Subversive black technology blessing, China’s high-end car brands "look up" to break into the million-level market

This may be a press conference of the most concerned domestic automobile brands in recent years. During the press conference, the keyword "looking up" directly rushed to the hot search.

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On January 5th, with a car looking up at U8 heading sideways to the conference stage, it means that the automobile consumption market has ushered in a brand-new brand, and at the same time, it has also ushered in the first "million-class" automobile brand belonging to China automobile enterprises.

After several rounds of preheating, we are no strangers to the brand-new brand "Looking Up". In particular, the short video of hard-core function introduction released for several days recently has aroused the appetite of the outside world. Therefore, the outside world has also paid great attention to this long-awaited conference. During the press conference, the keyword "looking up" even rushed into the hot search list directly.

As Wang Chuanfu, chairman and president of BYD Co., Ltd. said when he mentioned looking up at the brand at the ceremony of BYD’s 3 millionth new energy vehicle off the assembly line two months ago, looking up at the brand is carrying subversive "black technology".

The same is true. After the press conference, dry goods are full and heavy technical functions are frequent, which is why car novels are written every other day. It is necessary to spend some time to digest and think when the heavy information that comes upon us overflows.

Looking back at this conference, it not only ushered in the brand-new high-end automobile brand and its first model, but also ushered in a new node in the development process of China automobile brand, and began to really have its own million-level luxury automobile brand.

The birth of hope comes naturally.

Why do you choose to launch Looking Up Brand at this stage? You know, looking up to the price of the brand’s models will hit a million levels. Before looking up, BYD’s long-term experience in major markets was in the range of 100,000-300,000.

Before talking about this topic, the car novel thought of a sentence circulating on the internet, "You can’t buy BYD now, and you can’t afford BYD in the future." It is not difficult to see the great changes that have taken place in BYD in just a few years.

According to the latest data, in December last year, BYD achieved a sales volume of 234,598 passenger cars, with a cumulative sales volume of 1,868,543 vehicles throughout the year, and it is expected to become the global new energy vehicle sales champion.

In this regard, Wang Chuanfu said, "The performance of the market proves that our choice and persistence are correct, and it also gives the brand an opportunity to make an upward breakthrough."

In addition, according to its disclosure, BYD has a technical dream to provide users with extremely safe cars by better controlling the posture of the car body. And when new energy vehicles have not yet entered the mainstream stage, an ET concept car equipped with four-motor drive technology has been conceived. In order to realize this bold idea, BYD’s R&D team has been fighting for it for 20 years.

At present, with the steady progress of BYD brand, it has gained the recognition of more and more users. On this basis, it is natural to launch high-end brands and look up to nature.

Technology is king, empowering the "million level"

Although the price of the first model has not yet been announced, from the price range revealed before, the price of its models will touch the million-level high-end automobile consumer market.

To reach this level of market, as a brand-new brand, how to support its million-dollar price? For the answer to this question, Wang Chuanfu also gave the answer at the press conference.

In his words, "China people’s high-end brands are not just buying materials, but should be based on super technology to provide users with subversive products and experiences".

The "super technology" mentioned here was also officially released at the same press conference-Yi Sifang.

According to reports, "Easy Sifang" is a 100% independent research and development power system with four motors as the core. The wheel end dynamics can be adjusted at a speed of millimeters through a more perceptive electric drive system. Suitable for pure electric and hybrid platforms, covering hard-core off-road and super-running models. This technology is also the first mass-produced four-motor drive technology in China.

In BYD’s view, this technology is the "golden key" to provide users with the ultimate safety. It can accurately control the four-wheel dynamics of vehicles with the four-motor independent vector control technology, thus breaking the imagination of traditional cars and creating a brand-new automobile safety technology system.

It can be seen from the pictures displayed at the press conference that the U8, the first model equipped with this technology, has the "black technology" functions such as turning around in place and emergency floating to get out of trouble. Even if there is a flat tire during high-speed driving, the vehicle can still maintain a stable posture.

In the future, the "Easy Sifang" technology will be equipped as standard on all models of the brand.

U8, U9, two cars open the road of looking up.

At the press conference, in addition to looking up to its first mass production model-U8, which is positioned as a million-level new energy hard-core off-road vehicle, as an egg, its million-level pure electric performance sports car U9 was also released at the same time. This also means that at the beginning of the official release, we have chosen to go straight into two market segments: high-end hard-core off-road and performance super-running.

Looking up at U8 and looking up at U9 all adopt the family "dimension door" design language of looking up at brands. Among them, looking up at U8 is more than 5 meters long and 2 meters wide. The acceleration time of looking up at U9 is 2 seconds.

In this regard, Wang Chuanfu said that in the era of electrification, China car companies have mastered the initiative of technology. During the vigorous development of new energy vehicles in China in the past 20 years, technology has blossomed and the market has blossomed. "Now our battery and electric drive technology have stood in the forefront of the world, and our deep technology accumulation and mature industrial chain support us to continue to move forward to the deep water area of technology."

Although Wangwang is still a brand-new high-end brand just born, Wang Chuanfu is not worried about the performance of this brand-new high-end brand in the future market. In his view, "mature technology has given birth to mature products, and will eventually show an increase in sales."

According to it, "in the history of automobiles for a hundred years, technological breakthroughs often bring brand-new products and experiences, and BYD has achieved high-end brands with super technology. Have the responsibility, obligation and courage to explore the most cutting-edge technology in the industry and transform it into products to contribute to consumers. "

In the future, Wangwang brand will take the lead in carrying many top technologies mastered by BYD, impacting the million-level high-end market that has been firmly occupied by traditional brands.

As a million-level high-end brand, Wangwang Amy Hu, general manager of the Sales Division, introduced it at the press conference, and Wangwang will establish a self-operated channel to ensure that users can enjoy open and transparent services and the rights of consistent interoperability.

According to reports, in the first quarter of this year, Wangwang Automobile will set up experience centers in Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing, Chengdu, Hangzhou and other cities. 【END】

Attachment: Ten Highlights of "Easy Sifang" Technology

1. "Easy Sifang" is a set of power system with four motors independently driven as the core, which completely reconstructs the characteristics of new energy vehicles from three dimensions: perception, decision-making and execution, completely subverting the power system capability system of previous fuel vehicles.

2. The prototype of "Easy Sifang" technology appeared in the ET concept car released by BYD Group 20 years ago, which was inspired by the cheetah’s perfect posture control at high speed, and four motors independently drive the four wheels of the vehicle. This is also an innovative driving technology that finally ushered in mass production opportunities under the background of core breakthroughs in the three technical fields of battery, electric drive and electronic control after 20 years of continuous exploration.

3. The most subversive value of "Easy Sifang" technology is to break through the constraints of the traditional automobile technology architecture and provide users with extremely safe cars with brand-new ideas.

4. Compared with the traditional fuel vehicle power system, the "Easy Sifang" technology can independently adjust the dynamics of the four-wheel end of the vehicle at millisecond speed through a more perceptive electric drive system, thus better controlling the body posture.

5. "Easy Quartet" technology can provide users with greater safety redundancy, such as accurately adjusting the torque of the remaining three wheels at a frequency of 1000 times per second after a single wheel puncture, and timely and forcefully compensating the posture of the car body through the driving wheel to help the driver stop the vehicle stably and controllably. This function is expected to avoid the occurrence of secondary accidents to the greatest extent from the root of power.

6. The model equipped with "Easy Sifang" technology can even get the emergency floating ability by virtue of the four-wheel independent vector control function, because the protection ability of the core system of the whole vehicle reaches IP68 level and has good tightness of the body and cockpit, which shows the imagination space of the power technology application mode of traditional fuel vehicles.

7. The maximum rotation speed of the "Easy Sifang" platform is 20500rpm, and the horsepower of the whole vehicle is over 1,100 horsepower, which can meet the performance requirements of various extreme scenes such as streets, off-road and racetracks.

8. The powerful power brought by independent research and development of highly integrated motors also supports the "Easy Sifang" technology to realize flexible in-situ U-turn function on high adhesion roads such as asphalt roads.

9. With the independent positive and negative torque output capability of the four-motor drive technology, the "Easy Square" platform can achieve a braking distance of less than 40 meters and an agile steering capability of less than 12 meters while the steering gear and brakes are not working.

10: In the future, all models of Wangwang brand will be equipped with "Easy Sifang" technology as standard.

Why does the game flash back?

  With the increasingly powerful functions of mobile phones, many friends like to play games with mobile phones, and large-screen mobile phones can also give users a very cool game experience, but sometimes when we play games on mobile phones, we often flash back, and it often happens when we flash back once and then open it again. So,Why does the game flash back?The following small series summarizes the following reasons for everyone.

Why does the game flash back?

  Reason 1: Wrong game version (IOS/ Android)

  Some games are relatively new, and some small game download stations may just download the game package that suits their own Android mobile phone version in a hurry and upload it. In this case, your mobile phone and the downloaded game package are actually incompatible.

  Reason 2: Resolution incompatibility (Android)

  If you are a new 1080P mobile phone or some mobile phones with different resolution from the mainstream, it is probably because of the resolution, which directly affects whether the game can run smoothly.

  Reason 3: The system version is too low/inconsistent (IOS/ Android)

  If you are a mobile phone with IOS version IOS5 or below and Android version 2.3.0 or below, then your mobile phone system version is a little too low, and some games may flash back.

  Reason 4: Antivirus software (Android)

  In some versions of old antivirus software, some games will still be banned from running under unknown circumstances, resulting in flashback during the game running.

  Reason 5: No google play framework (Android)

  If you want to run the game on Android, you must rely on the google play framework. If your mobile phone doesn’t have the goole App Store, many games may not run normally.

  The above is an introduction to the reasons for playing the game, hoping to help everyone.

Diet, games and sleep can improve memory.

With the growth of age, the body’s memory will become worse and worse. At the level of neurons, what happened in our brains to make us forget the past? In modern life, the pace of people’s life is getting faster and faster, and many people try to enhance their memory in various ways. So in what way can we enhance our memory? Here’s how to enhance your memory.

Diet helps improve memory.

Some foods have the title of "brain food". Take astaxanthin, a substance existing in food, as an example. They are abundant in fish and shrimps and crabs. Astaxanthin, as a carotenoid, has antioxidant effect, and it is considered to have the strongest antioxidant activity among carotenoids. It can enter the human brain and directly act on nerve cells. At the same time, astaxanthin can also protect nerves. Therefore, eating this kind of food regularly will greatly improve memory.

Besides, Nanfang Daily also lists some foods that people can easily get to improve their memory, including fish, milk, millet, eggs, peanuts, corn and day lily, all of which contain elements to improve their memory.

(Source: Nanfang Daily)

Games enhance memory

According to Life Times, playing some smart phone games that use physical knowledge, such as "cutting rope magic" and "angry birds", can improve attention and avoid being distracted when remembering things. And in the course of the task, it can also exercise the adaptability of players. During the whole game, there are also some games involving planning and adjusting strategies, such as "Plants vs Zombies", which can also improve memory.

(Source: Xinhuanet)

Xinhuanet once reported that British researchers can train players with "brain tonic training" through an experiment, which can effectively help improve unhealthy eating habits. The game developed by Cambridge University helps to improve the memory of schizophrenic patients. It can be said that games have great potential in improving human brain memory.

If you want to remember well, sleep is indispensable.

Xinhuanet Zeng Dengwen said that sleep helps to improve memory. Nicholas Dimay, a British psychologist, said in the magazine "Cerebral Cortex" that memorizing things before going to bed is more profound. In a set of comparative experiments, some volunteers recited words before going to bed, while others recited them 12 hours after staying awake. Volunteers who recite words before going to bed remember them better. This is mainly because of the role of hippocampus in human brain. The hippocampus is mainly responsible for memory. During sleep, new memories are "unsealed" and constantly "played back" in the hippocampus, so people will remember this part very clearly after waking up.

Therefore, there must be scientific methods to improve memory, instead of blindly believing in advertisements. Some of the above methods, I hope to bring help to your study and life. (Zhang Anjian)

This paper is scientifically checked by Zhou Hongzhi, a professor at the School of Applied Mathematics and Physics of Beijing University of Technology.

Travel in the mountain countryside ④ | Walk in the spring and go to Sanhe Village to find that touch of spring scenery!

Go for a spring outing together

The wind in Shan Ye

Playing a piece of music that belongs to spring alone.

The melody is light, like silk.

It seems that the flowers in the mountains are blooming ~

The grass is green ~

In this spring March,

Find a spring outing in a village hidden in the mountains.

Is it worthy of this spring?

It takes about 20 minutes to drive from the university town.

One can watch exhibitions, relax and have tea.

Handmade village

-Sanhe village

Blue tiles and white walls reflect the morning sun, and smoke from kitchen chimneys curls around the treetops.

Perhaps a simple poem condensed the beauty of the village.

However, it really presents a poem

It is a fusion of countless beautiful scenery.

Image source: Public Comment @ Eat Lunatone Xiaohongshu @ Walk Qiuchi

Sanhe village

Here you can see

By peach blossom, rape flower

A picture of spring completed by cooperation

Qingshiban road in the village

Is an indispensable part of this picture.

Walking on the bluestone road

The breeze brushed my face and gently blew my hair.

The wind is mixed with flowers.

That is the unique charm of peach blossoms and rape blossoms.

Image source: Public Comment @ 京京京京京京.


Sanhe art museum

Walk gently with the breeze

Find an art gallery hidden in the mountains.

Landscape paintings depicting landscapes are displayed in the museum.

Show portraits of characters

Or abstract paintings with artistic forms.

You can get spiritual comfort here.

Escape from the noise of the city for a while

In a busy life

Enjoy a moment of peace and relaxation.

Yuanshan tea house

A cup of tea is more real than a cup of tea.

When you think this society is too impetuous

Might as well make a cup of tea here.

Look at the beautiful scenery outside the window

The trees in full of green, the leisurely white clouds.

Time slows down here.

There are kilns in distant mountains.

The pottery in the distant mountains is a utensil, and there is a kiln to make friends.

Make a pottery yourself.

From kneading soil to shaping.

Re-carving and painting

Finally fired into porcelain.

Feel the joy of clay becoming porcelain.

Maybe it’s to make up for childhood regrets, or to retrieve childhood memories. This is not only a work of art, but also a spiritual journey.

Ying zhi sen Shi tou garden

Between these deep mountains

There is a white palace standing still.

It is like a hermit.

Savoring the long years alone in the mountains and forests

You can date three or five friends.

Rest here for one night

have a hearty meal

Give it a long time

Add a touch of luster.


Image source: Public Comment @ 么么么么么么么么么么么么么么


The beauty in life doesn’t have to be magnificent.

Small details also contain brilliance.

Here, we can enjoy our time leisurely.

You can also have fun.

Release your inner happiness like a child.

You can also bring old people and children.

Let’s feel this beauty together.

In this sunny March

Welcome to Sanhe village

Enjoy this natural gift together.

Source: Cultural Tour Comprehensive Public Comment @ 京京京京京京京 @ Lunatone @ 京京京京京京 Stone Garden Restaurant Xiaohongshu @ Walking Qiuchi.

Swimming never becomes proficient. Six pictures convince yourself that you can swim.

Figure 1 moves:

If you are under 6 months old, you can try it after reading the first one.

At this time, you have a skill called "swimming reflex". Put you on your stomach in the water, and when you are immersed in the water, you will paddle your limbs and subconsciously hold your breath, so your body will gain more buoyancy; You will stick to floating for a while, which is conducive to the rescue.

When you get older, the swimming reflex disappears, but it is an indicator of the normal development of the nervous system.

Figure 2 moves:

You will automatically hold your breath because there is a special valve in your throat at 6 months old. Now, you are sexually mature, and somehow you can’t always learn to hold your breath. When you get into the water, you will be so nervous that you will gulp water. If you just don’t mind the beauty of swimming and are in a hurry, I suggest you practice the dog-planing stroke immediately.

Hold your head high, lift your head to the position where your nose and mouth can be exposed to the water, and press the water alternately with your limbs to maintain a sense of rhythm. You can try some rhythms of stepping on some songs you like, so that people standing on the shore look ugly but at least have a good rhythm.

Figure 3 moves:

If you sincerely want to learn swimming, breaststroke! Stable posture, relaxed and lasting strength, and very high practical value.

Draw your arms to your chest and hold the water underwater, support your upper body rhythmically for rapid ventilation, and kick your legs backwards in imitation of frog posture. The details of your legs are as follows: 1. Separate to both sides. Step 2 straighten. 3. Then pinch the water inward.

Figure 4 moves:

But whether you watch sports news or idol drama, if you want to be cool and crazy, you should forget all the above three pictures. Freestyle is really worth learning. Compared with butterfly swimming, it is grandiose and ungrounded. It is low-key and luxurious, which allows you to bring your own aura and help you become a dazzling white strip in the swimming pool.

The body is prone on the water surface and streamlined. During the exercise, the head is kept stable, and the trunk rotates rhythmically around the longitudinal axis of the body for about 40 degrees, and the head is ventilated at this angle.

The action of kicking is basically to maintain the balance of the body, not the core power.

The main driving force of freestyle is in hand.

Then. . .

speed up

From these practical skills, you should have become an excellent swimmer now, and then you can show your swimming skills confidently!

$170 million in 3 years, the first in the blocked shot league! Don’t be proud, thanks to your teammate James.

The biggest attraction of the NBA off-season is player trading and contract renewal. Every year, there are many high-priced contract renewals, and this year is no exception. For example, the Timberwolves renewed Edwards in advance for five years and the Grizzlies renewed Bain in advance for five years and 207 million dollars. The purpose of this early contract renewal is obvious. In the next few years, this player will be the core of team building. Of course, some team management also has their own considerations, and only three-year contracts will be given to the core players of the team. For example, Green of Warriors, after all, is affected by age, and it is very likely that Green’s ability will be seriously degraded after three seasons. At present, there is a potential early renewal of the contract with the Lakers’ thick eyebrows. As one of the cores of the team, if the thick eyebrows complete the renewal before the start of training camp, they can get a contract with a maximum of 170 million US dollars for three years. The reason why they have not reached an intention so far, the Lakers management still has their own concerns!

The thick eyebrows of the champion’s debut can be called the genius of the insider. They can not only turn the world upside down in the restricted area, but also have dribbling and shooting like guards. The performance of the park in 2020 is a classic masterpiece of the peak thick eyebrows. In the park, Thick Eyebrow is a super efficient and comprehensive scorer, and his statistics are crazy. He averaged 27.7 points in the playoff, shooting 57% and shooting 38% from three-pointers. In the second game of the Western Conference finals, he won the first championship ring in his career, and the Lakers were finally on an equal footing with the Celtics. The boss was not stingy. But after that season, Thick Eyebrows never showed their talent in the playoffs, but they got continuous injuries and consumed James year after year. Until last season, Thick Eyebrows seemed to find themselves in the park again, averaging 25.9 points, 12.5 rebounds and 2 blocks per game, and fully demonstrated their inside power against Grizzlies and Warriors in the playoffs, and finally the Lakers returned to the stage of the Western Conference finals.

As for the Lakers’ delay in giving thick eyebrows this contract extension, there should be two concerns.First, the thick eyebrows did not prove that he had broken away from the injury.In the past three seasons, Thick Eyebrow has played 130 games in the regular season, so it is said that Thick Eyebrow has not been selected for the best defensive team and the best team in the past three years, and even has not been selected for the All-Star team in the last two seasons. You should know that Thick Eyebrow’s game performance has almost filled the data column. He is the first player in the league with steals and blocked shots in the past ten years, but it is a pity that he was excluded because of attendance. Although last season was the season with the highest attendance rate in the last three seasons, it was less than 60 games, even the same as James, who was eight years older than himself. Therefore, this is one of the Lakers’ great worries. If the heavy eyebrows can’t keep healthy and fall off the chain in the playoffs, the Lakers will have no way out.

The second worry is that James can play for a few years.How many years can James play is a hot topic in recent years, but last season’s playoff performance proved that James can play for at least another three years, but the key question is whether James can stay in the Lakers. As early as last season, James said that he would not consider retiring for the time being and would wait until Brownie entered the league to fight alongside him, no matter which team. Once James chooses to leave the Lakers at the end of next season, the Lakers will become a single-core team. It is more difficult to win the championship than to ascend to heaven. Thick eyebrows have no ability to become the boss of the team. In the seven seasons he played for Pelican, Thick Eyebrows only entered the playoffs twice, and the best result was the Western Conference semifinals, so it is naturally impossible to expect Thick Eyebrows to reshuffle themselves, not to mention that after James left, the Lakers will definitely reshuffle their cards, making it even more difficult to win the championship.

No matter what kind of worry, once it happens, it is enough for the Lakers management to drink a pot. It takes a lot of young capital to get a heavy eyebrow from the pelican trade. If you don’t pray for another Lakers dynasty, you should at least win another championship, otherwise the Lakers will lose blood. I admit that Thick Eyebrow is a player with good offensive and defensive skills in the forefront of the league, but without teammates like James, his dominance will be greatly reduced. Coupled with the impact of injuries, Thick Eyebrow’s three-pointers last season have disappeared, and his fast-break and difficult air-catching abilities have regressed with the naked eye. It is a bloody lesson that the Western Conference finals were swept by the Nuggets. Without outside threats, Jokic’s defense could not be mobilized, which brought great difficulties to teammates’ storming. Next season is a crucial season for the Lakers. The management may even take the risk of jumping out of the contract and consider renewing the contract after the end of next season. If you want to stay with the Lakers, the heavy eyebrows must come up with a better state in the new season, one is to stay healthy, and the other is to reproduce the dominance in the park, otherwise they are likely to be swept out by the Lakers!

Bouncing monster! He is only 1.98 meters tall, but he can touch the upper edge of the rebound. This talent is enviable.

CoenCarr as an 18-year-oldbasketballAthletes have shown extraordinary talent and excellent skills. He comes from Texas, USA, and is good at playing.rearguardPosition, famous for holding the ball to break through and smash the opponent. In high school, his talent was recognized, not only ranked among the top 60 high school players in the United States, but also won the championship of McDonald’s all-star dunk contest. His jumping ability and physical fitness are amazing, whether inbasketballHe can always give an amazing performance to the audience on the court or in the game.

However, it is worth mentioning that even at the beginning of his career, he showed extraordinary jumping ability. Through the physical examination of joining the team, he just touched the upper edge of the rebound with a run-up. This stunt not only attracted the attention of the team, but also became an important reason for his fame.CoenCarr’s height is only 2.01 meters, and to reach this height, you usually need to have a height of 2.11 meters, which makesCoenCarr is even more different. Previously, the only player who could do this was retired superstar Garnett, who was 2.11 meters tall. It can be said,CoenCarr, with his talent beyond age, once again aroused people’s concern for talent.Attention and exploration of miracles.

CoenCarr’sbasketballTalent did not suddenly appear, but accumulated through his hard training and hard work during high school. His high schoolbasketballI have had a wonderful career and made remarkable achievements. First of all, he performed well on the offensive end, averaging 20.9 points, 9.6 rebounds, 1.6 steals and 1.7 blocks. On the offensive side,CoenCarr has become the team’s scoring weapon with its excellent breakthrough ability and scoring means. On the defensive end, his physical fitness and flexible pace make him a multi-position blocking player, which can limit his opponent’s scoring ability. This comprehensive strength makes him favored by scouts and is also for him.Professional leagueLaid a good foundation for its development.

However, although he has shown excellent abilities during his high school years, he did not stop there. In the scout’s evaluation, he still has some places that need to be further improved, especially diversifying his offensive moves. Only on this basis, can he cause a bigger sensation when he participates in the draft and have the opportunity to become a popular candidate in the top ten. Undoubtedly,CoenCarr’s talent is visible to the naked eye and he has a certain sense on the defensive end, which makes him one of the most popular types of players in recent years. Just like the LakersReddyLike Kuminga of the Warriors, although their technical level is average, with their excellent physical fitness, they eventually became lottery shows. Of course, besides talent, self-discipline and perseverance are also the keys to success. Just like Zion, if there is no self-discipline, even the best talent will be abandoned.

on the basis ofCoenCarr’s talent and hard work, his future prospects have attracted much attention. Many teams have expressed great interest in him and have high expectations for his development. Not only that, but his talent will also become the vast number of young peoplebasketballAn example and inspiration for enthusiasts. His success tells us that talent is important, but self-discipline and persistence are equally indispensable.

CoenCarr’s jumping talent is not only praised for its visual impact, but also representsbasketballThe purity and passion of sports. As a young player who is getting better and better, he should keep right.basketballEnthusiasm of sports, using their own talent and efforts to constantly break through themselves. Whether in the improvement of personal skills or in the cultivation of teamwork, he needs to always keep the right.basketballLove and persistence. And forbasketballFor fans, his success means the birth of an example, one that makes people believe that as long as they have real talents and unremitting efforts, they can dream one after another.basketballThe road.

CoenCarr’sbasketballAlthough the tour has just begun, his unique talent has left a deep impression on the fans. He is only 1.98 meters tall, but he can easily touch the upper edge of the backboard. This bouncing talent has aroused widespread concern. Through the rightCoenBy analyzing Carr’s unique talent and achievements, we can not only see hisbasketballPotential and development space, can also get some enlightenment and thinking.

just asbasketballShowing human beingsLike the endless possibilities of potential, as individuals, we should also exert our potential in our own fields and strive to realize our goals and dreams. Whether inbasketballOn the field or on the road of life, only with self-discipline and passion can we make continuous progress in a rapidly changing environment. So we should study.CoenCarr’s attitude beyond height, not afraid of difficulties, pursuing his dreams with a positive attitude, and making unremitting efforts.

Finally, hopeCoenCarr can continue to maintain his unique talent and love, and strive to improve his technical level and becomebasketballA new superstar. At the same time, I also look forward to more likeCoenYoung players like Carr can play inbasketballSuccess on the road presents us with more amazing.basketballPerforming. No matter how tall we are, as long as we have enough efforts and talents, we can all achieve our goals.basketballdream

Real Madrid’s striker upgraded, Benzema stayed, top stars joined, and the 27-year-old striker will go to the Premier League.

Stumbling through the first half of 2023, after experiencing the glory of the double crown last season, Real Madrid fans will definitely not accept the result of this season, and just one King’s Cup champion can’t satisfy their appetite at all. Of course, you can’t expect to win several championships every year. In addition, Real Madrid’s main lineup has been maintained for many years, and now it gives people a feeling that the age is too far apart. To sum up, it is too old and few, and there are no Mesozoic players who can become the core of the giants.

Real Madrid’s management is also not satisfied with this year’s record. They realize that this lineup will not last long, especially in the front line. With Benzema’s aging, more people must be sent. At the same time, according to Spanish media reports, by 2023, the contract between Real Madrid and Benzema will expire. However, the club will not let the veteran go. He is still an important part of the team. In the management’s plan, Benzema will stay in the team for at least two years. During this period, the striker will complete the alternation between old and new.

Since the defeat of Manchester City in the Champions League semi-final, Real Madrid has realized that today’s top leagues are training very dynamic players, and gorgeous attacks are still pursued by the giants. It’s just that in the past two years, Real Madrid has been deeply branded with the shadow of defensive counterattacks, and does not pursue gorgeous ball style. However, it is unnecessary not to pursue it. In this summer’s transfer window, the focus of Real Madrid’s signing is the top striker. At present, among the five major leagues, Osman, Harland and Mbappé are the most suitable for Real Madrid’s needs.

Of these top shooters, Harland is the most famous and potential, but he still has a contract with Manchester City. Even if he wins the Champions League this year, Manchester City will do its best to keep him. Therefore, it is not the best time to win Harland. Osman, who has helped Naples win the Serie A championship, is very suitable. Even coach Spalletti has been reported to have left the team, so Osman’s departure from Naples is reasonable.

It is reported that Real Madrid has prepared a transfer fund of 120 million yuan to buy Osman, who will form a luxury striker together with vinicius and Benzema. As a result, the old striker of Real Madrid has to move his seat, and the substitute striker Mariano has to go. In addition, the 27-year-old Spanish striker asensio can’t stay. He is mainly a substitute this season, and his performance is remarkable. Once he is put on the shelf, there will be a lot of teams vying for it, and Newcastle, a new Premier League giant, may win asensio.

Oladipo fell down again because of injury. What is the geometry of the wound on the former "Panther"?

Today, the Heat beat the Bucks again, and the total score of the series was 2-1. It was originally a great happy event, but it was not so happy to put it on the Heat’s head. The reason is that Oladipo was injured again, and the injury worried them. A simple layup in the fourth quarter, but Oladipo sat on the floor and couldn’t move. When he was carried off the field by his teammates, the Heat bowed their heads and prayed for him. The injury has knocked Oladipo down, and he is no longer brave.

Oladipo slipped during the layup and hurt his left knee. It’s really a bad year for the Heat. After two victories, two generals were injured, and the G1 victory was directly reimbursed by Hiro due to injury season. There is also no letter brother in the other team for two consecutive games, but he can still come back. After the injury, Oladipo retained his last stubbornness. He waved the stretcher away and limped off the field with the help of his teammates.

Heat coach Spoelstra said after the game: "We still don’t know his specific situation. We will have a specific examination tomorrow. I feel the same with everyone. This is a great victory, especially when you see a player fall like this, especially a player who has experienced a lot like Oladipo. I don’t know the specific situation now. " Adebayor released a piece of good news: "We haven’t got the latest information about Oladipo, but I think he will be fine because he can still walk."

Oladipo once brought beautiful enjoyment to the fans. In his early years in Magic and Thunder, his performance was very good. In the second season, he had already secured his starting position, but people were waiting for his carp yue longmen’s jump. Joining the Pacers in the 2017-18 season, he finally ushered in a leap season, averaging 23.1 points, 5.2 rebounds, 4.3 assists and 2.4 steals in the league. He was selected as the All-Star, the best team and the best defensive team for the first time and was elected as the player with the fastest progress.

In the 2018-19 season, he almost copied everything from last season, except for injuries. He has rested for 11 games at the beginning of the season, but the watershed of his career still appeared on January 24 at home against the Raptors. In this game, he accidentally tore the tendon of his right knee during a defense. The team doctor immediately covered his knee with a towel, and the Pacers later announced that Oladipo would be reimbursed for the injury season.

A rising star of the League in Ran Ran has been interacting with his sickbed all the year round. After a long period of recovery, Oladipo spent the second half of the season, the playoffs, the offseason and the initial stage of the new season, and only announced his comeback at the end of January 2020, and soon participated in the playoffs with the team.

Over time, Oladipo became interested in the South Coast Heat, which was reflected in the playoffs of the previous season. He will talk to Butler, Adebayor and others in the game. So, the Pacers took part in the Harden trade and sent Oladipo to the Rockets. The Rockets didn’t force anyone to stay, and sent Oladipo, who played for the team for 20 games, to the Heat.

But the fresh energy of coming to the Heat hasn’t passed yet, and Oladipo has to give in to injuries. The day before, he was injured in the game against the Lakers. The next day, the bad news came. Oladipo underwent quadriceps tendon repair surgery and was reimbursed for the season. This is the second season reimbursement of Oladipo’s career.

This time, Oladipo took a longer rest, and it didn’t arrive until March of the following year. Oladipo, who played eight games without stopping in the regular season, became a new force on the bench after the playoffs. After three games at the beginning of the playoffs, Oladipo didn’t fall down from the first round G4, and he met the Celtics all the way to Dongjue healthily, which is rare for him to linger on his deathbed all the year round.

In the 24 games before this season, Oladipo took a leave of absence, and it was not until December 2022 that he went into battle again. I didn’t expect to be hit by an injury today. Since the 2018-19 season, Oladipo’s attendance rate is only 35.3%, which is relatively low.

Low attendance sometimes makes players have a wrong self-perception. Oladipo’s current contract is 8.75 million yuan, and 9.45 million yuan in the last year needs him to implement the player option to get it. So far, he has no reason not to fulfill it. In his early years, when his four-year contract of $84 million expired, the Pacers offered him four years of 80 million and four years of 130 million, both of which were rejected by him. Later, the Rockets also offered him a two-year contract extension of $45 million, which of course was rejected by him. Today, I wonder if he will regret signing a basic salary with the Heat for one year.

In the NBA, there are many stars who linger on the sickbed prematurely because of injuries and have lost their prestige in the past. Oladipo will not be the last one. In his early years, he fell at the peak of his career, which was linked with endless rehabilitation, slowly melting away the last glimmer of glory and the last trace of disobedience. Unfortunately, Oladipo’s peak years had already ended in a hurry, leaving a lonely figure for later generations to comment on.

17 AI tool websites that can work efficiently and make money online.

Since 2020, the field of content development has felt the existence of artificial intelligence tools.

1.Jasper AI


Among the available AI copywriting tools, Jasper is one of the economical and efficient choices for those who seek to make money through content generation.

This tool is proficient in both short format and long format content.

Jasper has a series of functions, including commands to generate content quickly without switching to templates, an efficient long-form editor for creating articles, and a content workflow that contains wizards to help create various types of content, such as blog articles, sales copywriting and rewriting.

Jasper Chat is a special function of the platform, which provides an alternative to Google search and enables AI to generate content using the latest information available.

In addition, Jasper Art (more details below) is an impressive function for generating AI images.

One limitation of Jasper is that it needs manual editing to optimize the content to attract readers and surpass AI detection tools.

Overall, Jasper and Content at Scale are still one of the most useful AI copywriting tools.

2. Jasper AI Art Generator


Use Jasper Art Generator to unleash your inner artist and create amazing visual art works.

But this tool costs $20 a month, so you can use this artificial intelligence software to generate unlimited high-quality images, including abstract art, landscapes and portraits.

This tool is based on the Dall-E-2 model of OpenAI. It uses any input data to create a unique and eye-catching visual effect, which you can use for decoration, marketing and even sales.

Jasper Art has an intuitive user interface and is easy to use even for non-artists.

Through a series of customization options, you can choose your favorite artistic style, media, lighting, etc.

In addition, you can adjust the modifiers to achieve the desired effect. The key to unleashing Jasper Art’s full potential is to write effective AI tips.

3. Frase AI


Frase AI is a revolutionary tool, which may be the missing link in making money in the content world. It is an ideal choice for bloggers and content marketers, and its functions can promote your page optimization to a new level.

Its most impressive function is to optimize the content you generate and draw inspiration from popular search results.

With the introduction and outline generator inspired by SERP, SEO and content planning tools and content optimization tools, Frase AI is the perfect ally for your online success.

And it doesn’t stop there! You will also be equipped with other writing tools that you expect from any AI content generator.

It has a function of free use for 7 days, and after that, you need to pay for it.

4. Writesonic


Writesonic is an important competitor of Jasper AI in generating content. This tool provides a series of functions, which can generate short format and long format content.

Chatsonic is a prominent function of the platform, similar to Jasper Chat, which is connected to the Internet but has more powerful AI functions.

Writesonic’s Premium Writer 4.0 can generate more than 1,500 complete articles with one click, and has more customization options, such as tone, opinions, keywords and an outline of up to 20 items.

If you are looking for a useful and reliable content generation tool, Writesonic may be your best choice.

5. AISEO writer


AISEO is a cost-effective option and can be used as a substitute for Frase.

However, it needs to be charged. AISEO starts at $15 per month and is charged annually.

However, its functions are also very good, including:

Blog generation tool

Readability AI improver

Search engine optimization file

SERP analysis

You can interpret up to 50K characters with one click.

Powerful AI rewriting tool

Chrome plug-ins that generate content

At present, AISEO offers lifetime discounts, starting at $67 for 7 SEO documents, $147 for 15 SEO documents and $397 for unlimited documents per month.

Personally, I think the charge is a bit expensive.

6. ChatGPT


ChatGPT can be regarded as the hottest AI tool at present.

It is supported by the GPT-3 and GPT-3.5 models of OpenAI, and can generate content in any format, including executable code.

What makes ChatGPT stand out is its unique chat query ability, which can remember the previous conversations in the thread, create code lines using the integrated Codex model, and generate high-quality texts that are almost the same as those written by humans.

ChatGPT’s advanced context and dialogue processing function make it a very valuable tool for chat bots and other dialogue systems.

But it is not limited to this, it can also perform a series of natural language processing tasks, such as language translation, text summarization and question and answer.

With ChatGPT, you can easily generate high-quality text for any purpose.

Say goodbye to tedious content creation and let ChatGPT do the heavy work for you.

At present, ChatGPT has also launched a paid version, which costs 20 dollars a month. But I haven’t used it. I don’t know how it is. I feel that the charge is a bit high. If I change it into RMB, it will be more than 100 yuan a month.

Of course, it can’t be used in China at present.

7. Pictory AI


If you are looking for a reliable tool to make brand short films or viral videos to help develop your brand and increase your influence? Please come and see Pictory AI.

This tool has a powerful editor that allows you to modify the video by editing the script.

For example, you can delete unnecessary words or phrases to improve video quality.

Pictory AI is a web application that automatically extracts key points from the recordings of platforms such as Zoom, Webinars and Microsoft Teams without downloading.

This tool can also turn scripts into highly converted sales videos, blog posts into YouTube videos, add subtitles to your videos to improve accessibility, and create subtitled videos for social media.

In addition, Pictory AI provides the following functions:

Script to video generator

Blog to video generator

Ability to edit videos with text.

Create video highlights

Automatically summarize long videos

Video transcription

Insert volume b

You can try Pictory AI for free and experience the advantages of this powerful video generation tool for yourself.

8. Synthesia


Synthesia is a well-known pioneer in AI video generation. The platform provides an intuitive interface, which can simplify anyone’s video creation.

Synthesia’s AI avatar explains your video with almost human voice, and with more than 65 AI actors and more than 60 supported languages to choose from, you can undoubtedly find a voice that matches your brand.

The AI avatar is very realistic, and Anna is the most commonly used avatar by companies such as Copymatic AI and Writecream to make commentary videos.

Synthesia has a series of functions, including multi-language support, video copying and the ability to merge videos created by Synthesia without a separate video editor.

In addition, you can customize the sound, and even replace the synthesized sound with a real voice.

The platform also allows you to use your own voice and customize your avatar, and extend the functions of Synthesia beyond the platform through API access.

However, for a fee of $30 per month, you can use this tool for personal planning, and you can create up to 10 videos.

9. Rephrase AI


If you are looking for a tool to help you turn a script into a complete commentary video, you may want to see this powerful video creation tool.

Similar to Synthesia, it allows you to upload scripts, select your AI narrator and corresponding voice, and then generate commentary videos with just a few clicks.

With a series of customizable functions, this tool can help you create fascinating and personalized videos that really attract the attention of the audience.

With its custom actors, CTA tags, ultra-realistic presenters and personalized functions, you can use merge tags to let AI spell the names of your contacts to increase your influence.

In addition, the tool also provides a video editing studio, which enables you to truly transform your content and take your video to a new level.

10. Photosonic


Photosonic is an excellent AI art tool, similar to Jasper Art Generator.

Developed by Writesonic, it uses the language model of OpenAI to easily generate unique digital art and amazing visual effects.

You can easily create beautiful and high-quality images with Photosonic.

All you have to do is provide basic information about the type of image you want to create, and then let Photosonic do the rest.

From abstract design to intricate landscapes, Photosonic can generate a wide range of digital works of art..

Its features include a built-in photo intensifier that allows you to download a high-definition version of the generated image.


Midjourney is a recently launched AI art generator, which has quickly become popular among art lovers.

Using natural language processing, Midjourney can transform text-based tips into amazing surreal and realistic images. With its intuitive user interface and flexible image change options, the tool is very suitable for those who like to try creativity.

To use Midjourney, you need to have a Discord account and request access to the beta version of the tool.

After gaining access, navigate to the Midjourney channel and enter one of the newcomers’ rooms to start generating images.

Just use the /imagine command to enter the prompt you want, and then let Midjourney create a unique personalized image for you.

To enhance your experience, please use the /help command to get tips on how to better use the platform, and various available commands that can give you better control over the generated images.

With its powerful image enlargement function, Midjourney’s images are ready for commercial applications, such as printing products on demand.

12. WordAi

If you need to rewrite your content, then you may need to consider WordAI, a powerful artificial intelligence tool that supports rewriting.

It can help you enrich your content by handling the same message from different angles, splitting sentences and paragraphs, and improving the quality and clarity of your writing.

WordAI differs from other rewriting tools in that it does not just replace words with synonyms.

It understands the meaning of the sentence, and then rewrites the concept from the beginning to ensure the readability remains unchanged.

This tool can generate up to 1,000 unique variants for a piece of content, and save you time by allowing you to upload all the content at once through its batch rewriting function.

In addition, it integrates with Article Forge and provides API access, allowing you to integrate it seamlessly with your workflow.

13. QuillBot


QuillBot is a very popular rewriting tool.

It has five different modes: Standard, Fluency, Formal, Simple and Creative, and each mode can generate up to five rewriting content variants.

In addition to rewriting, QuillBot also provides an AI content digester, a co-author tool, grammar and plagiarism detection tools, and you can also generate quotations directly.

The best part is that you can access all these functions by subscribing to QuillBot Pro, which costs $10 per month, and the cost is lower if you choose the annual subscription.

14.Copymatic Rewriter


With Copymatic, you can access a complex AI content generator and a powerful rewriting wizard with advanced AI technology.

This AI rewriter allows you to customize your creative level or tone to generate content that accurately reflects your brand image.

Not only that, the re-produced content has been carefully optimized to achieve maximum participation and ensure that your information resonates with the target audience.

With our innovative tools, you can even rewrite the content in the URL, thus simplifying the process of creating fascinating and fresh content for your website or blog.

In addition, our AI rewriter can easily handle long content and ensure that your work is rewritten in a way that improves clarity and influence.

15. Semrush


Want to improve your online image? Just look at Semrush, which is a powerful keyword research tool with value for money.

With a powerful suite of more than 55 tools, Semrush has everything you need to do content marketing, stand out from the competition and conquer the SEO, PPC and social media worlds.

Among its many functions, Semrush can help you mine low-competitive keywords to locate and track your daily SERP location, and conduct technical SEO audit, which makes your competitors far behind.

In addition, with real-time indicators at your fingertips, you can improve existing content and find hidden keyword and topic gaps, thus making your strategy by going up one flight of stairs.

16. SERanking (more affordable keyword research software)


If you don’t want to pay $119.95 a month for SEO services, then I think you will want to try SERanking.

The platform provides all the basic functions needed for successful search engine optimization, including efficient keyword research.

It is similar to Semrush, but it has a simpler interface and is user-friendly even for leisure bloggers like us.

However, it currently starts at $23 a month.

Here are some outstanding features that you can enjoy with SERanking:

Highly accurate search indicators for all target keywords

Comprehensive website audit, providing useful and operable suggestions.

In-depth reverse link inspection and monitoring

Be able to monitor changes on any website you are interested in.

Comprehensive page optimization tools to help improve your SEO work.

Intelligent analysis and automatic publishing tools to optimize your social media channels.

Advanced keyword grouping tool

A variety of SEO reporting tools

Of course, it has a free trial, so you can try it yourself.

17. Stock Photos Upscaler


After using AI art tools to generate images, it should be noted that the quality and resolution of the images are not high.

In order to make them suitable for commercial use, for example, in on-demand printing products, you need to enhance them by upgrading.

Upscaler is a powerful tool to enlarge images and ensure that they meet the required standards. Using Upscaler to improve the quality of AI-generated images.