabilities is 1.78422 trillion yuan, of which 624.77 billion yuan, trade accounts payable and other payables 1.05657 trillion yuan (including 596.17 billion yuan for engineering materials payable), other liabilities 102.88 billion yuan. Borrowing is 624.77 billion yuan, compared with 612.39 billion yuan at the end of 2022, an increase of 12.38 billion yuan, and the average annual interest rate of borrowing is 7.97%, compared with 8.12% at the end of 2022.

In the first half of 2023, China Evergrande’s revenue was about 128.18 billion yuan, gross profit was about 9.80 billion yuan, gross profit margin was 7.64%, operating loss was 17.38 billion yuan during the period, non-operating loss (including litigation, land recovery, equity disposal and other losses such as asset appraisal impairment) 15.03 billion yuan, income tax expenses 6.84 billion yuan, net loss total 39.25 billion yuan. China Evergrande’s cash and cash equivalents are about 4.047 billion yuan, of which restricted cash is about 9.334 billion yuan.

Source | Observer Network Synthesis

Original title: "After Evergrande resumes trading…"

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Geely Automobile Executives: I am confident to return to the first place in automobile national brand sales, but I still need time to work hard.

IT House reported on March 20th that at the 2023 performance conference of Geely Automobile Holdings Limited this afternoon, Gui Shengyue, chief executive officer and executive director of Geely Automobile Holdings Limited, said that Geely was confident to return to China as the national brand of automobiles, but it still needed time to make efforts in various market segments.

Gui Shengyue said that BYD is excellent and needs to learn from it, but not all of them are worse than them. Geely is also excellent in some market segments. At the same time, he also said that the sales volume of Krypton in Hangzhou has surpassed that of Tesla, and within two years, it will become the first luxury electric car brand with a price of over 300,000 yuan in China. "New forces for many years, why didn’t you do it? In the future, we will steadily surpass in various market segments. "

Gui Shengyue also denied the idea of giving up fuel vehicles. Geely’s transformation to new energy resources should be "balanced development", and new energy resources must be the ultimate goal, but it will take a long time in the end. Some European countries and regions have also made statements according to the industry situation.

According to the report of IT House earlier today, Yang Xueliang, senior vice president of Geely Holding Group, disclosed the product planning of Geely Automobile in 2024.

Geely brand: Galaxy mainstream pure electric SUV, compact pure electric SUV and Galaxy mainstream plug-in hybrid SUV.

Extreme krypton brand: extreme krypton Mix, medium and large luxury pure electric SUV, top luxury pure electric MPV.

Lingke brand: Lingke 07 EM-P, medium and large pure electric flagship car, compact pure electric SUV.

Exclusive romance in winter

Send away the autumn when the grain is abundant.
The frosty winter comes quietly.
The tall branches are not as lush as before.
The slow stream lost its previous fluctuation.
Occasionally, a few birds fly in the blue sky.
Winter in the south is romantic even slowly.
Happiness on the tip of her tongue
Winter is a season of white fog. In the sub-zero days, wrapped in a furry down jacket, wearing a super warm wool hat and gloves, I asked my little sister to buy a big hot baked sweet potato before I found the car for baking sweet potatoes. You are half and I am half, and the happiness in winter is hidden in the sweet potato.
"Cold winter matches hot pot better." It is said that hot pot is essential in the happiness of winter. "People who can eat hot pot together must be people from all over the world." "Hot pot glugs, my heart plops." I went to a hot pot restaurant with three or two friends, chose some favorite dishes, talked and laughed, and had a good time.
"Nothing can’t be solved by a good meal. If it can’t be solved, just a few meals will be fine." The so-called people take food as their priority, are not active in eating, and have ideological problems, just like the "dry rice man" who is often said now. A bad mood can be cured by food, and happiness will be over.
Snowflakes hide surprises.
"is like a spring gale, come up in the night, blowing open the petals of ten thousand pear trees"
Winter is really a romantic season, especially when it is snowing heavily. The snow fairy waved her sleeves heartily, and in the fluttering playing, the world was pure and clean, without quagmire. When the cold wind passed, falling snowflakes, the silver light flashed, and everything around it was immersed in a silver-white world.
Especially the first snow in winter, the first snow. First snow always has many beautiful definitions. "The first snow must be enjoyed with the person you like", "If he is showered with snow together, this life will be a white head" and "Sending you a photo of the first snow means I miss you". There are thousands of beautiful definitions, and the first snow is also an essential definition.
How can the fun of snowy days be short of snowball fights and snowmen? Find a place with a thick snowdrift, hold a snowball in your hand, have a snowball fight with your friends, or prepare some gadgets to make a beautiful snowman. Even if my hands are red with cold, my face is still a cheerful smile.
Future expectations
If winter comes, can spring be far behind?
Winter can also be a season of expectation. Every time I am in beginning of winter, I know that the New Year is not far away. Not only that, but also the New Year’s Eve, the Spring Festival and the Lantern Festival, which followed closely, are also lining up to send holiday surprises. "In 2021, walk with love" and "In the new year, everyone will be fat in vain and run towards a well-off society in an all-round way"
Life is long, and it is inevitable to be sad and unhappy. In 2020, a special year, there will be gathering and separation. Even so, the pace of life will not slow down, and the efforts should still go all out, and the expectations and beauty should be hidden in the heart. Every day is a day full of hope. So, let’s stop being unhappy now, and the new year is still radiant.
Three secrets of keeping happy: it doesn’t matter, it’s unnecessary and it’s not possible. Yes, life is too short, so why should you be sad? At this time, when you are young, you should struggle, struggle and come on. Everyone should have a dream and a goal, in case it comes true. Time pays off, so run. "In 2021, I will bump into happiness."
May you be the wind, with white sails.
May you be a ship, sailing the blue waves.
Everything is renewed, old diseases should be healed, and Chang’ an is always safe.
Source: Anhui School Media

A hundred years’ experience of football in China 143

Chapter 143: Robert Evergrande’s successful employment in his hometown and Su Meng, the boss, hit it off at once.

Su Meng was a little frustrated after Su Cheng Evergrande failed to invite Heinz Barton. One day, she drove into her hometown Robert while drinking on the road.

"You are blind and drink while walking." Su Meng is so angry.

After a while, I watched my hometown Robert fall down, but I was still concerned and asked him if he was okay.

"I’m fine." Robert in his hometown replied in English.

"Why are you drinking while walking? I think you must have something on your mind." Su Meng didn’t know what Rob was good at in his hometown. When he saw that he was a foreigner, he also asked in English.

"There are some troubles. I wanted to travel to China to relax myself, but I found that a person is still boring."

"That’s true. Traveling alone is really boring."

"I’m sorry, lady, I bumped into you while I was drinking. Fortunately, you drove slowly, otherwise I would die in a foreign country, haha."

"You’re so humorous. I’m glad you’re all right. Get in the car. I really want to talk to you."

"Well, I see that you are also a real person. Find a place and I will invite you to dinner."

"Let me treat you, you know? Sioux City is my hometown. How can you invite me in my hometown? I should invite you. "

"Then I’m welcome. My name is Robert from my hometown. Nice to meet you."

"My name is Su Meng."

As soon as they sat down in a restaurant, the observant China fans recognized Su Meng and his native Robert and asked them to sign their names and take a photo.

"So you are the famous Brazilian native Robert."

"So you are the owner of a famous football club."

The two praised each other and both admired each other.

"I know, you’re a world-class handsome man, so how can you fall …" Su Meng was unbelievable and hard to ask, but he wanted to know why.

Robert knew what Su Meng meant, and told Su Meng the whole story of his falling out with the Brazilian Football Association.

"So that’s it." After listening to Robert’s story in his hometown, Su Meng was so surprised that he burst out laughing.

"Ms. Su, what happened to me was so terrible. You laughed at me when you said you hit it off with me?"

"Mr. Robert, you misunderstood. I just want to say that this is really a blessing, haha." Su Meng said and smiled again, and then her topic.

"I mean, you are my Bole, my noble, you know? Our club is looking for a new coach, and recently negotiations with German famous coaches Heinz Barton and Van Ba Siteng failed. "

"I see, you mean you want me to be the head coach of your club?"

"Mr. Robert is really a smart man, that’s what he means. If you make a name for yourself in our club, you won’t worry about finding a next home."

"I can think about it. To be honest, the two guys you mentioned just now made me miserable, haha!" Hometown Robert said jokingly.

"I have to thank these two guys, otherwise how could I meet such an excellent coach in my hometown?"

After that, both of them burst out laughing. After that, Su Meng arranged a place for Robert in his hometown, and took him to visit Suzhou City and Suzhou Evergrande Club, and signed a contract with him. From February 2015 to November 2017, the goal was to achieve the Grand Slam in China and win the AFC Champions League in three seasons.

Robert from his hometown told Su Meng that he and she hit it off at once. Now she has helped himself and offered a very high salary. At the press conference when the new coach took office, he said in front of everyone on the scene that he would definitely lead the team to complete the task. If he failed to complete the task, he could do it for free.

After signing the contract with Suzhou Evergrande, Robert in his hometown was in a good mood and thought to himself: It seems that he has come to China this time.

Top ten bizarre injuries in NBA: Only you can’t think of them, and they can’t do it without them.

In the NBA, it is a common phenomenon that players are injured. Every season, players miss the game because of various injuries. Some people are accidentally injured by their opponents in the game, and some are accidentally injured in training. However, there are still many wonderful injuries in the NBA. In this issue, we will take stock of the top ten wonderful injuries in the NBA.

Tenth place, Gerald Wilkins: Gerald Wilkins is the younger brother of Dominic Wilkins, the essence of human film. Once, after hearing the jokes told by his teammates, Wilkins stamped his feet with laughter, and then paid the price of pulling his thigh muscles, which became a veritable leg cramp.

Ninth place, Eddie Curry: One day, while walking in the team’s morning free shooting, Eddie Curry sprained his left ankle badly and missed the game. In a training session, Eddie Curry sat on a huge blue fitness ball. The fitness ball couldn’t bear the burden of that weight and silently chose to blow itself up, so Eddie Curry fell and injured his wrist and joint. Such a wonderful injury, Curry has many times. Dude, please respect yourself.

Eighth place, Stoudemire, after the Knicks lost to the Heat in a game in 2012, Knicks player Stoudemire had nowhere to vent his anger. When he walked into the player’s aisle after the game, Stoudemire saw the fire extinguisher on the wall, so he punched the fire extinguisher, resulting in a left hand injury and stitches, and missed the game for a week.

Seventh place, Larry Bird: Bird is one of the greatest small forwards in history, but his back injury at the end of his career made him retire after only playing for 12 years. In the offseason in 1985, Byrd insisted on building a driveway for his mother’s house. All day’s hard work overwhelmed his back and eventually led to dislocation of his spine. Basically, he suffered from back injuries for the last seven years of his career.

Sixth place, Chad Driss, for fans, all the players who can play in the NBA belong to celebrities. For ordinary people, these players are strong men, but for "good friends of mankind" dogs, these players can only be divided into biting and not biting, and their height reaches 2.03 meters. Chad Driss, a small forward who played for the Hawks at the beginning of his career, made himself not handsome when he was feeding his dog.

Fifth place, Nowitzki, as the greatest foreign player in history, never lost to anyone in terms of strangeness of injury. Before a game, King Nuo, who had finished tying his shoelaces, habitually stamped his feet to see if his shoelaces were tied and his shoes were comfortable. But who would have thought that it was these stamping feet that led to the recurrence of King Nuo’s foot injury, and finally he had to take off his shoes he had just put on and go back to the dressing room for treatment.

Fourth, Jordan, who wanted to taste cigars in 1993, almost cut off his index finger, but even so, the tendon of his right index finger was permanently damaged, which made his right index finger unable to bend. Later, after a long period of exercise, Jordan finally got used to his fingers that could not bend. God is always a god, even so, Jordan still can’t stop in the next game, leading the bulls to the second three consecutive championships.

Third, Buckley, sometimes, because of his carelessness, may also cause some ridiculous injuries. In the past, when Buckley, the flying pig, went to a concert, he needed to rub his eyes because the lights on the scene were too dazzling. However, I didn’t expect that there was still hand cream left in his injury. This rubbing directly rubbed the hand cream on his eyes, causing burns to his cornea, which took three weeks to cure. Although Buckley was injured and the fans were very distressed, it must be said that Buckley is really a delicate man, and he always carries hand cream with him when he goes to a concert.

Second place, Artest, speaking of Artest, in the impression of fans, he is a cruel and tough guy. Hans Blue once intended to turn around and spray the opponent after being fouled, but when he saw that it was Artest, he immediately became timid, which shows what kind of "murderous" he has in the league. However, such a vicious person has also had very wonderful things. However, after the Lakers lost to the Cavaliers in the Christmas War, Artest tripped over a box at home and fell down the stairs, causing injuries to his head and left elbow, and needed stitches. Subsequently, he was diagnosed with a concussion, so he missed several games. But for him, it’s not a big problem. After his comeback, he helped the Lakers win the championship successfully that season.

Number one, Chuck Hayes, what’s it like to get an electric shock? It is estimated that no one can make it clear, and I believe that no one is willing to try another kind of electric shock except the one between men and women. After all, as a normal person, no one is willing to experience this dangerous feeling of direct dialogue with death, but Hayes, the shortest center in NBA history, really embodies a "feeling of electric shock." Hayes participated in the charity competition organized by McGrady during his time with the Rockets. During the break, Hayes, who was thirsty, came to the water dispenser and wanted to drink a glass of water. No one expected that the power of the water dispenser was leaking, and Hayes was shocked by electricity. If it was not rescued in time, the short center with excellent defense would go to hell or heaven to continue his career.

5:3! Bayern completed revenge, 3 full-backs, 2 goals, 1 goal and 2 goals. It’s really unfair to lose in Paris.

On the evening of March 11th, Beijing time, the 24th round of Bundesliga started in full swing, and Bayern continued to sit in Allianz Stadium to face augsburg. In the first half, Berisha used pawar’s mistake to break the deadlock. Cancelo and pawar scored two goals in four minutes to overtake the score. Then pawar scored twice and Sane headed the ball to expand the score. Berisha also scored twice in the second half, Alfonso Davies stabbed and sealed the victory, Vargas pulled another goal in injury time, and finally Bayern beat augsburg 5-3.

In the second leg of the Champions League knockout two days ago, Bayern easily knocked off the horse 2-0, and didn’t give Mbappé and Messi too many chances. However, Bayern, who is back in the league, will still face a big threat, with Dortmund, Berlin United and other teams chasing after. In addition, Bayern lost to augsburg in the first leg.

In this game, Shu Bo-Mo Ting was absent due to a back injury, and Mane returned to the starting lineup as the center. Muxiala, Sane, Gnabry and Alfonso-Davies ambushed behind him, and kimmich was single-backed; Cancelo, Yupamelano, Delicht and pawar form the defence, and the goalkeeper is Sommer.

Only three minutes into the opening, Bayern made a mistake in defence.Pawar inadvertently headed the ball and staged an own goal assist. Berisha picked the ball with his right foot in the restricted area and pushed it over Cancelo, scoring 0-1! Augsburg takes the lead by going from customer to customer.

As the team with the fiercest firepower this season, daring to score Bayern’s goal may mean a fiasco. Sure enough, in the 15th minute, Bayern patiently organized the frontcourt and Alfonso Davis scored the ball on the left.Sane passes to the right again, and Cancelo gets the ball in the restricted area, and his left foot shakes the defense, and his right foot explodes into the far corner to score, 1-1!This was Cancelo’s first goal in Bayern, and he also got three assists in the past eight games.

In the 19th minute,Kimmich’s right set-piece was sent to the penalty area, Driget’s header ferry was cleared, Ma’s barbed pass in the penalty area, and pawar grabbed the goal, 2-1!Pawar redeem oneself by good service! It took only 4 minutes for Bayern to finish the lead in the score.

In the 35th minute,Kimmich kicked the corner, Driget’s header was blocked, and pawar staged the version 2.0 of the Peach Blossom Shadow Flying Excalibur. He directly volleyed and scored twice, 3:1!So far this season, pawar has scored five goals on behalf of Bayern in various competitions, which is the highest number of goals scored by the French defender in a single season.

In the 39th minute, Mane turned and volleyed in the restricted area, and Jikaiweiqi flew to block the ball out of the baseline with one hand.In the 44th minute, Bayern broke the ball in the frontcourt, and Sane pushed straight to the left. Mane swung open the angle and the shot was saved. Sane followed the header in front of the door to make up the shot and broke the net, 4:1!Sane scored the seventh goal in the league, which was his first goal after the World Cup.

In the 50th minute after coming back from the second half, Bayern fought back in the middle circle, Grabri pushed the direct pass, Sane got the ball straight, and Mane followed up and pushed the goal, but the offside goal was invalid. In the 53rd minute, Mane tried a long-range shot at the top of the arc, and the ball was slightly higher. It can be seen that after coming back, Mane hoped to find the feeling of scoring again. In the 58th minute,Arne Mayer’s long-range shot was saved by Sommer. Driget was fined a yellow spot package for a foul while defending in the restricted area. Berisha cheated Sommer with a penalty kick, and the score became 4-2!

In the 74th minute,Bayern made a comeback. After Cancelo pushed the ball on the right, the instep of the outer foot passed to the back point. Alfonso Davies followed up and stabbed the next city, 5:2!Bayern once again expanded the score to 3 goals, which was Alfonso Davis’ first goal of the season. Seeing that the victory or defeat has been decided, nagel Mann also let the substitute players come out to find the feeling of the game, and the main players such as Gnabry, Mane, Muxiala and Derrych came off to rest one after another. In injury time, Vargas fell to the ground and shoveled to narrow the score again.

In the end, Bayern beat augsburg 5-3 at home, avenged the loss in the first leg, and continued to lead the Bundesliga standings. Counting this game, Bayern scored 8 wins and 1 loss in the last 9 games. Seeing Bayern in such a fiery state, we can only say that Paris is really right to lose.