The fuel consumption is as low as 5L, BYD Han DM-i is exposed, the design remains unchanged, and the price is lowered by 20%.

BYD’s successful transformation in just a few years can not be separated from its massive investment in the field of new energy.

In recent years, the benefits have gradually emerged. Blade batteries, super hybrid DM-i, etc. have become brand-new synonyms for BYD, and BYD has also won the favor of friends. BYD, on the other hand, is unmoved and concentrates on expanding its product matrix to seek more market share.

No, on the day of the release of BYD Song (parameter picture) Pro DM-i, the road test spy photos of BYD Han DM-i were exposed on the Internet. I have to sigh that BYD’s speed is too fast, which is not to give friends a chance.

According to the exposed road test spy photos, the appearance of Han DM-i is almost the same as that of the models currently on sale, with some adjustments only in the details. According to the previous application information, the new car will be equipped with a DM-i super hybrid system consisting of a 1.5T engine, while the Han DM currently on sale is equipped with a DM-p plug-in hybrid system. Compared with the two cars, Han DM-i is obviously better in fuel economy.

In addition to the difference in power, the appearance of the Han DM-i is also different from that of the Han DM model. In addition to the obvious difference in the logo in the lower left corner of the tail, the taillight part has also been replaced with a newly designed taillight group shape, although it is still a penetrating taillight, but the overall shape is more slender.

Combined with the declaration drawings submitted by BYD to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Han DM-i continues the exterior design of Han DM models, and the front part continues the design of the models currently on sale. The large-size hexagonal air intake grille has formed a "big mouth" visual effect. The grille is decorated with lattice structure of chrome-plated elements, which gives people a very strong visual impact. The top of the grille is consistent with the cash, and a thick chrome-plated strip with the "Han" logo is on both sides.

The side part of Han DM-i is still designed with multiple waistlines, thus creating a slender outline of the vehicle, and the "Long Lin" decorative plate at the rear window triangle is also preserved, which well reflects the exquisiteness of the new car.

As the biggest highlight of this change, the dynamic performance of Han DM-i is undoubtedly the biggest highlight.

Han DM-i will be equipped with a super hybrid system composed of the same 1.5T engine as Tang DM-i. The power performance can refer to the powertrain of the current Tang DM-i. Of course, BYD will not rule out the power adjustment of Han DM-I in the later period, but the general data is still the same. The maximum power of the current Tang DM-I is 102kW, and the maximum power of the motor is 145kW. Although compared with the 2.0T engine of BYD Han DM currently on sale, correspondingly, the fuel consumption performance of Han DM-i in the feed state will be reduced, which is more in line with consumers’ demand for low fuel consumption.

After all, the biggest advantage of BYD’s DM-i hybrid system is obviously the low fuel consumption performance of the vehicle under the feed fuel consumption. Although there is no relevant information on the fuel consumption of DM-i models at present, referring to the comprehensive fuel consumption performance of BYD’s Tang DM-i as low as 5.3L100km, this is obviously very rare for a big guy who is positioned in a medium-sized SUV, and the high probability of fuel consumption of BYD’s Han DM-i will be stabilized at around 5L.

Finally, let’s look at the price. Combined with the official guide price of the current BYD Han DM plug-in hybrid model of 21.98-23.98 million, the BYD Han DM-i exposed this time is expected to be lowered in terms of price, further lowering the price threshold. It is estimated that the starting price will be controlled at around 170,000, and the reduction rate will be around 20%, so as to enhance the competitiveness of its own products.

On the whole, the Han DM-i launched by BYD this time is obviously more suitable for home use than the previous Han DM. After all, in today’s background, car companies have gradually begun to abandon models with high displacement, and BYD Han DM-i is obviously more suitable for the current consumption trend with the blessing of super hybrid DM-i and blade batteries. As for BYD Han DM, there is a high probability that it will be retained. After all, some consumers still prefer powerful models.

It’s a pity that a pair of good skins! 2022 Volvo XC60 has frequent problems.

Recently, a number of 2022 Volvo XC60 owners have reported that there are suspected car quality problems, which affect safe driving. They collectively spit out the central control screen in the car: so rubbish! Nothing works except reversing images! If you use the meeting card, it will crash! All rely on the "mobile phone bracket" to cure all diseases.

Some car owners bought a 2022 XC60 Zhiyuan Deluxe SUV on July 28th, 2021. After taking the car home, the car system failed the second time, and the central control screen was completely black. Fortunately, it could still be started.

Due to waiting for the 4S shop to give a treatment plan, the owner stopped the car in his garage and did not start it. On the morning of July 31, I wanted to drive, got into the vehicle, and prompted that there was a fault. I couldn’t start, the battery was dead, the spare battery was dead, and the central control panel of the car failed. The whole car has no electricity, can’t be locked and can’t be started.

Also, since the day when the car was picked up on December 19th, last year, the car quality problems such as black screen, false alarm of faults, and inexplicably sounding voice reminders kept appearing. The car fault code was detected in the 4S shop many times, and the problem remained after the car system was overloaded.

A car owner in Beijing said that he brought a 2022 XC60 Zhiyi Deluxe Edition on July 20th. Less than a kilometer after leaving the 4S shop, the central control screen turned black and the LCD dashboard was not fully displayed.

What makes it even more difficult for car owners to accept is that once the car system failure occurs, it is often difficult to solve it effectively in a short period of time, and these problems often occur shortly after the car owner buys the car.

In fact, the quality of Volvo XC60 is at the middle and lower reaches of the same class, and its major problems are abnormal sound of oil pump, armrest box, door hinge, A-pillar on bumpy road section, steering and so on.

On June 11th, last year, the 2022 Volvo XC60 went on the market, which was a mid-term change. The appearance was adjusted and the car system was upgraded. There are 9 models to choose from, and the official guide price is 373,900-603,900 yuan.

According to the feedback from major auto websites, forums and riders, the explosion of 2022 XC60 has some problems such as black screen, crash and restart, and it is a concentrated explosion.

Say a few more words

As a mid-level luxury brand that focuses on sales, it is really wrong for the new model to have so many failures soon after its launch. I don’t know what the manufacturer will explain and how to solve the problem. It is estimated that it will be recalled in a high probability.

The high value of Volvo XC60 gives it a lot of points, which is unparalleled in the same class. However, the "long" looks good, and it will not help if the quality is not enough. After all, the main function of the car is to drive, and the face value is just the icing on the cake.

It’s a pity that a pair of good skins!

Source: Sina News

35 people were arrested and 16 macaques were rescued in a big case of raising monkeys live in online celebrity.

  Cctv newsAt present, the webcast platform is developing rapidly. Some people touch the red line of the law in order to attract attention and become famous quickly. Some time ago, Pan Cheng Xiao, a young woman from Baoying, Yangzhou, attracted a large number of fans to watch her live webcast, and even attracted the police, which led to a major case.

  Xiao Pan, who is in his twenties this year, found that many peers are playing all kinds of strange live broadcasts or posting interesting small videos, which can attract a large number of netizens to watch. Inspired by this, she had a whim. Since July last year, she has been broadcasting live monkeys on the Internet, and has released several videos of raising monkeys on the short video platform.

  In the video, the little monkey wears all kinds of small clothes and sometimes jumps up and down, which is very naughty and lovely. Many netizens have left messages saying that the little monkey is so cute that they want to have one. Some netizens also asked how to buy a little monkey. What Xiao Pan never expected was that it didn’t take long to win a lot of attention and envy, but the police found the door!

  Illegal! Buy and raise animals under state protection without authorization.

  After comparison, police in Baoying, Yangzhou found that the little monkey in the video has high eyebrow bone, deep eye socket and cheek pouches, which are typical characteristics of macaques. Therefore, the police suspect that the little monkey played by Xiao Pan in the video is probably a national second-class protected animal macaque, and it is illegal to buy and raise national protected animals without authorization.

  In the face of the arrival of the police, Xiao Pan said that he never thought that raising monkeys would alarm the police. He usually likes very small animals, and when he saw someone doing this on some live broadcast platforms, he moved his mind to raise monkeys.

  Then, how to confirm that the little monkey in Xiao Pan’s video is the national second-class protected animal macaque?

  Liu Peng, a policeman of the Public Security Police Brigade of Baoying County Public Security Bureau, Yangzhou CityAt that time, we immediately sent this monkey to the judicial appraisal center of Nanjing Forestry College for appraisal. After the identification of relevant departments, this macaque, the monkey she raised, belongs to the macaque and belongs to the national second-class protected animal.

  According to Article 341 of China’s Criminal Law, anyone who illegally hunts and kills rare and endangered wild animals under special state protection, or illegally buys, transports or sells rare and endangered wild animals and their products under special state protection shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years or criminal detention and fined; If the circumstances are serious, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than five years but not more than ten years and shall also be fined; If the circumstances are especially serious, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years and shall also be fined or confiscated.

  At the same time, Article 22 of China’s Wildlife Protection Law stipulates that the sale, acquisition and utilization of wildlife under second-class national protection or its products must be approved by the wildlife administrative department of the government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government or its authorized unit.

  See female netizens live broadcast to raise monkeys and contact to buy.

  The law clearly stipulates that it is illegal to buy and sell state-protected animals privately, so where did Xiao Pan buy the macaques? Does she have the qualification to legally buy macaques? Xiao Pan said that she didn’t get the qualification to buy and raise macaques, but in June 2017, she saw a female netizen named Xiao Doudou live on the short video platform, and she was deeply attracted by the little monkey in the video.

  The female netizen named Xiao Doudou said that she could help Xiao Pan buy a monkey, and the cost was 11,000 yuan. At this time, Xiao Pan didn’t know that the monkey he wanted to buy was the national second-class protected animal macaque. In order to buy a monkey, Xiao Pan also borrowed money from the bank, and then transferred money to the netizen Xiao Doudou through WeChat. Soon after, he received news from the other party that the monkey had "boarded" the bus from Shijiazhuang to Xuzhou.

  On the afternoon of Xiao Pan’s transfer to female netizen Xiao Doudou, Xiao Pan came to Xuzhou long-distance bus station and took the monkey to Baoying for breeding. Since then, Xiao Pan has often posted videos and pictures of raising monkeys on short video platforms and WeChat. With more and more videos of raising monkeys, the attention of netizens is getting higher and higher.

  Although some netizens left a message to Xiao Pan during the period, telling her that this is not an ordinary little monkey, but a macaque. It is illegal to raise it privately and should be sent to the zoo. However, Xiao Pan was reluctant to send the macaque away and kept it with luck until it was captured by the police. Xiao Pan said that he only saw the cuteness of the monkey, but he didn’t know that his behavior was suspected of breaking the law.

  Tracking: whether to store, buy and resell illegal trading chains

  According to Xiao Pan’s account, the police vaguely felt that the problems involved were not small. Where is the seller of macaques? Is Pan the only buyer? Will there be an illegal trading chain that specializes in buying and selling macaques?

  According to the information provided by Xiao Pan, the police paid attention to the account of Xiao Doudou, a monkey seller, on the short video platform in Aauto Quicker, and found that a young woman with the net name Xiao Doudou and her boyfriend actually operated the account. The content of the live broadcast is mostly the living condition of the little monkey. In the video, the little monkey sometimes holds a bottle, sometimes climbs up and down, and sometimes takes a bath and eats fruit.

  The police also found that netizen Xiao Doudou and her boyfriend have raised many macaques. Sometimes in a live broadcast, there will be two or three small macaques, and the macaques appearing in different live broadcasts are different. The investigators roughly estimate that there are as many as seven or eight macaques used to shoot videos.

  After careful analysis and investigation, the police believe that in addition to the live broadcast of monkeys and the release of small videos of the living conditions of little monkeys, netizen Xiao Doudou and her boyfriend are also seriously suspected of openly selling macaques.

  Moreover, on her homepage, she also clearly wrote, adding micro, that is, adding her WeChat, please talk about buying macaques in detail.

  Netizen Xiao Doudou’s live broadcast of raising monkeys has attracted many netizens’ onlookers, and the number of hits has been soaring, even on the popular recommendation. So, did the live broadcast platform notice that it was suspected of breaking the law for her to post videos and related remarks about raising macaques?

  Frequent number change, live broadcast, real identity is difficult to confirm.

  The police investigation found that whenever the number of video hits of netizens Xiao Doudou soared, the platform would give her a title, but the title did not stop them from broadcasting the monkey live. Frequent live broadcast of changing the number became their countermeasure to deal with the title punishment. Before long, they will re-register their accounts with other identities, and once again broadcast live monkeys and release small videos of monkeys with the nickname of Xiao Doudou. Frequent live broadcast of changing the number brings difficulties in locking the real identity of the suspect. In order to detect the case as soon as possible and rescue the macaque, the police have found out the identities of the monkey seller Xiao Doudou and her boyfriend after many twists and turns. The netizen Xiao Doudou’s surname is Ma and her boyfriend’s surname is Li, both of whom live in Shijiazhuang, Hebei. Immediately, the police rushed to Shijiazhuang. After half a month of arranging, they locked their residence and immediately arrested them.

  Spend 8,000 yuan to buy through pet QQ group.

  After the arrest, the suspects Ma and Li confessed that at first they all saw netizens live broadcast monkeys, felt cute, and wanted to gain attention, so they moved the idea of buying monkeys. Later, it was introduced that they bought a baby macaque in Henan at a price of 8,000 yuan through a pet QQ group, and raised monkeys live through online platforms such as "Aauto Quicker" and "Volcano".

  During the live broadcast, Ma and Li not only won praises from many netizens, but also many netizens asked how to buy them, which made them see the "financial road" and decided to be middlemen to earn the difference.

  A total of 16 macaques were purchased in half a year.

  After the trial, the police found that in just half a year, the suspects Ma and Li bought a total of 16 macaques. Except for two seized by the police and one that they had given to netizens, the other 13 macaques were sold to 15 buyers involved in the case, including Xiao Pan, distributed in seven provinces including Jiangsu, Inner Mongolia, Shandong and Sichuan.

  Trace the source of illegal trafficking in macaques

  After finding out that Ma and Li were "middlemen", the police followed the line according to their trading situation and found the source of illegal trafficking in macaques.

  After the arrangement, the police locked in the person who illegally sold macaques to Ma and Li, that is, the suspect Bao, who runs a macaque farm in Xinye, Henan. In February 2018, the police arrested the suspect Bao in Nanyang, Henan.

  Driven by the interests, the criminal suspect Bao knew that Ma and Li did not have the qualification to buy and raise macaques, but they still made illegal transactions with them. After negotiating the price, Bao usually transported the macaques to a service area in Shijiazhuang by bus consignment, and then Ma and Li took them away and sold them to many parts of the country. For the reason of illegally selling macaques, the suspect Bao gave a perfect explanation.

  Criminal suspect Bao MouBecause it is a little monkey itself, he is very charming after they get it. They are all fed good milk powder. I think they are also protecting animals, which is better than me. I think it is out of this idea.

  Ignoring the law, privately raising macaques is actually said to be protecting animals. Is Bao’s statement tenable? What is the truth of the matter? The police quickly turned to Anhui, Shanxi, Shandong and other places to find the whereabouts of illegally sold macaques, and found that many macaques had died because of poor feeding.

  35 people were arrested and 16 macaques were rescued.

  The police investigation found that from June 2017 to the incident, the suspect Bao had sold 36 macaques without the approval of the relevant authorities, including 16 macaques sold to Ma and Li, and the other 20 were sold directly by Bao. Baoying police went to ten provinces and cities successively, and arrested 35 middlemen, sellers and buyers involved, and rescued 16 macaques.

  The police sent the rescued 16 macaques to the Wildlife Rescue Center in Zhuyuwan Scenic Spot Zoo in Yangzhou. What about the rescued monkeys now?

  Veterinarian Xu introduced that these 16 macaques were only three or four months old when they were first delivered, and some macaques also appeared unsociable. Macaques, as social animals, are not suitable for private breeding, which will do harm to their psychology and body, and parasites on macaques also do some harm to people.

  At present, the criminal suspect Bao sells macaques without authorization, and his behavior has been suspected of illegally selling precious and endangered wild animals. Yangzhou Baoying procuratorate approved the arrest of Bao according to law; Ma and Li were separately filed for accountability; 32 buyers involved in the case, including Xiao Pan, were taken compulsory measures by the public security organs.

  There are many chaos in the bottomless webcast for fame.

  Some people ignored the legal bottom line in order to become "online celebrity", which gave birth to the chaos of webcasting. For example, Xiao Pan and others who illegally buy macaques.

  After the trial, the police learned that in the case of illegally buying and selling macaques, the initial motivation of the buyers involved was almost always to raise monkeys to gain eyeballs and seek attention.

  In this case, Song, a buyer involved in Shandong, is a well-known local online celebrity. She hopes to attract netizens and attract business by raising macaques.

  Multi-platform "wild live broadcast" attracts tens of thousands of people to watch.

  What Song didn’t expect was that the macaque he bought at a high price died because of poor breeding, which not only did not attract business, but alerted the police.

  In fact, online celebrity, who stepped on a minefield like Song, is not a case. There is more than one anchor who broke the law in order to win praise and attention. In addition to illegally purchasing and raising state-protected animals on the webcast platform, what’s more, they also hunt state-protected animals live on the Internet, which is called "wild live broadcast", sometimes attracting tens of thousands of people to watch at the same time.

  An anchor group named "Cui Hua dining tables" on Huya live broadcast platform broadcasted the whole process of hunting wild bamboo rats, which are "national three protected animals". Two anchors angered two captured bamboo rats with branches, causing one of them to be bitten with blood. At present, "Cui Hua dining tables" has been permanently titled by the platform.

  In May of this year, an online male anchor in Jiangsu broadcast live bird catching in the wild in order to get a gift for sucking powder, and he will face more than just the title processing. After investigation, the man has captured more than 40 birds of all kinds, all of which belong to provincial key or national three-protected animals. At present, he has been captured by Zhenjiang Forest Public Security Bureau, and the case is under further investigation.

  Publishing video of hunting and protecting animals is also suspected of breaking the law.

  The release of videos related to hunting and protecting animals can also escape the French Open. An underage netizen in Guangdong posted a video of his father Su’s killing python in the WeChat circle of friends, which attracted a lot of forwarding. After the police found it, they immediately searched the suspect Su’s home and found a State-level protected animal python and eight glass wine bottles, including 12 eagles and 18 snakes with important ecological, scientific and social values. At present, the case has been transferred to the procuratorate for review and prosecution.

  The State Forestry Administration said: "We must severely crack down on all kinds of live broadcast platforms suspected of hunting and killing wildlife under state key protection and hunting wildlife under non-state key protection without a license."

  Live feeding of state-protected animals and live hunting of wild animals, why are similar illegal live broadcasts repeatedly prohibited? In this regard, what kind of responsibility does the webcast platform need to bear?

  Experts believe that behind the attention of netizens, there are attractive economic benefits, and some online celebrity’s legal awareness is weak, which are the reasons why illegal live broadcasts are repeatedly banned. Webcast is suspected of breaking the law, and the network anchor should bear the corresponding responsibility, and even bear criminal responsibility in serious cases.

  According to experts, the webcast platform should not only do a good job in verifying the identity of network anchors, but also deal with anchors suspected of violating the law in a timely manner. It should also actively cooperate with the work of relevant regulatory authorities and assume the obligation to report.

  In addition, experts also believe that the webcasting platform can do more than just titles, but also strengthen the supervision of popular videos, so as not to be a hotbed of "internet plus crime".

  How to deal with the illegal live broadcast of some network anchors after their titles are changed? The Regulations on the Administration of Internet Live Broadcasting Services issued by the National Network Information Office stipulates that live broadcasting shall be managed by classification, and a credit rating management system for Internet live broadcasters shall be established, and a blacklist management system shall be established.

  It is worth noting that not only the webcast platform and network anchor are regulated, but also the netizen comment area is not a place of extra-legality. The Regulations on the Administration of Internet Live Broadcasting Service requires that Internet live broadcasting service providers should strengthen the real-time management of live interactive links such as comments and barrage, and be equipped with corresponding management personnel.

Xcar English improvement class 6 is not as careful as pickup truck

  [Original by Aika Car Vision Channel]

  Today, with the vigorous development of the automobile industry, the annual sales volume of one model is extremely amazing: according to the average annual sales volume of 2 million vehicles, one vehicle can be sold every 15 seconds on average; If it is lined up end to end, it can circle the earth 300 times, and this is only the number it sells in a year! This is "Pick-up/Truck".

  Today, there are several famous brands that constitute the "main force" of pickup truck models: F- series, Sliverado/Colorado (Sored/(|)), Ram series, Tacoma/Tundra (smooth road) and so on. What makes "Pick-up" popular all over the world and occupy a huge market share? Let’s walk into this issue of Xcar English Improvement Class.

Topic map

  Whether the product is good or not depends on the sales volume.

  According to the practice of previous upgrading classes, we will first introduce the development and history of the models. But in this issue, I will start with sales volume, explore the origin and development of pickup truck culture, and boldly predict that pickup truck models will eventually become "popular" in the new socialist modern countryside.

American car sales

American car sales

  Why do Americans love pickups so much? This will start from the 1920s. In the initial period of automobile manufacturing, vehicles were sold in the form of Separate chassis and body (chassis and body of non-loaded body structure are two parts). From the production of cars to the hands of consumers, a third party is responsible for the assembly of vehicle shells.

Pickup truck

  "Pick up" means "pick up" in English, which means it is convenient to load or unload goods. Therefore, the "bucket" vehicle is gradually called "Pick-up" (pickup truck is its transliteration). And "Truck" generally refers to large transport vehicles (but the basic name is personal habits).

Pickup truck

Pickup truck

  Since the 1950s, pickup trucks have gradually become an important production tool for American post-war economic recovery. Chevrolet El, Chevrolet Camino and Dodge Sweptine gradually entered people’s homes in the form of tool carts.

Pickup truck

  In 1963, the Protectionist Chicken Tax (referred to as "chicken tax") enacted by the United States to protect local automobile enterprises limited the dumping momentum of imported freight vehicles. Therefore, there has been a phenomenon that "every household buys a domestic pickup truck" in the United States, and the first car of many Americans is a pickup truck.

Pickup truck

Pickup truck

  Even so, pickup trucks have been criticized for a series of shortcomings, such as large displacement, "gas tiger", poor riding experience and no shape design. However, American pickup trucks played a role in the recovery of the national economy in World War II, and it was the "hero" for the United States to quickly become the world’s largest economy after the war.

Raptor 2017

2017 Raptor


Anke Innovation promotes the global influence of the brand with Thursday Rugby Night.

If you want to choose one of the most popular sports in the United States, many China audiences may choose basketball because of the great influence of the NBA in China, but the most accurate answer is "American football". Among the top 100 TV programs in the United States in 2023, 93 were Major League Football (NFL) events. With its powerful influence, rugby matches can help brands reach millions of consumers at one time, thus becoming a "battleground" for brands to enhance their popularity.

As a "born global" brand in China, Anke Innovation also saw the unique marketing value of rugby matches and made an innovative and bold attempt. On December 7, 2023, US Eastern Time, Anke Innovation launched an interactive creative short film specially made for Anker Nano series chargers on Thursday Night Football, TNF) broadcast by Amazon Prime Video, so as to accurately reach younger, more energetic and more enthusiastic target consumers and let them experience the innovation and breakthrough of Anker Nano series in charging speed and use experience.

This launch made Anke the first China brand to launch a streaming TV advertisement on Thursday Rugby Night, which was broadcast by Prime Video alone, which not only effectively enhanced the brand’s overseas popularity, but also shortened the distance from "content" to "business" through a new form of interactive video advertisement. During the period of watching the advertisement, consumers can go directly to the flagship store of Amazon brand for purchase through the QR code in the advertisement, thus realizing a one-stop shopping experience from watching sports events to placing an order for purchase. At the same time, compared with the cable TV era, the rise of streaming media TV has also provided innovative functions such as effect measurement and user interaction for the advertising of sports events, and has become one of the new ways for advertisers to build brands and improve marketing effectiveness. According to the analysis of Amazon Marketing Cloud, this TNF marketing campaign has brought nearly 50% incremental consumers to Anke Innovation. According to Amazon data, the sales of Anker Nano series related products increased by 20% after 8 days of TNF advertising.

Encore innovative TNF video advertisement screenshot

The brand is broken, why is it "Thursday Football Night"?

After years of development, Anke Innovation has become a brand with global popularity, with its products selling well in 146 countries and regions and over 100 million users worldwide. In order to seek a breakthrough in global brand building, sports marketing with great influence has become an ideal choice for Anke’s innovation. Across the ocean, one-third of Americans (107.4 million people) will watch live sports events in 2025, an increase of 71% over 2021. In many sports events, football is an important way to seize the minds of American consumers, and Thursday Rugby Night (TNF) broadcast by Amazon Prime Video alone is loved by many American audiences. The data shows that TNF got off to a good start in the first season of Amazon Prime Video. The average audience of the game between Los Angeles Lightning and Kansas City Chiefs reached 13 million, setting a new record for the audience of Major League Football (NFL) games at that time. In the 2023 season, the average number of TNF viewers per game reached 11.86 million, a year-on-year increase of 24%. At the same time, the median age of the audience watching TNF on Prime Video is nearly 7 years younger than those watching Major League Football (NFL) on online TV, with higher family income, more devotion to the game and longer watching time. This provides an excellent marketing opportunity for advertisers who are committed to building brand awareness and brand influence among young and high-income people.

According to Anke’s innovation, there are three main reasons for choosing Thursday Football Night (TNF). The first is the huge potential audience base, and the audience are all Prime members with strong consumption power, which helps Anke to innovate and enhance brand awareness; Secondly, the characteristics of audience segmentation are obvious, which helps Anke to innovate and attract young consumers interested in scientific and technological products; Thirdly, TNF itself has a good brand image. By cooperating with well-known sports programs like TNF, it will help Anke Innovation to convey a brand image full of vitality and innovative spirit to users.

After careful evaluation and measurement in the early stage, Anke Innovation put the time of TNF advertising on the game on the evening of December 7, Eastern Time. That night, the Patriots of New England and the Steelers of Pittsburgh had a wonderful and exciting night match. The Patriots led by a score of 21:3, but then the Steelers rose to catch up by 15 points, but they finally regretted losing. This suspenseful game attracted the attention of many fans. During the competition, Anke innovatively used a short advertisement with a sense of science and technology to reach and interact with the fans. In the short film, Anker Nano series charger has become the protagonist. From taking the subway to the office scene, this "fastest charger series created by Anker Innovation for iPhone with USB-C interface" has been deeply implanted in the hearts of many overseas consumers.

At the same time, Anke Innovation and Amazon Advertising have jointly given this creative short film a new interactive form — — By scanning the QR code in the lower left corner of the advertisement, consumers can use smart devices such as mobile phones and tablets in their hands to go directly to the customized landing page created by Anker Innovation in the flagship store of Amazon brand, and get a one-stop understanding of various innovative products of Anker Nano series, and complete a series of operations such as "adding a shopping cart" and "buying now" with just a few clicks, and get a one-stop quality experience from watching to shopping.

By scanning the QR code, consumers can go directly to Anke Innovation Amazon brand flagship store.

Innovation first, building a streaming media eraMarketing closed loop"

With the evolution of digital marketing technology, the form of live streaming TV broadcast has brought new delivery forms and monitoring means to sports events, so that the measurement of marketing value can be rationally analyzed and judged with more comprehensive and detailed data, providing reference for the next marketing activities.

Thursday Rugby Night (TNF) provides advertisers with an innovative audience-based creative delivery scheme. Brands can display differentiated creative advertisements to different segments of the audience according to the dimensions of geography, crowd characteristics and behavioral signals, so as to enhance the relevance of advertisements. Relevant data show that the interactive rate of brand search of TNF advertisers who adopt audience-based creative delivery scheme is 116% higher than that of advertisers who put on linear TV, and at the same time, they also get relatively higher browsing rate and purchase rate of product details pages.

At the same time, Amazon’s all-round measurement solution for advertising gives the brand a more comprehensive and effective insight into the advertising effect and influence. Anke Innovation uses the first-hand insight data of Amazon’s marketing cloud to analyze the key dimensions such as the search volume, the number of visitors to the station, the purchase analysis of the 14-day attribution window and the purchase ratio of new customers, and understand how sports marketing can improve the transformation and sales of products.

With the great influence of TNF advertising and a series of innovative solutions of Amazon advertising, Anke Innovation has greatly improved brand awareness and sales conversion rate. Amazon marketing cloud analysis shows that consumers who have seen Anke’s innovative TNF advertisements and DSP advertisements at the same time have increased the brand search rate and purchase rate of Anke’s innovative brands by 17% and 42% respectively compared with consumers who have only seen their DSP advertisements. In addition, TNF advertising also brings stronger brand effect. In this marketing activity, the purchase rate of consumers who have seen its TNF advertising first and then its search advertising and DSP advertising is 1.32 times that of consumers who have only seen its search advertising and DSP advertising.

During the whole marketing period, Amazon advertising team provided comprehensive support for Anke Innovation from consumer insight to measurement and evaluation. For example, in terms of strategy formulation, Amazon advertising provides in-depth crowd insight reports and effect estimates to help formulate effective marketing strategies and create interactive advertising materials. After the broadcast, Amazon Advertising provided an advertising effect monitoring and evaluation report covering the entire shopping journey of the target audience. At the same time, the advertisement viewing crowd package created according to the actual reach can also help Anke innovate "audience re-marketing", continue to talk with the audience who have watched TNF advertisements in other marketing channels, establish more effective connections, and create a complete sales closed loop.

Go hand in hand to create a new era of China brand going out to sea.

Today, video marketing is becoming a new trend of change. More creative video advertisements are more likely to attract consumers’ attention and promote the transformation of sales. In order to enhance the brand’s creative marketing ability, Amazon Advertising provides a one-stop video advertising solution, including video advertising in Amazon Mall, streaming TV advertising on channels such as Freevee and Twitch, and online video advertising on third-party websites. In 2024, Prime Video’s programs and movies will also contain limited advertisements. In the United States alone, Prime Video advertisements are expected to reach 115 million viewers every month, which provides a new solution for advertisers to shape global brands. In addition to Thursday Night of Rugby (TNF), Prime Video also includes live broadcasts of different kinds of heavyweight sports events from different countries and regions, including American professional women’s basketball league, European Champions League, French Open and Japanese world baseball classic, which provides diversified opportunities for brands to use sports events for marketing.

In the future, Amazon Advertising will continue to support more China enterprises going abroad, enhance the global popularity and goodwill of China brand with more insightful, creative and effective marketing campaigns, and promote China enterprises to build global brands.


Disclaimer: The content of this article is published or reproduced by this website, which only represents the author’s personal views and has nothing to do with this website. For readers’ reference only, please check the relevant contents yourself. )

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{News Network Content}

The 10 most difficult players to defend in the NBA: Curry is out of the list, Jordan is second and James is fifth.

The 10 most difficult players to defend in NBA: Curry is out of the list, and Jordan is second., James fifth.

The 10 most difficult players to defend in NBA history, O ‘Neill actually surpassed Jordan, but Curry missed the list!

The NBA is an offensive league, and every fan likes to see players show amazing scoring ability and play wonderful offensive cooperation on the court. However, attack is also an art, and not every player can easily break through the defense and throw an efficient hit rate. Some players’ offensive talents and skills make defenders unstoppable and even make them feel desperate. Recently, the US media selected 10 players who are the most difficult to defend in NBA history. Some of these names may surprise you, while others may make you feel uncomfortable. So, who are these 10 players? Why can they get such an evaluation? Let’s take a look at it together.

Tenth place: Nowitzki

Nowitzki is a German NBA player and one of the greatest European players in NBA history. He won the MVP in the regular season in 2007, led the Mavericks to beat the Heat Big Three to win the championship in 2011, and won the MVP in the finals. His offensive weapons are his CIC and Golden Rooster Independence. He can shoot a stable mid-range hit rate from any position, and he can also use his height and wingspan to complete a hook or a back jump shot inside. His independent action of golden rooster is very difficult to defend, because he can adjust his angle and strength in the air, and his shooting point is very high, which is difficult to be blocked. Nowitzki averaged 20.7 points, 7.5 rebounds and 2.4 assists in his career, and his total score was the sixth highest in history.

Ninth place: Iverson

Iverson is the shortest No.1 pick in NBA history and one of the most influential players in NBA history. He won the MVP in the regular season in 2001, led the 76ers to the finals in the same year, and scored 46 points in the first game, giving the Lakers the only defeat. His offensive weapon is his speed and change direction. He has the fastest first step in the league, and can easily get rid of defenders and break through to the basket to score or pass the ball. He also has a very dexterous and elusive change of direction, and his crossover has become a classic teaching case. Iverson averaged 26.7 points, 3.7 rebounds, 6.2 assists and 1.6 steals in his career, and won the scoring championship four times.

Eighth place: Durant

Durant is one of the most difficult defensive players in active service and one of the most talented scorers in NBA history. He won the MVP in the regular season in 2014, led the Warriors to win the championship in 2017 and 2018, and won the MVP in the finals twice. His offensive weapon is his height and projection. He is 2.10 meters tall, but he has the shooting skills and athletic ability of a guard. He can throw an efficient three-pointer from any position, or he can dunk or hook with his height and wingspan inside. At the age of 22, he won the league scoring champion and became the youngest scoring champion in the league. Durant averaged 27.3 points, 7.1 rebounds, 4.3 assists, 1.1 steals and 1.1 blocks per game in his career. He is the only player in history who can shoot 180 shots with three points on the stage of the finals.

Seventh place: Olajuwon

Olajuwon is one of the greatest centers in NBA history, and the only player in NBA history who has completed a personal Grand Slam in a single season. He led the Rockets to consecutive championships in 1994 and 1995, and won the finals MVP twice. His offensive weapon is his strength and skill. He has the opposing power that a center should have, as well as speed and flexibility. He has excellent steps and turns in the low post, and his dream dance steps have become a compulsory course for many centers. He also has a good CIC ability, which can open up space or break through opponents. Olajuwon can score 21.8 points, 11.1 rebounds, 2.5 assists, 1.7 steals and 3.1 blocks per game in his career. He is a player who combines offense and defense and one of the most difficult centers to defend in NBA history.

Sixth place: Kobe Bryant

Kobe Bryant is one of the greatest scorers in NBA history and one of the most influential and legendary players in NBA history. He won the MVP in the regular season in 2008, led the Lakers to win the championship in 2009 and 2010, and won the MVP in the finals twice. His offensive weapon is his will and skill. He has a tenacious fighting spirit and a desire to win, and he can never give up under any circumstances and make amazing performances. He also has very comprehensive and exquisite offensive skills, can shoot a stable hit rate in any position, and can also use his body and feet to score or pass the ball inside. He also learned dream dance steps from Olajuwon, making himself more difficult to defend. Kobe Bryant averaged 25 points, 5.2 rebounds, 4.7 assists and 1.4 steals per game in his career, won the scoring champion ten times, and the total score was the fifth highest in history.

Fifth place: James

James is one of the greatest players in active service and one of the most comprehensive and influential players in NBA history. He won the MVP in the regular season in 2009, 2010, 2012 and 2013, led the Heat, Cavaliers and Lakers to win the championship in 2012, 2013, 2016 and 2020, and won the MVP in the finals four times. His offensive weapon is his omnipotence and vision. He has excellent physical fitness and athletic ability, and can play in any position and adapt to any style of play. He can throw an efficient three-pointer from outside, or he can use his height and strength to dunk or hook inside. His greatest strength is his ability to connect teams in series. He has a very good passing vision and creativity, which can create many opportunities for his teammates and win the game by himself at critical moments. James averaged 27.2 points, 7.5 rebounds, 7.3 assists and 1.5 steals per game in his career. He is the only player in history who can enter the top ten in total points, total rebounds, total assists, total steals and total blocks.

Fourth place: Chamberlain

Chamberlain is one of the most dominant and mythical players in NBA history and one of the most controversial players in NBA history. He won the MVP in the regular season in 1960, led the 76ers and Lakers to the championship in 1967 and 1972, and won the MVP in the finals twice. His offensive weapon is his height and strength. He is 2.16 meters tall, but he has amazing jumping and speed. He can dunk or hook at will on the inside, and he can also use speed and flexibility to break through his opponent on the outside. He has created many incredible scoring records, such as 100 points in a single game and 50.4 points in a single season. Chamberlain averaged 30.1 points, 22.9 rebounds and 4.4 assists in his career, ranking first in scoring and second in rebounding.


Jabbar is one of the greatest centers in NBA history and one of the most persistent and stable players in NBA history. He won the MVP in the regular season in 1971, 1972, 1974, 1976, 1977 and 1980, led the Bucks and Lakers to the championship in 1971, 1980, 1982, 1985, 1987 and 1988, and won the MVP in the finals twice. His offensive weapon is his hook. He has a height of 2.16 meters, but he has a very flexible and elegant shooting action. He uses his height and wingspan to complete the hook inside, which is very difficult to defend, because he can adjust his angle and strength in the air, and his shooting point is very high, which is difficult to be blocked. Jabbar averaged 24.6 points, 11.2 rebounds, 3.6 assists and 2.6 blocks per game in his career. He is the player with the first total score and the third total block in history.


Jordan is one of the greatest players in NBA history and one of the most legendary and influential players in NBA history. He won the MVP in the regular season in 1988, 1991, 1992, 1996 and 1998, led the Bulls to win three consecutive championships in 1991-1993 and 1996-1998, and won the MVP in the finals six times. His offensive weapon is his will and skill. He has a tenacious fighting spirit and a desire to win, and he can never give up under any circumstances and make amazing performances. He also has very comprehensive and exquisite offensive skills, can shoot a stable hit rate in any position, and can also use his body and feet to score or pass the ball inside. He also learned dream dance steps from Olajuwon, making himself more difficult to defend. Jordan averaged 30.1 points, 6.2 rebounds, 5.3 assists and 2.3 steals per game in his career, and won the scoring champion ten times, ranking first in the history of scoring per game and fifth in the history of total scoring.


O ‘Neill is one of the most dominant and domineering players in NBA history, and also one of the most controversial and individual players in NBA history. He won the MVP in the regular season in 2000, led the Lakers to three consecutive championships from 2000 to 2002, and won the MVP in the finals three times. His offensive weapon is his weight and strength. He is 2.16 meters tall, but he weighs more than 150 kilograms. He can dunk or hook at will on the inside, or he can use his strength and speed to break through his opponent on the outside. His weight makes many teams have no way to take him, so they will sacrifice shark-cutting tactics. After all, O ‘Neill’s free throws can’t be mentioned, otherwise, O ‘Neill may really surpass Jordan to become the first person in NBA history. O ‘Neill averaged 23.7 points, 10.9 rebounds, 2.5 assists and 2.3 blocks in his career, making him one of the most difficult defensive players in history.

These are the 10 most difficult defensive players in NBA history selected by American media. What do you think of this list? Who is the most difficult player to defend in your mind? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to share your views and ideas!

Mutalifu: China Football Association is unique in wanting to return to China as soon as possible to play in the league, abandon the league and engage in zipper training.

According to Beiqing Sports, on May 16th, the AFC announced the list of 11 host countries of the 6th U23 Asian Cup qualifier in 2024 and the first stage Asian group match of the men’s soccer qualifier for the 2024 Paris Olympic Games through official channels. China Football Association. This means that the China national team of the 2001 Olympic Games will compete in this stage at home in September this year, and the Barracuda Bay Stadium, the home of Dalian people, will become the home of the China national team. Home plate. Olympic team.

In order to prepare for the above competition, under the arrangement of China Football Association, the Olympic team, led by head coach Zheng Yaodong, conducted a three-month overseas training in Belgium and Croatia. According to the plan, the Olympic Games will be held in Europe for half a year. According to the blogger Lester Fox’s previous news, the domestic Olympic Games held 17 warm-up matches in Europe, with 4 wins, 1 draw and 12 losses, most of which were amateur or professional teams.

On the afternoon of May 16th to 17th, local time, the Olympic team played against the first team of HNK League for two consecutive games. First, they lost 0-4 to the third place of the first team of HNK League, HNK Shibalia. This was their biggest defeat since training, but the next day, NK Bird, who ranked ninth with a 4-1 winning streak, and He Xiaoke, who stayed in Croatia, scored two goals in a row. Croatia’s first division is the second division of Croatia, which is higher than China’s first division.

On May 18th, Mutalihu, the main force of Xinjiang Youth National Team, who was selected for the Olympic National Team, updated his SNS, expressing his expectation for the game at Fenghuangshan Football Stadium, home of Rongcheng. As a potential frontcourt player, Mu Tareef entered the rotation team of Chengdu Rongcheng in the Super League last season. However, he moved overseas for the Olympic Games, so he will experience home games this season and has not played for the team so far. Regarding the atmosphere of the Phoenix Mountain Devil, he wrote on social media:

"Many of my fans and friends have been asking me when I can finish my training in Europe and return to my country to participate in the competition. "I’m worried. Every day in Europe, I am growing up slowly. I want to take a step forward. I’ve seen the video of Chengdu Rong’s home court this season countless times. It’s really like a dream, isn’t it? “

Chengdu Rongcheng’s performance in the Super League this season is quite eye-catching, with Lomulo and Daniel F. Akerson’s frontcourt duo firing fully. We know Muta Rif is looking forward to returning to China to work together. Judging from the current members of Mu Tareef’s Olympic squad, young players such as Tao Changrong, Abdulamu and Hu Hetao have become important forces in the club’s squad and made the team stronger in just a few league matches.

Every game, the China Football Association will do something stupid. In order to influence the 2002 and 2006 World Cups, the China Football Association announced the cancellation of the relegation system in 2002 and 2005, and in 2001, Zheng Yaodong led the national youth team to participate in the second division. As a result, the chicken wings were scattered all over the floor.

With the professional league in China in full swing, the China Football Association will send the most promising generation of Olympic players abroad for half a year’s training. When they return home, the first stage of the Super League will also be over. These players will miss training opportunities in real leagues.

Strong Eagle No.20 | Opening Ceremony of Kong Jianping’s Mentor Group of Nanotechnology and the Third Strong Eagle Teacher-Student Tour

On the afternoon of March 4th, the opening ceremony of Kong Jianping’s mentor group and the third Strong Eagle Teacher-Student Tour were successfully held in Zhejiang Nano Technology Co., Ltd.. Teacher Kong Jianping, the chairman of Zhejiang Nanotechnology Co., Ltd., the founder of Rainbow Life Ideological and Political Education Platform, the founder of Qiangying, and the executive vice president of Zhejiang University’s School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, attended the event. The 19th and 20th sessions of Kong Jianping’s mentor group participated together.

At the beginning of the activity, Mr. Nova, the mentor team of Kong Jianping, introduced the six major sectors: chip, cloud computing, blockchain, AI, application and terminal.New infrastructure of meta-universe industryDevelopment opportunities; Teacher Sunny explained it for everyone from five aspects: story, style, economic dividend, innovation ability and meta-cosmic imagination space.How to do a good job in NFT project blue chip,Compared with the characteristics of Web2, this paper analyzes "why web3.0 is the future" from multiple dimensions, encourages students to publicize and innovate spontaneously, and promotes the healthy positive cycle of NFT projects.

Subsequently, the 19th student Lou Song shared with you.Innovation opportunities of NFT AMMMa Jiahao discussed with everyone.Governance problems and values of DAO creator communityIt is pointed out that DAO creator community has the characteristics of reducing management cost under the inefficient-oriented structure; Shen Yining, a 20-year student, combined his transformation experience from investment bank to content blogger and analyzed.New ideas of traffic growth in Web3 industryZhao Chengcheng introduced how his entrepreneurial project Mind Network was built.Decentralized privacy data lakeGet a place in the industry.

Finally, Mr. Kong Jianping analyzed the top ten pain points of Web3 entrepreneurship for the students, pointing out that the core value of blockchain technology is not decentralization and building a new economic model, but to form a stronger network effect and share liquidity by opening up the user system, thus creating value and income. Mr. Kong suggested that entrepreneurs should be ecological to each other, reject leverage, rely on industry dividends, adhere to the spirit of hard work, and jointly move towards the application Web3 era in the next decade.

During the opening ceremony, Mr. Ruan Junhua introduced the mental journey and value thinking of establishing the Rainbow Life Platform. Teacher Ruan put forward three suggestions for the students: attitude, persistence in long-term, unremitting efforts and courage to pay in following the great cause; Inherit, learn to carry forward the spirit of Zhejiang businessmen, understand the spiritual strength of mentors, and influence and drive more people; Grateful, grateful to the mentor’s educational feelings, grateful to the platform, but also grateful to the opportunities provided by the country and the times.

Later, Ruan Junhua expressed sincere gratitude to Kong Jianping for his re-joining and the strong support of Nanotechnology, and awarded him a letter of appointment as a mentor.

Instructor Kong Jianping issued admission notices to the students in turn and took a group photo.

knowledge gained by study

Ruan junhao

In this study, I deeply realized the rapid development of the digital age and the powerful power of scientific and technological progress. The following are my learning experiences:

As the next generation Internet, the core idea of Web3.0 is to establish a decentralized and open network ecosystem. Compared with Web1.0 and Web2.0, Web3.0 pays more attention to personal privacy protection and data security, and also pays more attention to users’ control and autonomy of data. When studying Web3.0, I deeply understand the importance of decentralization and autonomy, and realize that digital assets and digital identities will become the core content of Web3.0.

AIGC represents the development of digitalization, intelligence, connectivity and security, and is one of the four core technologies in the digital age. AIGC has a wide range of applications, including natural language processing, image recognition, machine learning and so on. When learning AIGC technology, I deeply understand the influence and importance of artificial intelligence on the future. At the same time, I also realize that the development of artificial intelligence needs a lot of data and computing power support, and blockchain technology can provide a safer and more reliable infrastructure for the development of artificial intelligence. For a person who wants to enter the field of web3.0 entrepreneurship, this is a blue ocean full of opportunities.

Finally, I want to thank Mr. Kong and Qiang Ying, who gave me a very good platform and a great learning opportunity.


First of all, I am very grateful to the activities organized by Mr. Qiang Ying and Mr. Kong, which made me learn a lot. The content shared in this activity is very diverse and rich, including the infrastructure facilities of the Metauniverse, covering the whole industry chain of chips, cloud computing, blockchain, AI, applications and terminals; There is also the blue-chip market of NFT, the rising logic of mainstream NFT (such as BYAC/Azuki) and some emerging projects. There is also a story about how the DAO organization works to create a science fiction work. In addition, there are some hard-core contents, such as transactions, private data sharing, etc. Although time is limited, I can’t fully understand them, but it also broadens my horizons, gains some new knowledge and enriches my understanding of web3.

Finally, Mr. Kong’s sharing also benefited me in particular, including the development history of web3 industry, the top ten pain points faced by entrepreneurs, the advantages and disadvantages of web2 and web3, public chain ecology, regulatory policies, opportunities for globalization and so on. Teacher Kong suggested that it is very important to choose an industry. No matter what industry you do, you can spend at least 10% of your energy on web3.

zhou weijie

This activity gave me a deeper understanding of the business of the Meta-Universe industry and the Meta-Universe track. During the activity, several students shared their own business projects, and many of the technical terms made me feel the gap between being deeply involved in an industry and understanding an industry in a simple way. Bringing in the sharer’s perspective makes me understand that the understanding of business model and the combing of industrial development logic are far more important than what technology we have mastered. We need to look at business issues from a more macro perspective and use technology to help us deepen our understanding.

In the process of sharing, Mr. Kong put forward several ideas that inspired me deeply. The first is that we should fully grasp the industry dividend, look at the industry, and then deepen the cultivation. The second is that we should think more about how to use new technologies in application scenarios that could not be realized before, instead of iterating over existing things with new technologies. I am very grateful to Qiangying for giving me this opportunity to communicate with outstanding predecessors, and I am also very grateful to Teacher Kong for taking the time to guide us.

Ouyang shengxiong

I am honored to participate in the activities of Mr. Kong’s group, which made me gain a lot. As a small white who is not specialized in the web3 industry, I have learned a lot about web3. For example, the sharing of "Governance Problems and Values of DAO" made me understand a very interesting case, in which 100 people can create a science fiction novel together. Everyone can exert their unique creativity. The introduction of Decentralized Privacy Data Lake made me understand a new form of data privacy protection. In the web1 era, our data is crawled by portals, in the web2 era, the data is held by giant companies, and in the web3 era, we can protect our privacy relatively to a greater extent through encryption services. As a person who hasn’t entered the venue yet, I think I can spend more time paying attention to the progress and dynamics of web3 later. Thank you very much, Mr. Kong.

Shan Zhang

Thank you very much for the third mentor group activity organized by Mr. Kong and Qiangying. In this activity, six guests shared their entrepreneurial experiences and experiences on the track of Web 3.0, covering the current application scene of the Metauniverse, how the financial system supports the development of Web 3.0 projects, the application and innovation of NFT technical support, the exploration of DAO community management mode, the password for realizing traffic growth and the new mode of private data management. Through these sharing, I have a deeper understanding of the Web3.0 industry. I think this decentralized idea can bring some new ideas to finance, social governance and industrial production. During the instructor’s evaluation session, Mr. Kong shared his understanding and experience of Web 3.0, covering a wide range of contents, including organizational forms, relations with the government, opportunities for Chinese entrepreneurs in this track, etc., which broadened my horizons. Dean Ruan also shared his initial intention and feeling of establishing Rainbow Life Platform and Strong Eagle, and sent a message to the students, which made me know how to be grateful and give back to the school and society while growing my own skills.

Wen Chen Yiming

The theme of this activity covers the new infrastructure of the meta-universe industry, the blue-chip road of NFT projects, the innovation opportunities in NFT AMM direction, the governance form of DAO creator community, new ideas for the growth of Web3 industry, decentralized privacy data and teacher Kong’s sharing of the industry. In the process of listening to everyone’s sharing, I learned a new organizational structure model, DAO, which is a decentralized autonomous organization. Members of the organization can freely put forward proposals and organize everyone to vote according to the importance of the proposals. It is an effective way to cooperate with like-minded people all over the world. In this way, the 19th Ma Jiahao seniors completed a book about the meta-universe, which shows that everyone can play their respective strengths in this model. In addition, some students explained the new ideas of traffic growth, including traffic entrance, activation mode, how to retain existing customers and how to let customers promote spontaneously. Finally, Mr. Kong explained to us some pain points in the web3 industry and his understanding. Through this activity, I gained a lot of knowledge about web3. Thanks to Mr. Kong and Qiang Ying for their careful preparation.