Subversive black technology blessing, China’s high-end car brands "look up" to break into the million-level market

This may be a press conference of the most concerned domestic automobile brands in recent years. During the press conference, the keyword "looking up" directly rushed to the hot search.

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On January 5th, with a car looking up at U8 heading sideways to the conference stage, it means that the automobile consumption market has ushered in a brand-new brand, and at the same time, it has also ushered in the first "million-class" automobile brand belonging to China automobile enterprises.

After several rounds of preheating, we are no strangers to the brand-new brand "Looking Up". In particular, the short video of hard-core function introduction released for several days recently has aroused the appetite of the outside world. Therefore, the outside world has also paid great attention to this long-awaited conference. During the press conference, the keyword "looking up" even rushed into the hot search list directly.

As Wang Chuanfu, chairman and president of BYD Co., Ltd. said when he mentioned looking up at the brand at the ceremony of BYD’s 3 millionth new energy vehicle off the assembly line two months ago, looking up at the brand is carrying subversive "black technology".

The same is true. After the press conference, dry goods are full and heavy technical functions are frequent, which is why car novels are written every other day. It is necessary to spend some time to digest and think when the heavy information that comes upon us overflows.

Looking back at this conference, it not only ushered in the brand-new high-end automobile brand and its first model, but also ushered in a new node in the development process of China automobile brand, and began to really have its own million-level luxury automobile brand.

The birth of hope comes naturally.

Why do you choose to launch Looking Up Brand at this stage? You know, looking up to the price of the brand’s models will hit a million levels. Before looking up, BYD’s long-term experience in major markets was in the range of 100,000-300,000.

Before talking about this topic, the car novel thought of a sentence circulating on the internet, "You can’t buy BYD now, and you can’t afford BYD in the future." It is not difficult to see the great changes that have taken place in BYD in just a few years.

According to the latest data, in December last year, BYD achieved a sales volume of 234,598 passenger cars, with a cumulative sales volume of 1,868,543 vehicles throughout the year, and it is expected to become the global new energy vehicle sales champion.

In this regard, Wang Chuanfu said, "The performance of the market proves that our choice and persistence are correct, and it also gives the brand an opportunity to make an upward breakthrough."

In addition, according to its disclosure, BYD has a technical dream to provide users with extremely safe cars by better controlling the posture of the car body. And when new energy vehicles have not yet entered the mainstream stage, an ET concept car equipped with four-motor drive technology has been conceived. In order to realize this bold idea, BYD’s R&D team has been fighting for it for 20 years.

At present, with the steady progress of BYD brand, it has gained the recognition of more and more users. On this basis, it is natural to launch high-end brands and look up to nature.

Technology is king, empowering the "million level"

Although the price of the first model has not yet been announced, from the price range revealed before, the price of its models will touch the million-level high-end automobile consumer market.

To reach this level of market, as a brand-new brand, how to support its million-dollar price? For the answer to this question, Wang Chuanfu also gave the answer at the press conference.

In his words, "China people’s high-end brands are not just buying materials, but should be based on super technology to provide users with subversive products and experiences".

The "super technology" mentioned here was also officially released at the same press conference-Yi Sifang.

According to reports, "Easy Sifang" is a 100% independent research and development power system with four motors as the core. The wheel end dynamics can be adjusted at a speed of millimeters through a more perceptive electric drive system. Suitable for pure electric and hybrid platforms, covering hard-core off-road and super-running models. This technology is also the first mass-produced four-motor drive technology in China.

In BYD’s view, this technology is the "golden key" to provide users with the ultimate safety. It can accurately control the four-wheel dynamics of vehicles with the four-motor independent vector control technology, thus breaking the imagination of traditional cars and creating a brand-new automobile safety technology system.

It can be seen from the pictures displayed at the press conference that the U8, the first model equipped with this technology, has the "black technology" functions such as turning around in place and emergency floating to get out of trouble. Even if there is a flat tire during high-speed driving, the vehicle can still maintain a stable posture.

In the future, the "Easy Sifang" technology will be equipped as standard on all models of the brand.

U8, U9, two cars open the road of looking up.

At the press conference, in addition to looking up to its first mass production model-U8, which is positioned as a million-level new energy hard-core off-road vehicle, as an egg, its million-level pure electric performance sports car U9 was also released at the same time. This also means that at the beginning of the official release, we have chosen to go straight into two market segments: high-end hard-core off-road and performance super-running.

Looking up at U8 and looking up at U9 all adopt the family "dimension door" design language of looking up at brands. Among them, looking up at U8 is more than 5 meters long and 2 meters wide. The acceleration time of looking up at U9 is 2 seconds.

In this regard, Wang Chuanfu said that in the era of electrification, China car companies have mastered the initiative of technology. During the vigorous development of new energy vehicles in China in the past 20 years, technology has blossomed and the market has blossomed. "Now our battery and electric drive technology have stood in the forefront of the world, and our deep technology accumulation and mature industrial chain support us to continue to move forward to the deep water area of technology."

Although Wangwang is still a brand-new high-end brand just born, Wang Chuanfu is not worried about the performance of this brand-new high-end brand in the future market. In his view, "mature technology has given birth to mature products, and will eventually show an increase in sales."

According to it, "in the history of automobiles for a hundred years, technological breakthroughs often bring brand-new products and experiences, and BYD has achieved high-end brands with super technology. Have the responsibility, obligation and courage to explore the most cutting-edge technology in the industry and transform it into products to contribute to consumers. "

In the future, Wangwang brand will take the lead in carrying many top technologies mastered by BYD, impacting the million-level high-end market that has been firmly occupied by traditional brands.

As a million-level high-end brand, Wangwang Amy Hu, general manager of the Sales Division, introduced it at the press conference, and Wangwang will establish a self-operated channel to ensure that users can enjoy open and transparent services and the rights of consistent interoperability.

According to reports, in the first quarter of this year, Wangwang Automobile will set up experience centers in Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing, Chengdu, Hangzhou and other cities. 【END】

Attachment: Ten Highlights of "Easy Sifang" Technology

1. "Easy Sifang" is a set of power system with four motors independently driven as the core, which completely reconstructs the characteristics of new energy vehicles from three dimensions: perception, decision-making and execution, completely subverting the power system capability system of previous fuel vehicles.

2. The prototype of "Easy Sifang" technology appeared in the ET concept car released by BYD Group 20 years ago, which was inspired by the cheetah’s perfect posture control at high speed, and four motors independently drive the four wheels of the vehicle. This is also an innovative driving technology that finally ushered in mass production opportunities under the background of core breakthroughs in the three technical fields of battery, electric drive and electronic control after 20 years of continuous exploration.

3. The most subversive value of "Easy Sifang" technology is to break through the constraints of the traditional automobile technology architecture and provide users with extremely safe cars with brand-new ideas.

4. Compared with the traditional fuel vehicle power system, the "Easy Sifang" technology can independently adjust the dynamics of the four-wheel end of the vehicle at millisecond speed through a more perceptive electric drive system, thus better controlling the body posture.

5. "Easy Quartet" technology can provide users with greater safety redundancy, such as accurately adjusting the torque of the remaining three wheels at a frequency of 1000 times per second after a single wheel puncture, and timely and forcefully compensating the posture of the car body through the driving wheel to help the driver stop the vehicle stably and controllably. This function is expected to avoid the occurrence of secondary accidents to the greatest extent from the root of power.

6. The model equipped with "Easy Sifang" technology can even get the emergency floating ability by virtue of the four-wheel independent vector control function, because the protection ability of the core system of the whole vehicle reaches IP68 level and has good tightness of the body and cockpit, which shows the imagination space of the power technology application mode of traditional fuel vehicles.

7. The maximum rotation speed of the "Easy Sifang" platform is 20500rpm, and the horsepower of the whole vehicle is over 1,100 horsepower, which can meet the performance requirements of various extreme scenes such as streets, off-road and racetracks.

8. The powerful power brought by independent research and development of highly integrated motors also supports the "Easy Sifang" technology to realize flexible in-situ U-turn function on high adhesion roads such as asphalt roads.

9. With the independent positive and negative torque output capability of the four-motor drive technology, the "Easy Square" platform can achieve a braking distance of less than 40 meters and an agile steering capability of less than 12 meters while the steering gear and brakes are not working.

10: In the future, all models of Wangwang brand will be equipped with "Easy Sifang" technology as standard.

[Video ]2010 auto china

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    CCTV (China News): Come and pay attention to auto china. As the largest auto show in China, the unique scenery of luxury cars is indispensable. Luxury brands such as Porsche, Bentley and Bugatti have appeared one after another. Let’s follow the camera to feast our eyes.

    This car is the most expensive luxury car in this auto show, the 2010 Bugatti Veveyor 16.4 Sport Edition. It is the first time to appear in the Asia-Pacific region, and the price abroad has reached 2 million US dollars. In terms of power, it is equipped with a strong 987 horsepower output, a four-turbocharged 8.0-liter W16 engine, a dual-clutch gearbox and an all-wheel drive system, and the top speed can reach 407 kilometers per hour.

    Next, we see Lamborghini’s latest model LP670-4, which is limited to 10 units worldwide. It is equipped with a 6.5L-V12 engine with an output power of 670 HP and a top speed of 342 kilometers per hour. The other LP570 is specially sold in China market, and uses a four-wheel drive 5.2LV10 engine.

    Bentley brought a brand-new flagship model that made its debut in Asia at the Beijing Auto Show. It was equipped with an 8-speed automatic transmission, which was nearly handmade and weighed nearly 2.6 tons. It takes only 5.1 seconds to accelerate from standstill to 100 kilometers, and the top speed can reach 296 kilometers per hour.

    Porsche has brought a hybrid car. This 918 is equipped with a plug-in hybrid system and a two-seat high-performance sports car with an engine in the middle. It has a 500-horsepower V8 gasoline engine and three electric motors. However, the fuel consumption is only 3.0L per 100 kilometers.

    BMW, a new hybrid concept car, uses a 1.5L turbocharged diesel engine and is equipped with a hybrid system at the front and rear, with a maximum power of 356 HP, a cruising range of 640 kilometers and a fuel consumption of only 3.76 liters per 100 kilometers.

    Other luxury car brands, such as Ferrari, Mercedes-Benz, Audi and British finidi, have also introduced new models at this auto show. (Editor: Jassamyn Liu)

Editor: Liu Yi

How to cough in autumn?

  Wu yanbing

  In autumn, the climate is dry and the temperature is low, so all kinds of discomfort symptoms of respiratory tract always love to make trouble in this season. Many people have this feeling. In autumn, their throats are like they can’t be pulled open. They are hot, dry and itchy, and have a lot of phlegm. If they are not careful, they will be harassed by coughing, which will be annoying. Today, let’s talk about why the respiratory tract is fragile in autumn and who is prone to cough.

Cough is not necessarily a bad thing.

  The respiratory tract is divided into upper respiratory tract and lower respiratory tract. The upper respiratory tract includes mouth, nose, pharyngeal cavity and throat, and the lower respiratory tract consists of trachea, bronchus and lung. Respiratory tract is the internal organ that people have the most contact with the outside world every day, and it is vulnerable to various external stimuli, such as cold, heat, dryness and infection. However, the lung is a relatively "cute" organ. It does not feel hot or cold, pain or touch. Frankly speaking, it has no feeling, and the biggest response to injury is coughing.

  When the airway is stimulated, the nerve reflex will make the human body produce a series of actions: the glottis are closed, and the breathing muscles contract rapidly to produce exhalation; Because the glottis is closed, the breath can’t go out, and the pressure in the chest cavity rises sharply, which in turn pushes the glottis open; Then, the gas is ejected at high speed, taking out the "bad" things in the trachea — — This is the protective defense mechanism of the lung.

  Therefore, coughing is not necessarily "sick", and coughing when sick is not necessarily a bad thing. Cough can help people expel germs from the body, which is conducive to the improvement of their condition.

  Of course, coughing is very annoying. Cough during the day; Cough at night; Talk too much and cough; Cough when inhaling cold air; Especially when coughing violently in public, not only the patient feels uncomfortable, but also others feel nervous. When some people cough violently, they will retch, affect their sleep, and even have pneumothorax. If the pleura on the lung surface ruptures, they will also have chest pain and hold their breath, which will be life-threatening in severe cases. Some patients with severe cough can lead to loss of consciousness, which is called "cough syncope" in medicine. This situation is very dangerous when driving or working at high altitude. Therefore, patients with relevant medical history should go to the hospital as soon as possible for symptomatic treatment.

  According to the duration, there are three situations.

  When it comes to coughing, we must first distinguish whether it is a real cough. Some people call the action similar to "clearing throat" cough, usually one or two times, because they feel uncomfortable in the throat or something sticks; Some coughs are habitual actions, which are common in smokers and are mostly caused by pharyngitis. What is really a cough is mostly manifested as a series of coughs one after another.

  In medicine, cough is divided into acute cough, subacute cough and chronic cough according to the length of cough time.

  1. Acute cough refers to cough within 3 weeks, mostly cough after infection, which is caused by diseases such as colds and tracheitis;

  2. Subacute cough refers to cough from 3 weeks to 8 weeks. In addition, this situation occurs in older patients, mainly due to post-infection cough;

  3. Chronic cough refers to cough with a course of more than 8 weeks. The main causes are cough variant asthma, postnasal drip syndrome (upper airway cough syndrome), eosinophilic bronchitis, gastroesophageal reflux cough and allergic cough.

  Seasonal cough is mostly caused by these conditions.

  Cough can appear all the year round, but it happens frequently when the season changes. Because the alternation of cold and hot is obvious when changing seasons, especially in autumn, many people do not pay attention to adding clothes and keeping warm in time, and their immunity is reduced, which will create opportunities for all kinds of bacteria and viruses to invade the human body, and then respiratory tract bacterial or viral infection will occur, and the incidence of cough after infection is higher, and respiratory tract infection is easy to induce cough variant asthma. This is also the main reason why everyone feels that it is easy to cough in autumn.

  Why do you cough after respiratory tract infection? In fact, post-infection cough is a respiratory symptom caused by airway inflammation repair. After the infection improves, it will be cured by simply using antitussive drugs, and the course of disease is relatively short.

  The essence of cough variant asthma is the increase of airway sensitivity caused by chronic airway inflammation, which is non-infectious and can be induced by respiratory infection without taking anti-inflammatory drugs. It may or may not be allergic. Although it is called "asthma", the patient has no breathing and his lung function is normal. However, some patients can turn into typical asthma. Therefore, correct treatment can reduce the incidence of typical asthma.

  The dry and cold climate is very unfriendly to the airway, and the cold itself is a kind of stimulation, while the low temperature reduces the water content in the air, which makes the airway more sensitive when it is short of water, thus leading to cough and wheezing. Nasal cavity can warm and humidify inhaled air, but too dry, breathing with open mouth and strenuous exercise may reduce airway humidity and increase airway sensitivity.

  In addition, there are allergic factors. In addition to spring, pollen allergy in autumn is also very serious, and both spring and autumn are the seasons prone to allergic cough, allergic rhinitis and asthma.

  It should be reminded that cough variant asthma, postnasal drip syndrome, eosinophilic bronchitis and allergic cough are all related to allergies to some extent. If there are symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes and nose, and watery eyes while coughing, it will be very effective to receive antiallergic treatment if you go to the hospital to find out that eosinophils are high and total IgE (immunoglobulin E) is high.

  Why do diagnostic tests often choose CT?

  Theoretically, lung CT is not a necessary examination to see cough. In most cases, the lung CT findings of patients with simple cough are normal. Most chronic coughs, such as cough variant asthma, eosinophilic tracheitis, allergic cough, etc., have no obvious lesions in the lungs. Then why do doctors often recommend lung CT examination when they go to the hospital to see a cough?

  Because doctors must first rule out some serious diseases, such as tuberculosis, lung cancer, bronchiectasis and so on. The treatment of these diseases is mainly to treat the primary disease, not to treat cough alone. Doctors should first see if there is any disease in the lungs, and the best way to "see" the lungs is lung CT and X-ray chest film.

  Which is clearer, lung CT or X-ray chest film? Lung CT is relatively clear, X-ray chest film will produce many artifacts, and heart blood vessels and bones may also block the focus, so bronchiectasis and lung cancer are mostly diagnosed by lung CT, while infectious diseases such as tuberculosis and pneumonia can be diagnosed according to X-ray chest film.

  The attending doctor usually asks the patient’s medical history in detail, initially judges the nature of cough and considers what examination to do. For the elderly, patients with chronic cough and hemoptysis, lung CT examination is the first choice. Because the X-ray absorbed dose of lung CT examination is higher than that of chest X-ray film, it is suggested that patients should take the recent imaging results with them when they go to different hospitals one after another to avoid repeated examination.

  Do I have to take medicine for coughing?

  Many old people give medicine to their children when they cough, saying, "I want to suppress the disease"; Some patients are afraid of tracheitis, and then turn into chronic cough, and take medicine as soon as cough appears. But as long as it is medicine, there are side effects, especially for children. Therefore, if you don’t have a severe cough, don’t take cough medicine in a hurry, but see a doctor in time to take medicine for the cause.

  For patients with cough, the doctor’s primary concern is whether there is respiratory infection. If there is a severe cough, the stimulation of the airway may aggravate the inflammatory reaction and delay the improvement of the condition. This situation requires symptomatic medication. Let’s talk about what drugs may be used for cough.

  ● antitussive drugs

  Antitussive drugs work quickly, but they don’t target the cause. Commonly used antitussive drugs mainly include compound methoxyphenamine, licorice tablets, dextromethorphan, compound codeine syrup, traditional Chinese medicine pulmonary cough, loquat syrup, etc., which can achieve antitussive purpose by inhibiting central and peripheral cough reflex, antiallergic, bronchiectasis and other mechanisms. Among them, compound methoxyphenamine is mostly used to treat acute and chronic cough, and compound dextromethorphan solution is often used to treat cough after a cold.

  Most western medicine antitussive drugs are compound preparations, which may include antitussive, chlorpheniramine, pseudoephedrine, etc., with relatively more side effects, but little impact, so you can take them with confidence. Taking chlorpheniramine will cause drowsiness, which is not suitable for professionals who need to concentrate on their work, such as drivers. You can change other antitussive drugs according to your doctor’s advice.

  It should be noted that most western medicine compound antitussive drugs have the same ingredients or substitute ingredients, so do not take them at the same time.

  ● Antiallergic drugs

  Commonly used antiallergic drugs include loratadine and cetirizine, which are suitable for cough caused by allergic factors, especially for patients with allergic rhinitis.

  Among them, montelukast is a relatively safe drug for treating asthma and allergic rhinitis, and can be used simultaneously with other antiallergic drugs.

  In addition, among inhaled hormones and bronchodilators, salmeterol and fluticasone, budesonide and formoterol are commonly used to treat cough variant asthma, eosinophilic tracheitis, allergic cough, etc., which can reduce the probability of patients developing typical asthma while relieving cough.

  Many patients are worried about the side effects when they hear hormones. In fact, these drugs have been on the market for a long time, and the incidence of serious side effects observed is very low, which is relatively safe. It is important to gargle in time after inhalation to remove the excess drugs in the mouth.

  Low acid inhibitor

  Include omeprazole and lansoprazole, which can inhibit gastric acid secretion, and is mainly used for gastroesophageal reflux cough.

  ● Antibiotics

  Including cephalosporins, azithromycin, etc., mainly used for cough caused by infection.

  Low expectorant drugs

  Including eucalyptus, acetylcysteine capsules, ambroxol hydrochloride, fresh bamboo juice, etc., which can dilute sputum, and sputum is not easy to cough up and is suitable for postnasal drip syndrome. However, routine use is not recommended for dry cough.

  Health tips

  How to distinguish "COVID-19" cough from common cough?

  Now China is making every effort to prevent and control the COVID-19 epidemic. When it comes to "cough", it will inevitably make people nervous. So, what’s the difference between a cough caused by Covid-19 and a cough caused by a common respiratory infection?

  In view of the complexity of symptoms caused by Covid-19, it is impossible for patients to screen for infection by themselves. Clinically, in addition to fever, Covid-19 infection can sometimes be characterized by simple cough (mostly without sputum), which can also be the only first symptom of COVID-19 patients.

  Therefore, if you have a cough, you should pay attention to the symptoms of cough and go to a regular hospital in time if you have a history of epidemiological contact. At this time, don’t buy or take medicine by yourself, so as not to delay the diagnosis of the disease and cause the spread of the virus.

  (Author: Beijing Chaoyang Hospital, Beijing Institute of Respiratory Diseases)

Various localities have introduced night economic development policies to further promote consumption growth.

  [Economic Interface]

  Under the night, the city is brightly lit. The bustling pedestrian street, the people coming and going are not tired; The theater and theater of the night show, the audience is in high spirits; Bar party, friends dinner … … With the enrichment of people’s nightlife, the fiery "night economy" began to release its great potential.

  At present, China’s nighttime economy is on the rise, and all localities have seized the opportunity to launch policies to encourage nighttime economic development and further promote urban consumption growth. In this process, how to highlight the cultural characteristics of the city, improve the supporting management level of the city, and innovate the diversified night economic formats has become a "proposition" worth thinking about.

  1. Rich "nightlife" releases residents’ consumption potential.

  Today, the traditional way of life of sunrise and sunset has gradually gone away, and night shopping, catering, tourism, leisure and entertainment, cultural consumption and so on constitute a prosperous and growing night economy.

  The change of young people’s lifestyle makes them the "main force" of night consumption. China tourism academy’s research data shows that "post-80s" and "post-90s" account for 40.0% and 19.8% of night tourism consumption respectively. For young people, after a busy day’s work, night is the best time to relieve stress and relax — — Midnight shows of hot movies are often particularly popular; Musicals and theater performances are mostly arranged at night; More and more midnight snack demand has caused many restaurants to adjust their business hours; Theme parks have opened night shows one after another, extending entertainment activities to the night … … These lifestyle changes make night a "golden age" to stimulate economic consumption.

  According to statistics, in first-tier cities such as Beijing, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, the proportion of night consumption has already accounted for more than 50% of all-day consumption. According to the relevant report of the Ministry of Commerce, 60% of the consumption occurs at night, and the consumption of large shopping malls accounts for more than half of the whole day from 18: 00 to 22: 00 every night. This situation is more obvious on the e-commerce platform that is open 24 hours a day. According to the data from Lexin’s installment mall, the amount of orders placed on this platform from 7: 00 am to 6: 00 am the next day accounts for 36% of the total order amount. Orders are mainly concentrated from 7: 00 pm to 11: 00 pm, but even at the lowest peak of trading at 5: 00 am, 0.3% of users are placing orders, and the average customer unit price at night is about 30% higher than during the day.

  The rise of "Midnight Food Store" has formed a landscape of the city at night, and merchants in special dining areas are open until late at night to meet people’s catering consumption needs for supper and night parties. Bars, KTV, clubs and other places with night activities as their main business have also flourished and become more social leisure and entertainment methods. Tourists have also started "night activities" in addition to traveling during the day — — Embark on the waterfront landscape trail and feel the life culture of the city; Climb the landmark building and enjoy the night lighting of the city; Come to Wenhua Street and Pedestrian Street and feel the local specialties.

  In response to the "night tour" needs of tourists, more and more night tour projects have been launched. The starry summer activities in Gubei Water Town in Beijing, the night tour of Huangpu River in Shanghai, the night tour of the two rivers in Chongqing, the "Datang City that Never Sleeps" in Xi ‘an and the "Lancang River Mekong River Night" in Xishuangbanna are all particularly popular. In recent years, the well-received landscape real-life performance project perfectly combines real-life and lighting, making it a good choice for tourists’ night activities. In 2018, the number of orders for products with the label "Night Tour" increased by 9.0% year-on-year.

  Night economy is becoming an important indicator to measure urban vitality and residents’ quality of life. Fu Yifu, a senior researcher at Suning Financial Research Institute, pointed out that people’s enthusiasm for consumption at night is high, which helps to expand domestic demand and release the consumption potential of residents. At the same time, the night economy has also provided more jobs for urban residents, promoted the growth of related industries, and prompted the city to continuously improve infrastructure, transportation and public services.

  2. Deep integration of night economy and urban culture.

  Night economy is also a window of city life culture. Sanlitun in Beijing, Xintiandi in Shanghai, Qinhuai River in Nanjing and Chunxi Road &hellip in Chengdu; … The bustling nights in these places have become a beautiful business card of a city. Whether it’s the brightly lit "Night Shanghai", the Qinhuai River with a unique classical style, or the Tianjin Quyi with full charm, the nightlife with local cultural characteristics makes people appreciate different urban charm.

  However, people who have traveled through many cities will find that the night economy in most cities in China has not yet formed its own characteristics. Many cities have night markets, but most of them sell similar snacks and souvenirs with similar formats, and there is a problem of homogenization development.

  Dai Bin, president of china tourism academy, pointed out that to develop the night economy, we should fully tap the local night leisure resources and combine our own cultural characteristics to create leisure and entertainment projects, such as cross talk and folk art culture in Tianjin and pingtan culture in Suzhou. The night economy should be deeply integrated with the city’s history and culture, reflect the city’s cultural heritage, build a city’s characteristic brand, and provide differentiated and diversified nightlife for residents and tourists. In the survey of china tourism academy’s demand for tourists’ night tour experience, cultural festivals, visits to cultural sites and other activities are in the forefront, which also shows that the night economy has great room for development in enhancing the advantages of characteristic culture.

  At present, many cities are exploring ways to enhance the economic and cultural connotation at night and shape night experience projects with urban cultural characteristics. In Harbin, colorful ice lanterns make night ice and snow tourism projects become city signs; Guangzhou combines its own night tea culture to promote the development of night leisure catering; In Tianjin, which is near the Haihe River, diversified night consumer brands such as "Night Tour of Haihe River", "Night Appreciation of Tianjin Music" and "Night Purchase of Tianjin Goods" are becoming increasingly popular. In Chengdu, activities such as night tour of Wuhou Temple, Jinsha Sun Festival and night tour of Caotang combine history and life culture. Jinan takes the "old streets and lanes" as an attractive element, and develops "punch-in" attractions such as night folk art performances, cultural museums and workshops for non-genetic inheritors.

  More rich formats of night economy are coming: late-night cinemas, late-night theaters, late-night bookstores, and night shows in music clubs, art galleries and museums, which can meet the spiritual and cultural consumption needs of residents. For example, the "Sleepover Museum" activities launched in Beijing, Changsha, Hangzhou and other places combine summer camps with parent-child tours and are deeply loved by children; Sanlian Taofen Bookstore, which is brightly lit at night, has also become a phenomenal "urban landscape". The development of fun run, fitness, sports and other projects can guide residents to take part in sports activities outside their homes. fun run around the city wall of Xi ‘an has become the best choice for a large number of fun run fans to "warm up".

  3. To be stronger and better is inseparable from standardized development.

  Although the development of night economy in some cities has been quite distinctive, on the whole, the development of night economy in China is still in its infancy. Compared with the growing demand, most areas do not have the conditions and ability to develop the night economy, the consumption scene is relatively scarce, and the night economy format is not rich.

  "At present, the night economy in China’s cities is mainly catering and shopping, and there is still a big gap between enterprises’ related investment and the supply of products and services during the day, which requires guidance and support from relevant policies." Dai Bin pointed out. Zhao Ping, director of the International Trade Research Department of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, believes that China’s nighttime consumption structure needs to be further optimized and gradually upgraded from commodity consumption to service consumption.

  In recent years, seeing the great potential of night economy, various places have launched policy documents to support the development of night economy. Since the end of 2017, Nanjing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Jinan and other cities have successively issued implementation plans to promote the development of night economy, actively laid out functional areas for the development of night economy in cities, and promoted the development of various consumer formats. At the same time, they also introduced measures such as environmental transformation, lighting projects, increasing leisure facilities, and strengthening public service facilities.

  Compared with the booming economy, some local residents are worried about the negative impact of the night economy. For example, in noisy bar streets and other places, noise and light pollution may affect the rest of the surrounding citizens; Whether the management of garbage disposal and food hygiene in the night market can be put in place; There are still many citizens who are worried about hidden dangers in safety and fire protection; People who travel at night may encounter problems such as "difficulty in taking a taxi" and "parking chaos" … … These factors undoubtedly put forward higher requirements for urban management. According to the survey in china tourism academy, among the factors that limit tourists’ night experience, 49.4% respondents are worried about safety and 25.8% are worried about inconvenient traffic at night.

  In this regard, experts pointed out that in addition to the corresponding extension of business hours by merchants, basic supporting facilities and public services also need to be in place, and the joint promotion of various departments such as transportation, fire protection, public security and market supervision is needed. For example, open more night traffic bus lines or extend the bus operation time, appropriately extend the garbage removal time, increase security patrols, strictly supervise food safety and commodity prices, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.

  Drawing on the international experience, the policy documents issued by Jinan and Shanghai both put forward the system of establishing "night district chief" and "night life chief executive officer", with district heads in charge and people with relevant industry management experience as the posts respectively to co-ordinate and manage the development of night economy. At the same time, all localities also require scientific planning of urban functional areas, creating nightlife gathering areas, forming landmark brand areas, and trying not to disturb the people.

  With the continuous attempts to create a new format of multi-form night consumption in various places, the night in the city is no longer a quiet "sleeping city", and the colorful night makes the city glow with new vitality.

   (Reporter Lu Yuanzhen)

Beaten by car anxiety? Car purchase recommendation has come to help zero-experience Xiaobai buy a suitable new car.

There are many kinds of cars, and once Xiao Bai with zero experience steps in, he will easily fall into "car selection anxiety". After all, how to choose the right car according to the budget? Today, I will send you a car recommendation, and your friends who have plans to buy a car can use it as a reference.

1. SAIC Volkswagen Skoda-Supai

The guide price of express manufacturers is 174,900-194,900 yuan. The appearance of the car is dynamic and fashionable, which brings people a fresh sense of vitality. In the front face, the raised lines on the front hood are full of existence, which is hard to ignore. Every bump is the embodiment of a sense of strength, which greatly adds to the design sense of the whole front face. The design of the rear of the car is steady, and the addition of silver trim adds the finishing touch and adds the beauty of details.

Speedmaster comes standard with black interior, the overall atmosphere is well controlled, and the exquisite materials and workmanship effectively guarantee the driving experience. The whole car comes standard with a 9.2-inch touch LCD screen, which is powerful and has an excellent daily experience. The front seat of the vehicle has a heating function, which dispels the cold of winter and gives warmth and comfort to the owner.

The 2024 Speedmaster has two models, the exclusive version is equipped with a 1.4T+7DCT power system, and the luxury version is equipped with a 2.0T+7DCT power system. The maximum speed of the new car is 210km/h, and the official 0-100km/h acceleration only needs 7.9-8.7L/100km.

2. FAW Toyota-Toyota bZ3

Toyota bZ3 manufacturer’s guide price is 16.98-19.98 million yuan. The image of the whole vehicle is excellent, and it is "impeccable" whether it is seen from near or far, which brings obvious visual surprise to the public. The new car is like a soldier of the future, angular and full of sports charm. The tail of the new car adopts a penetrating taillight group, which is elegant in shape and excellent in lighting effect.

Toyota bZ3 offers three kinds of interior color matching, each with its own strong points, showing different atmosphere beauty. The central control design of the new car is simple and clear at a glance, giving people a comfortable impression. The steering wheel of the main driver’s seat has a unique design, with the beauty of Fiona Fang, and the daily use effect is excellent. The new car configuration is gratifying, giving drivers and passengers an all-round surprise experience.

Toyota bZ3 is a pure electric medium-sized car with a maximum speed of 160km/h and a CLTC pure electric cruising range of 517-616km. The new car supports four driving modes, and the owner can switch freely according to the actual needs, thus realizing more fun and experience of using the car.

3. Dongfeng Citroen-Versailles C5 X

Versailles C5 X manufacturer’s guide price is 143,701-186,701 yuan. The image of the front face of the car is excellent, and it has a unique sense of coolness and coldness. The design of the headlights is elegant and unique, which is a rare design language in the market, showing the unique temperament and gas field of the car. The split taillight group at the rear of the car is full of tension, like an elastic spring, which is very dynamic.

Versailles C5 X offers color-coded interiors with excellent atmosphere. Once seated, people’s eyes will be attracted by the unique central control panel. The central control screen design is personalized, which gives the owner a different experience. The seats in the car are comfortable, and passengers can enjoy long-distance go on road trip with peace of mind.

Versailles C5 X is equipped with a power combination of 1.6T+8AT, with surging power and rapid acceleration. The maximum speed of the new car is 221km/h, which is amazing for four seats, leading the owners to fly quickly and enjoy driving fun.

Ji Mengnian: Cape Verde, like the men’s basketball team, has a tower-no basket-and mistakes are mostly preparations for South Sudan.

Live on August 4th, at 0:00 tomorrow morning, the Italian Trentino Cup, the China men’s basketball team played against the Cape Verdean men’s basketball team.

Ji Mengnian, a reporter from titan sports, wrote his own opinion on this competition in his personal Weibo: "This time, the China men’s basketball team played this competition in Italy, which was actually a warm-up of four countries. The participating teams were Italy, China, Cape Verde and Turkey. There are four matches in this competition, Cape Verde plays China, Italy plays Turkey, and then there are the first and second place finals and the third and fourth place finals. The game is also very fast, and it will be finished in two days.

"For China fans, the biggest attraction of this game is Li Kaier’s debut. It may be one of two games, and I guess it should be the one tomorrow.Today’s battle with Cape Verde may not see Likel.

"However, although there may be no Likel in this game tonight, there is no lack of points to watch. Cape Verde and China have many similarities, such as towers inside, for example, neither team made baskets, for example, there were many mistakes. Playing with Cape Verde is also a preparation for the confrontation with South Sudan. Although the styles of the two teams are different and the average age of Cape Verde players is older, this game should also be the last chance for China men’s basketball team to warm up with African teams before the World Cup.

"The weekend starts at midnight, and the time is ok. I look forward to it."

Serie A Bundesliga standings [5.21]: Milan 5-1, Bayern 1-3 Leipzig, Marseille lost.

Serie A, Bundesliga and Ligue 1 teams welcome the following games, the standings, the situation, the goals and the team’s recent achievements are described in detail below:

The following Serie A matches will be played: AC Milan 5-1 Sampdoria, Atalanta 3-1 Verona and Cremonese 1-5 Bologna.

The following Bundesliga matches were played: Bayern Munich 1:3RB Leipzig, Schalke 042:2 Frankfurt, Hertha Berlin 1:1 Bochum, Hoffenheim 4:2 Berlin Union, Werder Bremen 1:1 Cologne.

The following matches in Ligue 1 were played: Lille 2-1 Marseille, Nantes 0-3 Montpellier.

Serie A standings and battle data:

AC Milan 5:1 Sampdoria

At 2 o’clock on May 21 ST, Beijing time, AC Milan 5:1 Sampdoria in the 36th round of Serie A.

In the match, AC Milan scored the following goals: Rafael Leo scored in 9 minutes, Gill scored in 23 minutes, Gill scored a penalty in 29 minutes, Brahim Diaz scored in 63 minutes and Gill scored in 68 minutes.

In the game, Sampdoria scored the following goals: Quagliarella scored a goal in 20 minutes.

The two teams played recently:

On September 11th, 2022, Beijing time, Sampdoria visited 1-2 AC Milan in the Serie A match.

On February 13th, 2022, Beijing time, in the Serie A match, AC Milan played Sampdoria 1-0 at home.

On August 24th, 2021, Beijing time, Sampdoria visited 0-1 AC Milan in the Serie A match.

On April 3, 2021, Beijing time, in the Serie A match, AC Milan played 1-1 at Sampdoria.

The points of the two teams:

AC Milan: 36 wins, 18 draws, 10 losses, 8 points, 64 rankings, 5 wins and 50% wins.

Sampdoria: 36 wins, 3 draws, 9 losses, 24 points, 18 points, ranking 20, winning rate 9%

Atlanta 3:1 Verona

At 0: 00 on May 21, Beijing time, Atalanta 3:1 Verona in the 36th round of Serie A.

In the competition, Atalanta scored the following goals: Zappacosta scored in 22 minutes, Passalic scored in 53 minutes and Heylund scored in 62 minutes.

In the game, Verona scored the following goals: lazovic scored a goal in 11 minutes.

The two teams played recently:

On August 29th, 2022, Beijing time, in the Serie A match, Verona visited Atlanta 0-1.

On April 19th, 2022, Beijing time, in the Serie A match, Atlanta played 1-2 at home in Verona.

On December 12, 2021, Beijing time, in the Serie A match, Verona visited Atlanta 1-2.

On March 21, 2021, Beijing time, in the Serie A match, Verona was a guest of 0-2 Atlanta.

The points of the two teams:

Atlanta: 36 wins, 18 draws, 7 losses, 11 points, 61 points, 6 wins and 50% wins.

Verona: 36 wins, 7 draws, 9 losses, 20 points, 30 points, 18 wins, 20%

Cremonese 1:5 Bologna

At 21: 00 Beijing time on May 20, the 36th round of Serie A was 1:5 in Bologna, Cremonese.

In the game, Cremonese scored the following goals: Ciofani scored a goal in 90 minutes +1 minute.

In the match, the Bologna team scored the following goals: Anautovic scored a goal in 14 minutes, Lewis Ferguson scored a goal in 27 minutes, Stefan Bosch scored a goal in 45 minutes +1 minute, Orsolini scored a goal in 62 minutes and Sansone scored a goal in 80 minutes.

The two teams played recently:

On January 24, 2023, Beijing time, Bologna was a guest in Cremonese 1-1 in Serie A.

On May 6, 2006, Beijing time, in the Serie B match, Cremonese played 2-2 at home in Bologna.

On December 3, 2005, Beijing time, Bologna was a guest in Cremonese 1-1 in the Serie B competition.

The points of the two teams:

Cremonese: 36 wins, 4 draws, 12 losses, 20 points and 24 ranks 19 with a winning rate of 12%.

Bologna: 36 wins, 13 draws, 11 losses, 12 points and 50 points, ranking 9 with a winning rate of 37%.

Bundesliga standings and battle data:

Bayern Munich 1:3RB Leipzig

At 0: 00 Beijing time on May 21st, the 33rd round of Bundesliga was 1:3RB in Leipzig.

In the game, Bayern Munich scored the following goals: Gnabry scored a goal in 25 minutes.

In the game, the RB Leipzig team scored the following goals: leimer scored a goal in 64 minutes, Nkunku scored a penalty in 76 minutes and Szoboszlai scored a penalty in 86 minutes.

The two teams played recently:

On January 21, 2023, Beijing time, in the Bundesliga competition, RB Leipzig was a guest at 1-1 Bayern Munich.

On July 31, 2022, Beijing time, in the German Super Cup, RB Leipzig was a guest of 3-5 Bayern Munich.

On February 6, 2022, Beijing time, in the Bundesliga match, Bayern Munich played 3-2 RB at home in Leipzig.

On September 12, 2021, Beijing time, in the Bundesliga competition, RB Leipzig was a guest of 1-4 Bayern Munich.

The points of the two teams:

Bayern Munich: 33 wins, 20 draws, 8 losses, 5 points, 68 rankings, 61% winning rate.

RB Leipzig: 33 wins, 19 draws, 6 losses, 8 points, 63 ranking, 58% winning rate.

Schalke 042:2 Frankfurt

At 21: 00 Beijing time on May 20, the 33rd round of Bundesliga Schalke 042:2 Frankfurt.

In the game, Schalke 04 scored the following goals: Trod scored a goal in 1 minute and poulter scored a goal in 85 minutes.

In the competition, the Frankfurt team scored the following goals: Daichi Kamada scored a goal in 21 minutes and Tuta scored a goal in 59 minutes.

The two teams played recently:

On January 21, 2023, Beijing time, in the Bundesliga competition, Frankfurt was a guest of 3-0 Schalke 04.

On May 15th, 2021, Beijing time, in the Bundesliga match, Schalke 04 played 4-3 at home in Frankfurt.

On January 18, 2021, Beijing time, in the Bundesliga competition, Frankfurt was a guest at 3-1 Schalke 04.

On June 18, 2020, Beijing time, in the Bundesliga competition, Frankfurt was a guest at 2-1 Schalke 04.

The points of the two teams:

Schalke 04: 33 wins, 7 draws, 10 losses, 16 points and 31 points, ranking 16 with a winning rate of 22%.

Frankfurt: 33 wins, 12 draws, 11 losses, 10 points, 47 rankings, 8 wins and 37% wins.

Hertha Berlin 1:1 Bochum

At 21 o’clock on May 20 th, Beijing time, Hertha Berlin 1:1 Bochum in the 33 rd round of Bundesliga.

In the game, Hertha Berlin scored the following goals: Tousard scored a goal in 63 minutes.

In the game, Bochum scored the following goals: 90 minutes +4 minutes Kevin Schlotterbeck scored a goal.

The two teams played recently:

On January 21, 2023, Beijing time, Bochum was a guest in Hertha Berlin 3-1 in the Bundesliga competition.

On February 5, 2022, Beijing time, in the Bundesliga match, Hertha Berlin played 1-1 Bochum at home.

On September 12, 2021, Beijing time, Bochum was a guest at Hertha Berlin 1-3 in the Bundesliga competition.

On July 21, 2019, Beijing time, Bochum was a guest at Hertha Berlin 1-1 in a friendly match.

The points of the two teams:

Hertha Berlin: 33 wins, 6 draws, 8 losses, 19 points, 26 points, 18 wins and 19% wins.

Bochum: 33 wins, 9 draws, 5 losses, 19 points, 32 ranks 15th, and the winning rate is 28%.

Hoffenheim 4:2 Berlin Union

At 21 o’clock on May 20 th, Beijing time, the 33 rd round of the Bundesliga was 4:2 in Berlin

In the competition, Hoffenheim scored the following goals: Bibo scored a goal in 22 minutes, Kramaric scored a penalty in 36 minutes, Kramaric scored a goal in 90 minutes and Dabbour scored a goal in 90 minutes +9 minutes.

In the competition, the Berlin United team scored the following goals: Dokhi scored a goal in 45 minutes +4 minutes, and Leduni scored a goal in 90 minutes +5 minutes.

The two teams played recently:

On January 21, 2023, Beijing time, in the Bundesliga competition, Berlin jointly visited 3-1 Hoffenheim.

On January 15, 2022, Beijing time, in the Bundesliga competition, Berlin jointly visited 2-1 Hoffenheim.

On August 22, 2021, Beijing time, in the Bundesliga competition, Hoffenheim scored 2-2 at home in Berlin.

On February 28, 2021, Beijing time, in the Bundesliga competition, Berlin jointly visited 1-1 Hoffenheim.

The points of the two teams:

Hoffenheim: 33 wins, 10 draws, 5 losses, 18 points, 35 points, 13 wins and 31% wins.

Berlin United: 33 wins, 17 draws, 8 losses, 8 points and 59 points, ranking 4 with a winning rate of 52%.

Werder Bremen 1:1 Cologne

At 21 o’clock on May 20 th, Beijing time, the 33 rd round of Bundesliga Werder Bremen 1:1 Cologne.

In the game, Werder Bremen scored the following goals: schmid scored a goal in 73 minutes.

In the competition, the Cologne team scored the following goals: Tiegs scored a goal in 36 minutes.

The two teams played recently:

On January 22, 2023, Beijing time, in the Bundesliga competition, Cologne was a guest of 7-1 Werder Bremen.

On March 7, 2021, Beijing time, in the Bundesliga competition, Cologne was a guest at 1-1 Werder Bremen.

On November 7, 2020, Beijing time, in the Bundesliga competition, Werder Bremen played 1-1 Cologne at home.

On June 27th, 2020, Beijing time, Werder Bremen played 6-1 in Cologne at home in the Bundesliga.

The points of the two teams:

Werder Bremen: 33 wins, 10 draws, 6 losses, 17 points, 36 points, 12 wins and 31% wins.

Cologne: 33 wins, 10 draws, 12 losses, 11 points and 42 points, ranking 10, with a winning rate of 31%.

Ligue 1 standings and battle data:

Lille 2:1 Marseille

At 3 o’clock on May 21 ST, Beijing time, Lille 2:1 Marseille in the 36 th round of Ligue 1.

In the game, Lille scored the following goals: Jonathan David scored a penalty in 50 minutes and Jonathan Bamba scored a goal in 72 minutes.

In the game, Marseille scored the following goals: Jonathan Close scored a goal in 29 minutes.

The two teams played recently:

On September 11th, 2022, Beijing time, Marseille made a 2-1 Lille visit in the Ligue 1 competition.

On January 17, 2022, Beijing time, Marseille was a 1-1 Lille guest in the Ligue 1 competition.

On October 3, 2021, Beijing time, in the Ligue 1 match, Lille played 2-0 Marseille at home.

On March 4, 2021, Beijing time, Lille played 2-0 in Marseille at home in the Ligue 1 match.

The points of the two teams:

Lille: 36 wins, 18 draws, 9 losses, 9 points, 63 points, 5 wins, 50% wins.

Marseille: 36 wins, 22 draws, 7 losses, 7 points, 73 places, and the winning rate is 62%.

Nantes 0:3 Montpellier

At 23 o’clock on May 20 th, Beijing time, Nantes 0:3 Montpellier in the 36 th round of Ligue 1.

In the competition, Montpellier scored the following goals: Jordain Ferry scored a goal in 38 minutes, Nordin scored a goal in 47 minutes and Faraille Sacco scored a goal in 88 minutes.

The two teams played recently:

On January 15th, 2023, Beijing time, Montpellier visited Nantes 0-3 in the Ligue 1 match.

On March 6, 2022, Beijing time, in the Ligue 1 match, Nantes played 2-0 in Montpellier at home.

On October 31, 2021, Beijing time, Montpellier visited Nantes 2-0 in the Ligue 1 match.

On May 24, 2021, Beijing time, Nantes played 1-2 Montpellier at home in the Ligue 1 match.

The points of the two teams:

Nantes: 36 wins, 6 draws, 15 losses, 15 points, 33 points, 17 wins and 17% wins.

Montpellier: 36 wins, 14 draws, 5 losses, 17 points, 47 points, 12 wins and 39% wins.

There are big changes in the frontcourt this summer. Barcelona wants to clean two generals, and the No.10 in the team+the old Manchester City general.

This season, the team has successively introduced Levan and Rafinha, which has achieved good results. Barcelona hopes to continue to upgrade its frontcourt position this summer, while some players with poor performance will be purged. Fati and Phelan Torres are undoubtedly inferior to others in the frontcourt. In terms of reinforcement, Barcelona intends to introduce Rocco, while in terms of cleaning, Fati and Phelan Torres are the two frontcourt players who are most likely to leave the team. In order to have enough funds to continue the upgrade and reinforcement of the frontcourt, Barcelona may consider selling one of Fati and Phelan Torres.

Fati, the new Barcelona No.10 is obviously not as good as the previous No.10 players of the club, and it is difficult for people to see any signs of improvement. Fati’s future in Barcelona has become increasingly uncertain, and now the club is more inclined to sell it to recover funds, rather than give time to prove itself. Fati’s own performance is unstable, and it also affects other players on Barcelona’s offensive end from time to time. The most classic scene is that Fati grabbed Levan, who was in a better position, so that the latter failed to make a header attack. Fati failed to have a good chemical reaction with other teams in the frontcourt, but it had the opposite effect. The data of 6 goals and 3 assists in 36 games seems not bad, but Fati did more harm than good in the frontcourt.

Fortunately, Fati still has a market, and several top teams in the Premier League want to introduce this Barcelona frontcourt player. Therefore, as long as Barcelona is willing to push Fati into the transfer market, I believe it can be sold at a good price. As for Phelan Torres, he only came to Barcelona in January last year, and this season has actually begun the first full season of his career in Barcelona. However, the club is obviously not satisfied with Phelan Torres’ performance on the court. Poor ability to seize opportunities, whether it is personal scoring or organizing assists, has not played the role and effect expected by the coach. Phelan-Torres Espiba has a low presence on the offensive end, which has actually lasted for a long time.

People don’t see any signs of recovery in Phelan Torres. Phelan Torres is not as good as Dembele in breaking and killing on the flank. The latter can not only play a critical role, but also always send assists to his teammates. Barcelona hopes to sell Phelan Torres this summer. At the beginning, it cost 55 million euros to introduce him from Manchester City, and the capital cost is a little. Now it seems that this transaction is obviously disappointing and at a loss. Phelan Torres has played 32 games for Barcelona so far this season, of which only 13 started and scored 5 goals and 1 assist. It’s worse than Fati in data.

For Barcelona fans, compared with Fati, the club is actually more inclined to sell Phelan Torres. After all, the former comes from the team’s own youth training, and the fans still hope Fati can play and show his due role on the court. Phelan Torres is not from Barcelona, but from Valencia. Phelan Torres made a name for himself in Valencia and attracted the attention of Manchester City. During his time at Manchester City, Phelan Torres’ performance was remarkable. However, due to Barcelona’s invitation, fans have the idea of returning to La Liga. Manchester City chose to follow Phelan Torres’ wishes and the deal was successfully concluded. However, it is a pity that Phelan Torres, who returned to La Liga, played an outstanding performance in Valencia and even Manchester City, but now he is facing the fate of being purged.