A large number of tickets for the concert cannot be purchased? Wang Junkai’s fan group issued a document asking the organizer to provide an explanation

On July 25th, TFBOYS sixth anniversary concert tickets went on sale. Many fans who bought tickets said that after entering the Damai APP ticket purchase page on time at the opening time, there were a large number of tickets that could not be purchased, including senior members of the TFBOYS combination official website (fans who recharged 298 yuan membership fee) who had previously claimed to have the right of first refusal. And then scalpers openly sold high-priced tickets on other platforms, so some fans suspected that the platform had locked up a large number of tickets in advance, which caused heated discussions. On the afternoon of the 25th, Wang Junkai’s fan club "Wang Junkai Weibo" issued a statement, hoping that the concert organizer would provide an explanation.

The full text is as followsWhat is it?

Hello, relevant departments and leaders.

On August 10, 2019, the TFBOYS group will hold its sixth anniversary concert in Shenzhen. At 10:00 on July 25, the concert tickets will be sold exclusively on the Barley Network, claiming that 25,000 tickets will be open for senior members of the TFBOYS group official website (fans who recharge the membership fee of 298 yuan) to buy first.

However, ticket-buying fans found that after entering the Damai APP ticket purchase page on time at 10 o’clock, a large number of tickets could not be purchased, and there was a large number of tickets locked in advance! As a result, a large number of fans who have recharged premium members and obtained ticket-buying privilege accounts did not buy tickets.

At the same time, the major scalper organizations on the Internet began to sell tickets at an amount [several times higher than the original ticket price], and the maximum ticket price has exceeded 10,000 yuan! There are even scalpers claiming that the organizers directly provide consecutive tickets!

The exclusive channel of Damai.com has no tickets, but all kinds of scalpers are openly selling high-priced tickets, which makes fans puzzled and unacceptable, and the rights and interests of senior members to buy tickets are seriously damaged! Why is there a large number of scalper tickets when Damai.com is the exclusive agent of tickets, and all the ticket prices are much higher than the original ticket prices, openly sold at high prices on [Taotao Ticket and other apps]!?

We hereby request: All parties concerned to investigate the situation related to the ticketing of this concert and protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers! Barley is required to provide proof of the number of tickets successfully purchased from 10:00 to the time when the tickets are sold out.

At the same time, as a senior member of the official website of TFBOYS combination, we strongly request @TFBOYS_FanClub @TFBOYS combination @Fengjun culture as the organizer to make a reasonable explanation for why there are a large number of high-priced scalper tickets under the exclusive authorization of Damai.com ticket sales!

It is reported that on July 8, the sixth anniversary concert of the TFBOYS group was officially announced, and it will be held in Shenzhen on August 10, 2019. The concert is called "THE FEVER". According to netizens, the Mayday group will serve as the surprise guest of the TFBOYS concert.

Great Wall Motor released the "331 Strategy" of coffee smart driving, and joined hands with Qualcomm and Huawei to comprehensively upgrade the smart driving strategy.

  On December 30th, Great Wall Motor (601633) held an intelligent driving strategy upgrade conference, which unveiled the mystery of coffee intelligent driving and announced that it would realize the first full-vehicle redundant L3 automatic driving in China in 2021. At the event site, Great Wall Motor also formally signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Qualcomm and Huawei, and plans to carry out in-depth cooperation on in-vehicle smart chips and high-computing intelligent driving computing platforms to expand the ecological circle of intelligent driving industry.

  It is reported that Coffee Smart Drive will be given priority on WEY brand products, and other brands of Great Wall Motor will be carried in the second half of 2021.

  On the day of the conference, the share price of Great Wall Motor (601633) closed at 37.18 yuan/share, an increase of 9.39%, and the company’s market value exceeded 341.2 billion yuan.

  Zhang Kai, the person in charge of intelligent driving of Great Wall Motor, said that the intelligent driving of coffee will be a strong support for the development of Great Wall Motor into a global technology travel company, and will also be a powerful booster for the development of Great Wall Motor.

  What is the origin of coffee smart driving?

  One day in the future, when more advanced autonomous driving scale is applied, can people let go of the steering wheel and enjoy a cup of coffee leisurely in the car during travel? Obviously, this is the most coveted scene of countless companies that are deeply involved in autonomous driving technology, and it is also in line with consumers’ imagination and expectation for autonomous driving technology. Great Wall Motor named its intelligent brand after coffee, hoping to meet consumers’ demand for autonomous driving more humanely.

  In July 2020, Great Wall Motor released its vehicle intelligent brand "Coffee Smart", and put forward the research and development concept of "double intelligence integration" for the first time, combining intelligent driving and intelligent cockpit from the perspective of user experience. As soon as the news was released, the whole industry paid close attention to Great Wall Motor’s future-oriented intelligent driving strategy.

  On December 30, Great Wall Motor officially unveiled the mystery of coffee smart driving, and announced the "331 Strategy", that is, it took three years to achieve the first user scale in the industry, the best user experience evaluation, and the most three leading scenes, and to build a leader in automatic driving in the intelligent era. The reporter of Securities Times and Car Capital learned that in 2021, Great Wall Motor will realize the first L3-level automatic driving with full vehicle redundancy in China.

  It is understood that Coffee Smart Drive has six redundant systems including perception redundancy, controller redundancy, braking redundancy, architecture redundancy, power redundancy and steering redundancy. At the same time, Coffee Smart Drive is also equipped with the world’s first car-class high-performance, all-solid-state laser radar that can be truly mass-produced. It adopts the most advanced FLASH technology scheme in the industry, which can achieve an angular resolution of 0.05 degrees and identify potential safety hazards within 130 meters.

  In terms of application scenarios, Great Wall Motor’s intelligent driving technology can achieve full scene coverage of high-speed and urban expressways, and can complete obstacle avoidance and lane change, multi-vehicle lane change and urban autonomous lane change. At the same time, Great Wall Motor has also made breakthroughs in difficult scenes such as car walking and cone avoidance.

  Not only that, Great Wall Motor also pioneered the only quantitative user experience evaluation method-"user use cost", which realized detailed evaluation and extensive investigation of users through five sub-dimensions of operation cost, awareness cost, safety cost, time cost and money cost. At the same time, the AIFEED function of Coffee Smart Drive can also actively learn and adapt to the user’s driving habits and car scenes through artificial intelligence algorithms, and perceive the user’s car pain points, thus reducing the use cost and maximizing the real needs of users.

  It is reported that in the future, coffee smart driving will be given priority in the WEY brand products, and other brands of Great Wall Motor will also be equipped with coffee smart driving one after another.

  Join hands with Qualcomm and Huawei to expand the ecosystem of intelligent driving industry.

  At the press conference, Great Wall Motor also formally signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Qualcomm and Huawei.

  It is reported that in the future, Great Wall Motor will cooperate with Qualcomm on in-vehicle smart chips in the field of autonomous driving. Great Wall Motor will take the lead in adopting Qualcomm’s Snapdragon Ride platform with powerful performance on its high-end models launched in 2022, and apply it to its intelligent driving system.

  Ai Hezhi, senior director of product marketing of Qualcomm and head of automobile business in China, said that Qualcomm will work with Great Wall Motor to build high-quality models that can reassure consumers.

  The cooperation between the Great Wall and Huawei is more focused on the innovative technology level of intelligent network connection and intelligent driving. It is reported that Huawei will provide Great Wall Motor with a high computing power intelligent driving computing platform based on MDC, and actively cooperate with Great Wall Motor to complete various evaluations and tests of sensing components (such as lidar, camera, etc.) required for intelligent driving.

  The Securities Times and Car Capital reporter learned that this cooperation with Great Wall Motor is Huawei MDC 610, a new generation of intelligent driving computing platform for L3-L4 automatic driving, to build an industry-leading car brain for Great Wall Motor.

  Wang Juan, vice president of Huawei’s smart car solution BU Marketing and Sales Service Department, said that Great Wall Motor will become a high-quality leader and lead more car companies into the field of smart driving.

  In fact, after big data, artificial intelligence, Internet and other technologies gradually penetrate into the automobile industry, no enterprise can go it alone. Industry insiders have judged that the strong alliance between Great Wall Motor and Qualcomm and Huawei will not only achieve win-win cooperation in different fields, but also further expand its intelligent driving industry ecosystem, laying a solid foundation for Great Wall Motor’s globalization strategy.


Inter Milan will meet the opportunity of reconstruction after 13 years: promote the younger lineup and reconstruct the salary system!

The news about Inter Milan these days is basically that the Nerazzurri have reached the Champions League final again after 13 years. "This is really exciting news for all Inter fans. Since Inter Milan won the Champions League in 2010, in these 13 years, Inter Milan went from top to bottom, and the next year. In addition to the Champions League, we missed the Champions League. " League match. "Won the league championship for the sixth year in a row. Therefore, the promotion of this Champions League final will be the highest stage of the European War after many years of trough for Inter Milan!

But we are not only happy, but also see the hidden dangers in Inter’s active lineup: the aging lineup and excessive salary, which are all hidden dangers that limit the healthy development of the team and are necessary. Thirteen years ago, Mourinho led a group of veterans to help Inter Milan win the first and only Serie A triple crown in 100 years. However, Mr. Moratti, the father who devoted himself to the team and the players, failed to promote the reconstruction work in time due to the old lineup and the heavy salary burden of the team, which led to the deterioration of the team’s financial situation. And the grades dropped sharply. Bottom. Then he was forced to sell it to Indonesian Tohir. As a pure businessman, he never thought about running Inter Milan so well that it sank in the following years.

History is always repeating itself! Thirteen years later, Inter Milan once again reached the stage of the Champions League final, and ushered in another opportunity for reconstruction. In view of the two major problems of batting line, we will introduce young players to replace veterans, promote the rejuvenation of batting line, reduce the salary burden and rebuild the salary system!

Promote the younger batting order. Last season, Inter Milan was the oldest team in the top five of the league, but this season they have improved and become the only oldest team in Serie A.. But no matter what level, it is not an honor for Inter Milan.

Among Inter’s three strikers, 37-year-old striker Zhe Ke relies on skill and talent, but he has played a significant role by scoring goals for Inter and creating opportunities for his teammates in the frontcourt. Zhe Ke’s goals (goals+assists) decreased by nearly 40% compared with last season, and he can only maintain a "waiting time" of about 60 minutes, so the required concentrated schedule is a bit difficult. Intense.

On the defensive line, the aging of the defensive line is more serious because of Sikh’s departure and acerbi’s joining in the future. Acerbi, 35, Damian, 33, substitute A Dai, 34, and Devry, 32, whose contract is about to expire, are among the outstanding main defenders this season. The older defence is more experienced, but I am worried about his physical condition and possible injuries!

In addition to the 34-year-old mkhitaryan who joined in the midfield position this season, the main and substitute age ranges are reasonable, and rich experience and sufficient physical strength are also important reasons for supporting Inter Milan. Mid-stage. Therefore, gradually introducing young players to replace old players and reducing the average age of the team is an important way to improve the vitality and physical fitness of the batting lineup.

The reorganization of salary structure and reaching the final of the Champions League not only brought brilliant performance in sports, but also brought huge capital gains of more than 100 million euros, which helped alleviate the team’s financial crisis. Yes, it just "alleviates" rather than "solves" the crisis. In other words, it only treats the symptoms, not the root cause. Based on various benefits, Inter Milan will lose about 100 million euros this season if they don’t sell their players! Of course, this figure could have been lower, but Seck’s change fled to Paris, and the advertising debt of 23 million euros hanging on his chest could not be recovered, leaving about 75 million euros in Intel. I slipped out of Milan.

However, in these financial difficulties, after last summer’s cost-cutting campaign, Inter Milan’s player salary this season is still 132 million euros (AC Milan is 86 million euros), ranking second in Serie A. Yes! Lu Kaku’s 8.5 million euros, Zhe Ke’s 5 million euros, Debrie’s 3.8 million euros, Correa’s 3.5 million euros and Handa’s 2.5 million euros, but the performance of these players does not match the salary.

Special Olympics and Origgi are currently the highest paid players in AC Milan, about 3.5 million euros. However, Romano said that Rio’s salary after contract renewal is 5 million euros plus bonus, which may make the salary system of AC Milan more healthy. There are no fewer than six people with an annual salary of more than 5 million euros in Inter Milan, which shows that the overall and structural salary cost of the team is higher than that of individual individuals! It is precisely because he refers to Cristiano Ronaldo and lautaro that Bastoni dares to offer a renewal price of 5 million euros!

From the current point of view, Lu Kaku, Zhe Ke, Devlai, Handa, Danbu, etc. all want to stay in the team and have to accept different degrees of salary reduction. Cristiano Ronaldo and Bastoni can try to sell, while Correa can sell or rent them to ease the salary pressure of the team. In the next 2-3 seasons, through a series of combination boxing, the annual salary cost of the team will be reduced to less than 100 million euros, and efforts will be made to solve the problem of players overpaying.

Conclusion Under the current financial crisis, Inter Milan must reorganize the salary structure of the team, reduce the number of veterans, advocate a younger lineup, and promote the reduction of the overall salary level. The financial pressure will only increase, and the team will be dragged deeper and deeper. Deep into the abyss! Of course, reform is always accompanied by pain! To achieve this goal, as long as Inter Milan ensure the lowest score of the top four in each season, they can accept the result of losing the championship for several consecutive seasons.

As a club with a history of 100 years, Inter Milan should pursue a long-term bright future, not a short-term glory.

In 2023, Jiangxi Yongxiu Half Marathon started, and more than 4,500 people ran the migratory bird kingdom.

Rain gives birth to a hundred valleys, summer is coming, and Poyang Lake is running smoothly at that time. On April 22nd, the "an all-consuming love Dreaming of Wucheng" 2023 Jiangxi Yongxiu Half Marathon started in Wucheng, a migratory bird town in China. More than 4,500 Chinese and foreign runners rushed out of the starting line with full mental state, raced in the hinterland of Poyang Lake, deeply appreciated the beautiful scenery of "World Wetland Migratory Bird Kingdom" and experienced the ecological charm of Yongxiu with running and speed.

2023 Jiangxi Yongxiu Half Marathon started. Xinhuanet issued Hu Chuanfeng photo

Certified by China Athletics Association, this competition is co-sponsored by Yongxiu County People’s Government, Jiujiang Wenguang New Tourism Bureau, Jiujiang Sports Bureau and Jiujiang Forestry Bureau, and undertaken by Yongxiu County Wenguang New Tourism Bureau, Yongxiu County Education and Sports Bureau and Yongxiu County Forestry Bureau. A total of three events are set up: half marathon (21.0975km), national fitness running (7.5km) and party member model walking (7.5km). The routes are carefully planned by the organizing committee of the competition, accompanied by birds and flowers all the way, runners can enjoy the natural beauty of spring in Poyang Lake, and also enjoy the elegant demeanor of the migratory bird kingdom and the ancient town with thousands of years.

Accompanied by birds and flowers all the way, runners can enjoy the beauty of spring. Xinhuanet issued Hu Chuanfeng photo

The contestants started from the tourist center of the migratory bird town in Wucheng, Yongxiu County, and passed through Wucheng scenic spots and landmarks such as Yongwu Highway, Poyang Lake Ecological Civilization Exhibition Center, Ji ‘an Hall, Huanzhen Highway, Wucheng Paigong Lane, which is known as the "most beautiful water highway", and walked through the Poyang Lake Nature Reserve, with birds singing in their ears from time to time, which perfectly integrated sports with nature.

Located in the core area of Poyang Lake ecological wetland, Wucheng is one of the four famous towns in Jiangxi history, a national 4A-level scenic spot and the first "China migratory bird town" in China, with pleasant climate, fresh air and beautiful scenery, which provides an excellent place for all kinds of leisure sports and competitive competitions.

In recent years, Yongxiu County has deeply practiced the concept of ecological civilization, anchored the positioning of "short-distance and short-term, exploring the market of Greater Nanchang Metropolitan Area", and vigorously promoted the deep integration of "sports+culture+tourism", making the whole area beautiful and tourable in all seasons. On the basis of the successful hosting of international bird watching conference, Jiangxi Yongxiu Half Marathon, and national cross-country auto racing competition last year, a series of flower viewing activities such as "Huayang Yongxiu Welcome to Tour" were launched this year. This time, by hosting the half marathon for the second time, Damei Yongxiu’s popularity, reputation and influence continued to rise, which injected strong impetus into the county’s high-quality economic and social development.

Jiangxi Yongxiu Half Marathon Medal. Xinhuanet issued Hu Chuanfeng photo

"In order to make the athletes run with peace of mind, peace of mind and comfort, Yongxiu County has set up 9 fixed medical stations in the whole track, organized 96 medical staff and equipped 8 mobile ambulances to protect every runner on the track." The relevant person in charge of the Wenguang New Tourism Bureau in Yongxiu County said that the county has also recruited more than 480 volunteers to ensure the service throughout the whole process. Volunteers with warm smiles and meticulous service have become a beautiful landscape in the competition.

"It feels great and I look forward to the next semi-horse in Yongxiu." Wu Xingyan, a runner from Xingguo County, Jiangxi Province, said that she has participated in all-horse and half-horse races in many places across the country, and has seen mountains and rivers in many places, but she feels that the track scenery and event guarantee of Yongxiu are more impressive.

China track and field athlete Peng Jianhua won the men’s team championship. Xinhuanet issued Hu Chuanfeng photo

In the end, after fierce competition, China track and field athlete Peng Jianhua won the men’s championship in 1 hour, 07 minutes and 20 seconds. Melkam Alemayehu Tassew from Ethiopia won the women’s championship in 1 hour, 12 minutes and 42 seconds. "This is my second visit to Yongxiu. I feel that people here are very enthusiastic and the track is the most beautiful track I have ever seen!" Peng Jianhua said happily at the half marathon award ceremony.

At the men’s awards ceremony, the players took the stage to receive the award. Xinhuanet issued Hu Chuanfeng photo

"Take the scene as the medium and make friends with the game. We organically combine superior resources such as sports and characteristic tourism to provide a good platform for the holding of sports events. At the same time, this will greatly enhance the visibility of scenic spots in Yongxiu and stimulate the development of local tourism. " The relevant person in charge of the Wenguang New Tourism Bureau of Yongxiu County said that next, Yongxiu will hold many wonderful activities such as cultural festivals, music festivals, cross-country rally races, lobster festivals, etc., to cultivate new highlights of tourism consumption, continue to polish the global tourism brands, and boost the high-quality development of the county’s tourism industry. (Zheng Wenbin, Li Panpan, Hu Chuanfeng)

These AI artifacts are wonderful, especially the first one.

Artificial intelligence has penetrated into people’s lives, and clever use of artificial intelligence tools will greatly improve our work efficiency; Today, I will share with you several artificial intelligence super AI tools, which must be collected.

First, the sound track

Audio splitting is a limited-time free service, which provides users with the ability to remove audio services from movies without recoding, so that web pages can be used, and both Windows and Mac can perform normally.

This service supports MP4, AVI, MOV and other movie formats. Then select the movie file to be muted and press it to remove the sound effect. After processing, the download link will pop up. In addition, there are many functions such as video conversion accompaniment, video extraction accompaniment, human voice and so on.

This is a creative video that can be automatically generated according to various information such as photos, words or video clips, and according to AI and machine learning (ML) algorithms. Under its cutting-edge artificial intelligence generation engine, the concept in the user’s mind is turned into reality, and the imagination is truly released.


This is an AI application that can convert text into video games. Using the strategy of machine learning (ML) and natural language processing (NLP), the scene of video game can be automatically created according to the text description. In addition, OPUS can automatically generate the game mechanism, settings and characters that supplement the narrative by evaluating the text of the story or game scene, and other people and AI applications can participate in the final game construction.

Envy female fans while taking photos to find C Ronaldo’s signature, the president reminded: Never mind the phone and take the jersey.

Live broadcast: On March 11th, in the 20th round of Saudi Arabia, Riyadh lost 0-1 to Jeddah, giving up the top spot.

After the game, Cristiano Ronaldo signed autographs for the fans. A female fan was very excited and took a jersey while taking photos. Cristiano Ronaldo warmly reminded: "Never mind the mobile phone and take the jersey." Then the female fan shouted "Hala Madrid".

Real Madrid is very worried about the findings of the procuratorate, and the emergency meeting will allow the club to appear in court.

[Real Madrid is very worried about the investigation results of the procuratorate, and the emergency meeting will allow the club to appear in court] real madrid cf recently issued a statement, saying that it will hold an emergency general meeting at noon on March 12, local time, regarding the fact that Barcelona Football Club was prosecuted by the local procuratorate in Barcelona for bribing referees for corruption.

According to AS reporter, former Real Madrid press officer Joaquín Maroto confirmed from Real Madrid sources that this general meeting will vote to approve Real Madrid to testify in this case. Real Madrid told AS that "there has been no action before because they are waiting for the judicial department to complete their work. Now that the procuratorate has submitted their appeal, it is time for Real Madrid to appear in court.

Real Madrid announced the announcement just 24 hours after the procuratorate filed an appeal, just when the Spanish Central Procuratorate accepted the prosecution of the Barcelona Procuratorate. Prior to this, Real Madrid had been patiently waiting for the judicial department to complete their work. At present, Real Madrid is very worried about the conclusion reached by the procuratorate on this matter.