The turnover is nearly 650 million! The game ETF(159869) continued to strengthen in the afternoon and rose by nearly 4.5%.

On the afternoon of March 13th, A-share online game stocks continued to rise, and the game ETF(159869) rose strongly by nearly 4.5%, and intraday trading continued to be active, with a turnover of nearly 650 million! Holding stocks rose across the board, with Palm Technology leading the gains by more than 12%, while century huatong and Giant Network all rose by more than 4%.

According to the Game Industry Report of China in 2023, the actual sales revenue of domestic game market exceeded 300 billion yuan for the first time in 2023, and the number of users reached 668 million, a new high, of which the actual sales revenue of mobile games was 226.86 billion yuan, up 17.51% year-on-year.

The Report on the Development Prospect of AIGC in China Game Industry shows that over 60% of the TOP50 game companies in China have clearly laid out the field of AIGC and made substantial moves. Many enterprises have put AIGC into the whole process application level of game industry, such as game research and development, marketing and operation. Listed tour companies such as Palm Technology, Giant Network and Perfect World have also expressed their views on AI and their layout in AIGC.

Guosen Securities said that in the short term, driven by new products and categories (small program games, etc.), the overall demand of the game industry is expected to continue to rise; In the long run, the introduction of new technologies such as AIGC, VR/AR/XR is expected to bring about the possibility of content and business model reconstruction while reducing costs and increasing efficiency and innovating interaction methods.

2024 new york Auto Show: Karma Kaveya debuted.

  [New Car Launch in car home] On March 27th, local time in the United States, the new york Auto Show was officially opened, in which Karma Kaveya made its debut, positioning itself as a super coupe, with outstanding face value and performance. The new car will be launched in two power versions, with the maximum power of 543 HP and 1196 HP respectively, which will have the acceleration ability of "breaking 100" in 3 seconds, and will also have a cruising range of 250 miles (about 402 kilometers).

Home of the car

Home of the car

Home of the car

  It can be seen that the new car is built in a quite sci-fi design language. The hidden headlight design is very rare nowadays. It has a good sense of integrity when hidden, and it is also very sharp after opening. Of course, the most eye-catching thing is undoubtedly the scissors door it is equipped with. In addition, the overall design lines of the new car are also very radical and aggressive.

Home of the car

Home of the car

Home of the car

  In order to optimize the dynamic performance, the new car has adopted many aerodynamic designs, and the smooth roof line is expected to optimize the drag coefficient of the vehicle. In the rear part, the new car is equipped with a long and narrow light strip, and the tail is distinct, which also has strong sci-fi attributes.

Home of the car

  In terms of power, the new car will launch two-motor and three-motor versions to choose from, among which the three-motor version will have the acceleration ability of breaking 100 in 3 seconds. At the same time, the new car will be equipped with a 120 kWh battery pack with a maximum cruising range of 250 miles (about 402 kilometers). In terms of charging, in the high-voltage fast charging mode, the new car can charge the power from 10% to 80% within 45 minutes. (Compile/car home Guo Chen)

Is your mobile phone number a pretty number? There are too many tricks in it! There are corporate violations.

  BEIJING, Oct. 15 (Reporter Wu Tao) Recently, it was reported that some users’ mobile phone numbers were "nicknamed" overnight, and they needed to pay extra minimum charges in 39 yuan, just because the last number was "8".

  There is such an operation? What number is a "good name" and what is the current market situation of "good name"? The reporter conducted an investigation into this.

  Operator’s latest response to "being nicknamed"

  Recently, some media reported that Lan Xiaoyue, a user of Guangdong Telecom, used the number for several years and was suddenly "nicknamed".

  "The staff told me that my number ends with 8 and belongs to ‘ The nickname ’ In addition to paying the monthly primary and secondary card package fee of 199 yuan, the secondary card also needs to pay the minimum consumption in 39 yuan. " Lan Xiaoyue said.

  As of press time, the reporter of has not received a response from China Telecom.

  In Zhejiang, similar things were reported by the media. Wang Nan, a local mobile user, found that although his "nickname" contract expired in three years, the minimum consumption limit would not end until 2099.

  However, China Mobile told the reporter of that after investigation, none of Zhejiang Mobile’s "nickname" users was called "Wang Nan". "The reporter in the above article can’t provide the customer’s mobile phone number, so it can’t be further verified."

  The threshold of "nickname" is low, and what is a "nickname" business has the final say.

  With an "8" at the end, is it a "pretty name"? This reflects a feature of the "beautiful name" market, that is, the threshold of the "beautiful name" market is very low, and it is up to the merchants to decide which numbers are "beautiful names".

  According to the survey, in addition to the well-known numbers with "888" and "666", some businesses, such as "199****2772", are regarded as "pretty numbers", according to their explanation, because they conform to the rules of the suffix "ABBA".

  The suffix "178" means "hair together", the suffix "168" means "hair all the way", and the suffix "1349" is a geomantic number, all of which belong to "beautiful names".

  In short, all kinds of numbers have become interesting in the mouth of merchants, "showing identity, full face and appreciation at guaranteed price" are all sales words of merchants.

  However, some users said in an interview with, "If it weren’t for the explanation of the merchants, I couldn’t see some numbers ‘ Liang ’ Where is it? "

  Almost all the "pretty names" have set a low monthly minimum consumption. Image source: A screenshot of an operator in official website

  Want a "pretty name", the price is not small, and you have to spend a lot every month.

  It doesn’t matter if you can’t see it, it doesn’t affect the popularity of the "beautiful name" market. On the official website of the operator, there are basically no numbers with the tail number format of "AAA" (that is, the tail number is three identical numbers); Don’t even think about the suffix "1314".

  Moreover, it is not easy to get a "beautiful name", and it is even harder to raise it. Because almost all "beautiful names" have pre-stored phone bills and minimum monthly consumption restrictions.

  For example, the number "199****3030", even if it is not "beautiful", should be pre-stored in 400 yuan, and the minimum monthly package consumption should be 99 yuan.

  "It’s not expensive, so the ending number is ‘ AAA’ Yes, the minimum monthly package is 199 yuan. " Some merchants told the reporter of Zhongxin. com.

  The minimum consumption of such packages basically exceeds the per capita monthly consumption quota announced by operators. Taking China Mobile as an example, its financial report shows that the monthly household income (ARPU) in 2017 was 57.7 yuan.

  What’s more, if you want a "beautiful number", you not only need to pre-store the phone bill and set the minimum consumption, but also need a "number purchase fee" or a "number selection fee".

  Different from the basic operators, many communication businesses openly sell "nicknames", and they don’t clearly mark the price, so they have to talk privately one-on-one.

  Recently, the staff of a communication store on Tmall revealed to the reporter of Zhongxin. com that the price of the card number ending with "AAA" is basically more than 1,000 yuan.

  Take "177 * * * * 555, China Telecom number and Beijing as an example, the external selling price is 1218 yuan, of which 720 yuan is the prepaid phone bill, which means that the remaining 498 yuan is the" number purchase fee ",and the minimum monthly consumption of this number is 199 yuan.

  It is illegal for telecom operators to sell "beautiful names"

  The Measures for the Management of Telecommunication Network Code Number Resources issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology stipulates that after obtaining the right to use the code number, the telecommunication business operator shall not charge the user the selection fee or occupation fee. If there is any violation, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology may give a warning according to the seriousness of the case and impose a fine of more than 5,000 yuan and less than 30,000 yuan.

  The above measures also stipulate that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology can take back the allocated code number resources if it transfers or leases the code number resources or registers the code number as a trademark.

  Why did this happen?

  Some operators who did not want to be named told the reporter of Zhongxin. com that at present, it is difficult for consumers to obtain "nicknames" through normal channels and they need to go to the agency market to buy them at a high price; On the other hand, criminals will also hoard numbers and speculate at high prices, resulting in a waste of number resources.

  "The communication industry does not specify what is ‘ The nickname ’ But some popular or memorable numbers have market value in themselves. "

  "Operators will not charge users ‘ Selection fee ’ , will be different levels ‘ The nickname ’ Corresponding to different tariff packages for customers to choose from, it is also to make high-quality resources really put on the market to avoid being hoarded and profited by a few people. " The above person said.

  Fu Liang, an independent analyst in the communications industry, said that operators’ numbers are all applied for by number segments, including "pretty numbers", ordinary numbers and even "difference numbers", but all of them require operators to pay.

  "Therefore, when reselling the right to use, operators will be interested in ‘ The nickname ’ Make provisions such as prepaid phone bills and monthly minimum consumption restrictions to achieve a balanced income and expenditure. " (End)

Love is just: the best love never needs to be defined.

Original title: "Love is just", the best love is never defined.

"The biggest advantage of this drama is that it restores the original appearance of love." Spring blossoms, an urban love drama deus ex, won the praise of the audience. The play tells the story of the mutual understanding and love between Song Sanchuan, a badminton tennis player, and Liang Youan, the president’s special assistant professional manager. In the play, they are sincere and enthusiastic, not afraid of love and dare not to love. They are the long-lost "sunshine" in each other’s lives, and they have seen a positive and beautiful love and restored the living conditions of contemporary urban youth.

Compared with other urban love dramas, "Love Is Just" swept away the stereotype of the audience on urban love dramas in the past. On the contrary, it was a "firework spirit" that was closer to life and paid more attention to the characters themselves. Liang Youan, the heroine, appeared as a "32-year-old single woman for five years" in the workplace, but such working and living conditions often troubled this gold medal employee. In the application for adopting a puppy, Liang Youan revealed that "I am eager to go home every day and someone will feel the sense of healing", and the encounter between the hero and heroine is actually the "sunshine" to illuminate each other’s lives, and it is a panacea to untie the "heart knot" and open the "bottleneck". I still remember at the launching ceremony of Love, the head of the team said, "I hope many women can get rid of the autism of intimate relationship, brave enough to love." From the experience of watching the drama, the slow plot rhythm is the way for the screenwriter to show the delicate feelings of the characters in the drama, and it also has a certain healing effect.

It is not difficult to find that Song Sanchuan and Liang Youan have similar life experiences and circumstances, which is also an important factor in their final "chemical reaction". In the plot structure, the screenwriter interweaves the emotional views of people aged "20+" and "30+", which makes the audience full of imagination for the plot. However, across age and occupation, they all show a new atmosphere of young people who dare to challenge themselves and constantly overcome difficulties and meet challenges in pursuit of life value, which also resonates with many people in the workplace and young people.

There are too many forms of love, and the best love is a positive force generated by "resonance at the same frequency" in Love. While welcoming sweet love, they are also faced with conflicts of ideas and experiences. They surpass themselves again and again in coping with challenges, strengthen mutual trust, and finally gain career growth and beautiful love. Such a view of love can be used for reference among young people, just as psychologist Li Songwei said, "Intimate relationship is a healthy relationship first, and love is not necessary." Indeed, love must be tacit, just like meeting by chance. When deciding to give confidence to each other, age, identity and occupation become unimportant.

Liang Youan’s unique temperament is precisely the undoubted energy of working women in the new era, and we can’t help but feel sorry for Liang Youan’s family misfortune, unfair treatment in the workplace and emotional experience. At the same time, her ability to deal with trivial matters in life and her rare sobriety in the face of complex situations deserve our admiration.

"Love is just" is not just love. The connotation of the plot extends to every corner of the workplace, love and life faced by young people. It is precisely from its character quality and core that we can truly understand "Love is just".

In the plot, there is almost no greasy inherent image of brother-sister love, and whether the dreamy combination of Liang Youan and Song Sanchuan can really land in real life is worth discussing by the audience and netizens.

As an exploration of the narrative structure and plot grasp of the emotional urban drama of brother and sister, "Love Just" has also caused some disputes on the idealization of the plot, the actor’s sense of CP, acting skills and other issues, but it is undeniable that its concept of love and outlook on life is a kind of spiritual communication under mutual equality, and it constantly challenges the limits to become a better self, and it is a sincere work with a good impression and experience for young people at the crossroads of love. (Author: Han Xin)

Can’t understand the baseball game? Two minutes to help you understand how to appreciate a baseball game.

People’s Network-Sports Channel Original Draft

Quick interpretation

Baseball is a team sport with at least 9 players. Baseball players are divided into offensive and defensive sides and play in a diamond-shaped baseball field. In the game, the two teams attack alternately, and when the attacking player successfully runs back to home plate, he can get 1 point. The winning team is the cumulative leader of scores in 9 games. If there is a tie, continue the game until the outcome is decided.

Understand the baseball game in two minutes

(a) the venue

The whole playing field is divided into infield and outfield. There are four bases in the infield, which are arranged counterclockwise from the lowest home plate as first base, second base and third base respectively.

In one and a half innings, nine defenders played, namely, ① pitcher, ② catcher, ③ first baseman, ④ second baseman, ⑤ third baseman, ⑤ shortstop, ⑦ left fielder, ⑧ center fielder and ⑨ right fielder.

(2) Technical terms

Touching: The batter puts the bat horizontally, not asking to hit the ball far, but asking for a ground ball, which is generally used as a tactic to push base runner on base.

Stealing bases: base runner doesn’t have to wait for the batter to hit the ball before running. As long as the pitcher throws the ball, base runner can run to the next base bag, which is called stealing bases.

Hit: The batter hit the ball where the defender couldn’t catch it normally and ran to first base successfully.

Home Run: Simply put, the batter hit the baseball off the court and no one could get it back, so he had to let the attacking opponent run the base at will. According to different scores, it can be divided into Yangchun home run, two/three home run and slam home run.

Home Run: A hit in baseball in which the batter can step on all the bases in the order of first base, second base, third base and home plate around the infield.

Batting rate: an important index to evaluate the batter’s performance. It is calculated by dividing the number of hits by the number of hits. Generally speaking, a professional baseball player is considered a competent hitter if his batting average is above 0.280, an excellent hitter if his batting average is above 0.300, and a great hitter if his batting average is above 0.400.

Finished pitching: The pitcher didn’t pitch for another pitcher in the game from the first inning to the end of the game. No matter whether the final result of the game is victory or defeat, or whether there are scores, it is called finished pitching.

Touch ball: in baseball, the batter’s body or clothing is hit by the ball thrown by the pitcher. According to the baseball rules, the batter who gets the touch ball should be walked to first base, and the moment the ball touches the batter, it becomes a stop ball, and the runner on the base can’t steal the base at will.

Strike zone: the three-dimensional space between the upper edge of the knee and the armpit of the batter’s natural standing position above the home plate. This area is called "strike zone".

Score: The offensive behavior that the attacking team members run to the base after hitting the ball and touch the first, second and third bases in turn, and finally touch the home plate safely is called "score".

Out: An attacking team member who is deprived of the right to hit the ball, run the base or score is called out.

(3) Core rules

During the game, the two teams take turns to attack and defend: when the attacking player successfully runs back to home plate, he can score 1 point. In the 9 th game, the team with the highest score wins. At the end of the 9 th game, the two sides will enter the extended game until the winner is separated. As for the order of attack and defense, it is generally decided by drawing lots or according to the home and away games.

(4) Arrangement of players

The two teams each have nine players. But at the beginning of each half game, only the batter plays alone. The other eight teammates are waiting outside.

The batter flew the ball, started from home plate, captured first base, and became base runner. Next, the second batter goes up, and if he also makes it to base, then the third batter goes up. ……

Because there are only four bases in total, there are only four players on the court at most. The nine players on the defensive side all played together from the beginning.

(5) Basic technology

The basic skills of baseball consist of catching, passing, hitting and running.

Catch the ball: catch the ball with both hands in place and keep your eyes on the incoming ball. When catching the ball, both hands should have backward buffering action to avoid collision and rebound.

Pass: Hold the ball with your index finger, middle finger and thumb. Passing the ball is the same as pitching, the front foot should point to the target, pay attention to the wrist swing when passing, and finish the forward and follow-up actions after throwing the ball. There are three passing postures, namely, shoulder pass, shoulder pass, under-shoulder pass or low hand pass.

Hit the ball: there are two methods: swing with a stick and touch with a stick. The batter holds the stick in both hands, and adopts the corresponding hitting method according to the pitching action and the route of the ball coming from the pitcher, and strives to hit the ball to the distance or gap that the defender can’t reach.

Base running: After the batter hits the ball, he immediately gets on the base and grabs the base position at the moment when the defender doesn’t receive the ball.

Some people don’t have a correct understanding of baseball games, and some people think that the rules of baseball are complicated and not easy to understand. In fact, the rules of baseball are indeed complicated compared with the popular football, basketball, table tennis and other projects, but they are by no means difficult to understand. As long as you understand the basic rules, you will find baseball very interesting, nervous and interesting. In fact, it is precisely because of its complicated rules that the competition presents a tense and interesting situation. In this sense, baseball has its unique advantages.

Is the village superior to Russia superior? Guizhou Football United played against Dzenit on November 17th.

According to "Colorful Guizhou Network", "China Daily" and other media, Guizhou will form a Guizhou Football League to play a game with Russia and Dzenit. Tickets for the competition can be collected free of charge, and the audience is controlled at around 30,000 people.

This series of football activities includes Guizhou Football United Trial, International Football Carnival, Tianhetan Football Night and so on. In terms of football competition, Guizhou Football United will select the best professional players in Guizhou through trials to form Guizhou Football United, which will compete with UEFA Cup and Super Cup champion and Russian Dzenit Football Club in Guiyang Olympic Sports Center on November 17th.

The football carnival will be held on the evening of November 16th, and international trade fairs, roadside music festivals and interactive sports activities will be held outside the stadium. Citizens and friends will enjoy players competing on the same stage, Guizhou minority songs and dances, drone performances and fireworks shows; You can also taste Chinese and Russian specialties, products and experience sports parent-child interaction projects.

It is reported that this activity aims to strengthen cultural exchanges among BRICS countries, further enhance the external visibility and influence of colorful Guizhou and Shuang Shuang Guiyang, promote exchanges and cooperation between the two countries in sports, culture, economy and other fields, and enhance the friendship between the Chinese and Russian peoples.

Mutalifu: China Football Association is unique in wanting to return to China as soon as possible to play in the league, abandon the league and engage in zipper training.

According to Beiqing Sports, on May 16th, the AFC announced the list of 11 host countries of the 6th U23 Asian Cup qualifier in 2024 and the first stage Asian group match of the men’s soccer qualifier for the 2024 Paris Olympic Games through official channels. China Football Association. This means that the China national team of the 2001 Olympic Games will compete in this stage at home in September this year, and the Barracuda Bay Stadium, the home of Dalian people, will become the home of the China national team. Home plate. Olympic team.

In order to prepare for the above competition, under the arrangement of China Football Association, the Olympic team, led by head coach Zheng Yaodong, conducted a three-month overseas training in Belgium and Croatia. According to the plan, the Olympic Games will be held in Europe for half a year. According to the blogger Lester Fox’s previous news, the domestic Olympic Games held 17 warm-up matches in Europe, with 4 wins, 1 draw and 12 losses, most of which were amateur or professional teams.

On the afternoon of May 16th to 17th, local time, the Olympic team played against the first team of HNK League for two consecutive games. First, they lost 0-4 to the third place of the first team of HNK League, HNK Shibalia. This was their biggest defeat since training, but the next day, NK Bird, who ranked ninth with a 4-1 winning streak, and He Xiaoke, who stayed in Croatia, scored two goals in a row. Croatia’s first division is the second division of Croatia, which is higher than China’s first division.

On May 18th, Mutalihu, the main force of Xinjiang Youth National Team, who was selected for the Olympic National Team, updated his SNS, expressing his expectation for the game at Fenghuangshan Football Stadium, home of Rongcheng. As a potential frontcourt player, Mu Tareef entered the rotation team of Chengdu Rongcheng in the Super League last season. However, he moved overseas for the Olympic Games, so he will experience home games this season and has not played for the team so far. Regarding the atmosphere of the Phoenix Mountain Devil, he wrote on social media:

"Many of my fans and friends have been asking me when I can finish my training in Europe and return to my country to participate in the competition. "I’m worried. Every day in Europe, I am growing up slowly. I want to take a step forward. I’ve seen the video of Chengdu Rong’s home court this season countless times. It’s really like a dream, isn’t it? “

Chengdu Rongcheng’s performance in the Super League this season is quite eye-catching, with Lomulo and Daniel F. Akerson’s frontcourt duo firing fully. We know Muta Rif is looking forward to returning to China to work together. Judging from the current members of Mu Tareef’s Olympic squad, young players such as Tao Changrong, Abdulamu and Hu Hetao have become important forces in the club’s squad and made the team stronger in just a few league matches.

Every game, the China Football Association will do something stupid. In order to influence the 2002 and 2006 World Cups, the China Football Association announced the cancellation of the relegation system in 2002 and 2005, and in 2001, Zheng Yaodong led the national youth team to participate in the second division. As a result, the chicken wings were scattered all over the floor.

With the professional league in China in full swing, the China Football Association will send the most promising generation of Olympic players abroad for half a year’s training. When they return home, the first stage of the Super League will also be over. These players will miss training opportunities in real leagues.