The fuel consumption is as low as 5L, BYD Han DM-i is exposed, the design remains unchanged, and the price is lowered by 20%.

BYD’s successful transformation in just a few years can not be separated from its massive investment in the field of new energy.

In recent years, the benefits have gradually emerged. Blade batteries, super hybrid DM-i, etc. have become brand-new synonyms for BYD, and BYD has also won the favor of friends. BYD, on the other hand, is unmoved and concentrates on expanding its product matrix to seek more market share.

No, on the day of the release of BYD Song (parameter picture) Pro DM-i, the road test spy photos of BYD Han DM-i were exposed on the Internet. I have to sigh that BYD’s speed is too fast, which is not to give friends a chance.

According to the exposed road test spy photos, the appearance of Han DM-i is almost the same as that of the models currently on sale, with some adjustments only in the details. According to the previous application information, the new car will be equipped with a DM-i super hybrid system consisting of a 1.5T engine, while the Han DM currently on sale is equipped with a DM-p plug-in hybrid system. Compared with the two cars, Han DM-i is obviously better in fuel economy.

In addition to the difference in power, the appearance of the Han DM-i is also different from that of the Han DM model. In addition to the obvious difference in the logo in the lower left corner of the tail, the taillight part has also been replaced with a newly designed taillight group shape, although it is still a penetrating taillight, but the overall shape is more slender.

Combined with the declaration drawings submitted by BYD to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Han DM-i continues the exterior design of Han DM models, and the front part continues the design of the models currently on sale. The large-size hexagonal air intake grille has formed a "big mouth" visual effect. The grille is decorated with lattice structure of chrome-plated elements, which gives people a very strong visual impact. The top of the grille is consistent with the cash, and a thick chrome-plated strip with the "Han" logo is on both sides.

The side part of Han DM-i is still designed with multiple waistlines, thus creating a slender outline of the vehicle, and the "Long Lin" decorative plate at the rear window triangle is also preserved, which well reflects the exquisiteness of the new car.

As the biggest highlight of this change, the dynamic performance of Han DM-i is undoubtedly the biggest highlight.

Han DM-i will be equipped with a super hybrid system composed of the same 1.5T engine as Tang DM-i. The power performance can refer to the powertrain of the current Tang DM-i. Of course, BYD will not rule out the power adjustment of Han DM-I in the later period, but the general data is still the same. The maximum power of the current Tang DM-I is 102kW, and the maximum power of the motor is 145kW. Although compared with the 2.0T engine of BYD Han DM currently on sale, correspondingly, the fuel consumption performance of Han DM-i in the feed state will be reduced, which is more in line with consumers’ demand for low fuel consumption.

After all, the biggest advantage of BYD’s DM-i hybrid system is obviously the low fuel consumption performance of the vehicle under the feed fuel consumption. Although there is no relevant information on the fuel consumption of DM-i models at present, referring to the comprehensive fuel consumption performance of BYD’s Tang DM-i as low as 5.3L100km, this is obviously very rare for a big guy who is positioned in a medium-sized SUV, and the high probability of fuel consumption of BYD’s Han DM-i will be stabilized at around 5L.

Finally, let’s look at the price. Combined with the official guide price of the current BYD Han DM plug-in hybrid model of 21.98-23.98 million, the BYD Han DM-i exposed this time is expected to be lowered in terms of price, further lowering the price threshold. It is estimated that the starting price will be controlled at around 170,000, and the reduction rate will be around 20%, so as to enhance the competitiveness of its own products.

On the whole, the Han DM-i launched by BYD this time is obviously more suitable for home use than the previous Han DM. After all, in today’s background, car companies have gradually begun to abandon models with high displacement, and BYD Han DM-i is obviously more suitable for the current consumption trend with the blessing of super hybrid DM-i and blade batteries. As for BYD Han DM, there is a high probability that it will be retained. After all, some consumers still prefer powerful models.

Revealing the emotional anchor’s skill of collecting money: acting hype, selling miserable goods

  Xinhua News Agency, Jinan, June 2 nd Title: Revealing Emotional Anchor’s Art of Collecting Money: Acting and Speculating, Selling Miserable Goods.

  Xinhua News Agency "Xinhua Viewpoint" reporter

  In Tik Tok, Aauto Quicker and other short video platforms, there are a group of anchors who solve emotional problems for netizens. They can solve complicated contradictions and disputes in daily life in minutes, attracting a large number of middle-aged and elderly viewers.

  A survey by Xinhua Viewpoint reporter found that these emotional anchors often write, direct and play false stories under the guise of "mediation", with the actual purpose of bringing goods. Most of the goods sold are fake and shoddy, which is suspected of fraud.

  Making up stories "selling miserably" has tens of thousands of fans.

  The reporter searched several short video and live broadcast platforms with the keyword "emotional anchor" and found that under the label of "positive energy", the screen was full of incredible ethical stories, such as "my ex-boyfriend took out his kidney for his girlfriend but chose to disappear" and "my husband died for 6 years and met again on the way to work".

  Once you pay attention to an emotional anchor, the platform will continue to push similar emotional anchors. In the live broadcast room, the anchor usually conducts so-called contradiction mediation and dispute settlement in the name of accepting the request of the "client". After the broadcast, the anchor took "everyone likes it to 100,000, so I will contact the client for mediation" as a gimmick, accumulating the audience and popularity in the live broadcast room, and distributing more traffic in the background accordingly.

  From fighting between husband and wife to quarreling between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, from maintenance disputes to child abuse, the drama of "mediating contradictions" by anchors is constantly staged in videos or live broadcasts. Some of the protagonists in the story are terminally ill boys, and some are mothers abused by their children. They have left messages to the emotional anchor for "help" because of their "miserable experiences".

  The anchors sometimes look dignified and sometimes impassioned. After the connection, it only takes a few hours, and seemingly extremely sharp contradictions will always be solved.

  According to the reporter’s investigation, the number of fans of emotional anchors in Tik Tok is more than 10 million, and there are also tens of thousands of fans. Some millions of fans often watch live broadcasts of anchors with more than 100,000 people.

  Not only live broadcast, but also some anchor numbers broadcast "series" in the form of short videos. A Tik Tok named "Dai Sige" has broadcast more than 200 short videos so far, with more than 5.4 million fans and more than 46 million likes, and the highest rating of a single video exceeds 2.8 million.

  The content of "selling badly" has won the trust of a large number of middle-aged and elderly audiences. The helplessness, fear and deception of the parties in the video not only satisfied their curiosity, but also won their sympathy. For example, in the live broadcast room where the plot is "treating the mother", there are barrage screens such as "This girl is so kind", "Too filial", "Help her" and "Help me place an order when my son comes back".

  Wang Xiaoyan, a senior anchor, said that these emotional anchors won by team ability and script plot, and the people and stories were carefully compiled and interpreted.

  The parents of Ms. Yin, a citizen of Nanning, Guangxi, are over 60 years old. Both of them pay attention to a large number of emotional anchors and spend several hours watching these short videos or live broadcasts every day. "They are actually attracted by the dramatic conflicts in these videos. Some anchors have intense emotions, strong inflammatory language and like moral criticism, which is particularly easy for middle-aged and elderly people to become addicted. " Ms. Yin said.

  Some live broadcasts earn tens of thousands of yuan, and the sales are often defective products and no fakes.

  In fact, the emotional anchor interprets the story of "ups and downs" according to the script, creates "conflicts and disputes" and acts as a "mediator", with the ultimate goal of "sucking powder to raise the number", so that fans can bring goods after reaching a certain number.

  An emotional anchor told reporters that the daily income of an ordinary live broadcast room with tens of thousands of fans ranges from several thousand yuan to ten thousand yuan, such as rewards, parking fees with goods and profits with goods. In a live broadcast room with over one million fans, the income can easily reach more than 50 thousand yuan.

  An emotional anchor selling e-books introduced that the total number of fans of his team in Tik Tok and Aauto Quicker is about 3 million, and the team’s income mainly consists of two parts: first, fans reward, which mainly attracts fans to "encourage and support" the plot parties and mediators in the process of resolving emotional disputes; The second is the income from goods, because the cost of selling emotional counseling e-books is almost zero, and the profit is extremely high. The monthly income of its team can reach 1.2 million yuan.

  In order to close the distance, the audience in front of the screen is called "family" by the anchor. "Family, come and want to hear what happened to their mother-in-law relationship. Please pay attention or join a fan group."

  When the reporter entered the Tik Tok named "Colette March for Love", the anchor was broadcasting a "party". With tears in her eyes, the client told the story of being driven out of the house by her mother-in-law, which attracted more than 600 fans to watch in just a few minutes.

  The reporter learned that in the live broadcast room of the anchor, you don’t need to pay any fees to pay attention to the anchor, but to become a "fan" of the anchor, you need to pay a shaking coin worth 0.1 yuan RMB. "After becoming a fan, speak in the live broadcast room, and the user name will be marked with ‘ Family label ’ , become the anchor ‘ Family ’ 。” Tang, an elderly enthusiastic audience of an emotional anchor, said. Being "fans" and "family members" means building trust and close emotional ties with the anchor and being willing to spend money for the anchor.

  After the emotional story is over, there are often many people performing "fake bargaining" in the live broadcast room, and the sales are often defective products and no fakes. Many anchor performances turned against "manufacturers", letting them make profits or even take money, forcing price reduction or reproduction. For example, when they sell cosmetics, daily necessities and jewelry, they "fudge": "They buy things to help more clients solve problems in the live broadcast room", "Factory direct sales, absolute lowest price, genuine products" and "The manufacturer has put a quality guarantee of 200,000 yuan in my place, so the family can rest assured".

  According to some users in Tik Tok, the goods they bought in the live broadcast room of emotional anchor were of poor quality, the goods were not on the right board and the after-sales service was poor. Ms. Liu, a 64-year-old citizen of Jinan, told the reporter that after the goods such as silver ornaments purchased in the live broadcast room were identified as fakes, she repeatedly contacted the customer service and never got a reply. After complaining about the incident in the live broadcast room, she was called "black powder" by the anchor, personally attacked and kicked out of the live broadcast room.

  Recently, a survey conducted by an institution on the experience of the elderly being cheated on the Internet shows that "false advertising" is the most common risk of the elderly when surfing the Internet, accounting for more than 30%. Followed by online fraud, accounting for about 22%. Among different groups of elderly people, the proportion of elderly people living alone in rural areas who are deceived is as high as 90%. In the most common deception scene, "live broadcast, short video" is indispensable.

  Emotional live broadcast forms a complete industrial chain, and the platform should strengthen supervision.

  In March, Tik Tok Security Center issued the "Public Notice on Punishment for Violation of" Selling Miserable Goods and Performing Speculation ",saying that the platform has imposed penalties for violation of regulations on selling miserable goods, fabricating bizarre stories and performing hype, and some anchors mediate emotional disputes, fabricate bizarre stories and use sympathy, with the ultimate goal of bringing goods.

  The reporter’s investigation found that the emotional live broadcast market has formed a relatively complete industrial chain from actors to scripts, from "sucking powder" to bringing goods. Some WeChat WeChat official account even have an article titled "Mai Shou Lian Manual". Mai Shou can communicate with the anchor alone or with many wheat, or find his own partner to temporarily play. The most popular plots include cheating, liking my cousin, rural plots, domestic violence and so on.

  "widely used among anchors ‘ Family ’ Address is emotionally attractive to the audience. Most emotional anchors are biased towards ethics, family disputes, and the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, which is extremely attractive and deceptive to middle-aged and elderly people who lack social interaction. " Zhu Guowei, a professor at the School of Business Administration of Hunan University, said.

  "Emotional anchors sell bad hype by fabricating stories, which has a certain deceptive nature and is suspected of breaking the law." Wang Sixin, deputy dean of the Institute of Community of Human Destiny, Communication University of China, said that relevant parties should intensify efforts to rectify and purify cyberspace.

  Chen Guanwen, a lawyer of Shandong Rizhong Law Firm, said that it is a typical price fraud to induce consumption by performing routines such as "bargaining", falsely raising the price first and then reducing the price at a loss.

  Liu Junhai, a professor at the Law School of Renmin University of China, believes that the platform should strengthen the supervision of commodity quality and price and improve the consumer evaluation mechanism.

  Experts suggest that the relevant regulatory authorities should improve the platform management measures and increase penalties. If the platform fails to fulfill its obligation to review the qualifications of operators, or fails to fulfill its obligation to ensure the safety of consumers, causing damage to consumers, it shall bear corresponding responsibilities according to law.

  Wang Sixin believes that the pace of social life is accelerating, and many middle-aged and elderly people lack children to accompany them, so their emotional needs cannot be met. At the same time, they lack full understanding of new technologies and means, have poor discrimination and are easily confused. The whole society should strengthen the reminder and care for this group. In addition, consumers should actively report the fraud they find, and relevant departments should also increase the punishment for illegal acts. (Reporter Wang Yang, Pan Qiang, Xie Ying, Li Ziwei)

Huzhou Association for Science and Technology, Zhejiang Province: Grasping the Volunteer Service of Science and Technology in Agricultural Time to "Escort" Spring Farming

Since beginning of spring this year, continuous rainfall and low temperature have had adverse effects on crop growth and spring ploughing. In order to reduce the impact of meteorological disasters, do a good job in spring ploughing agricultural production, and lay the foundation for achieving agricultural efficiency, increasing farmers’ income and rural revitalization. Recently, Huzhou Association for Science and Technology of Zhejiang Province organized a volunteer service team of spring ploughing science and technology composed of agricultural science and technology personnel to go deep into fields, orchards and tea gardens to carry out technical guidance and training for spring planting, spring sowing and spring ploughing.

The first is pairing assistance to help low-income villages increase their income.Huzhou City and County Association for Science and Technology in Zhejiang Province went to Liujing Village, Hongxing Bridge, a poverty-stricken village, to deploy and arrange the work of spring ploughing and spring preparation and poverty alleviation, actively mobilize the enthusiasm of poor households, large breeders, family farms, agricultural technology associations and various agricultural operators in the village to carry out spring agricultural production according to local conditions and time, and at the same time, send more scientific and technological volunteers to the families lacking labor in the village to carry out film laying, transportation, transplanting and watering, so as to ensure the strong and orderly development of spring ploughing production.

The second is to visit and investigate, and ask for the pulse to solve the problem.Tea, as the main agricultural product of Changxing, is in the critical period of budding, which determines whether tea can be mass-produced. The low temperature and rainy days have had an impact on new buds. The Changxing County Association for Science and Technology of Huzhou City organized agricultural technicians of the county tea association to visit the main producing areas of white tea and purple bamboo shoot tea such as Shuikou Township and heping town to understand the impact of low temperature freezing on tea, and guide tea farmers to lay straw on the roots of tea, remove new buds that have been damaged by freezing, and increase water and fertilizer management to ensure tea production. In addition to tea, more than 30,000 bees in the county also suffered from low temperature and freezing injury, and the eggs laid by bees could not hatch normally, which seriously affected the spring reproduction and also affected the later honey collection. Changxing County Association for Science and Technology immediately organized the county bee industry association and beekeeping experts to visit the big beekeepers in the county one after another, to teach the experience of bee conservation, strengthen feeding management, increase the feeding temperature and honey concentration, and help improve the hatching rate of bee reproduction.

The third is training and guidance, popularizing practical technology.Huzhou Association for Science and Technology of Zhejiang Province organized technical training courses on agricultural plant protection drone operation, bayberry pest control and tea industry rural practical talents around agricultural planting and breeding, disaster prevention and mitigation, meteorological knowledge, policy interpretation, energy saving and emission reduction, etc., trained more than 500 tea farmers and fruit farmers, distributed more than 2,000 popular science materials such as "Popular Science in 24 solar terms" and "Series of Agriculture with Zhejiang Characteristics in the New Century", popularized practical technology to farmers, and promoted spring through "popular science service".

The relevant person in charge of Huzhou Association for Science and Technology in Zhejiang Province said that it is an important measure for the Association for Science and Technology to help rural revitalization by letting agricultural technicians listen to people’s voices, observe people’s feelings, know people’s opinions and solve people’s worries. Huzhou Association for Science and Technology will continue to give full play to the power of voluntary service of science and technology, build bridges between experts and farmers, promote high-quality science and technology popularization resources to go deep into rural areas and serve farmers, and contribute to rural revitalization and common prosperity. (Huzhou Association for Science and Technology,Changxing County Association for Science and Technology)

Contributed by Zhejiang Association for Science and Technology

Editor in charge: Zou Bingyang

Chinese billiards world championship: defending champions Zheng Yubo and Chen Siming advance to the second stage.

Nanchang, Dec. 12 (Xinhuanet)-The 6th Chinese Billiards World Championship of China Billiards Association recently concluded the first stage of the competition in Yushan County, Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province. Defending champions Zheng Yubo and Chen Siming advanced to the second stage.
This tournament attracted 496 players from 41 countries and regions to participate in Yushan, and the number of participants reached a new high. It is the largest Chinese billiards competition in the world. The race is divided into two stages. The first stage is divided into domestic men’s team, international men’s team, domestic women’s team and international women’s team, and the top 32 men’s team and the top 16 women’s team are produced by the double-loss elimination system.
The competition in the domestic men’s team is fierce. Zheng Yubo, who aims to win three consecutive championships, and john young, the champion in 2017, and other famous players have lost in succession, but they still narrowly missed the top 32. Shi Hanqing, winner of the 2016 tournament, and Zheng Xiaohuai, winner of this year’s International Open, were eliminated early. Wattana, the champion of the first year of the tournament, led the international men’s team to advance to the lineup, and the Thai ball king regretted saying goodbye.
All the four champions in the first five competitions appeared in the domestic women’s team, Chen Siming advanced in two consecutive games, Fu Xiaofang broke through successfully, and Dove and Han Yu were both defeated. Natasha Chetan, a 15-year-old Indian teenager, advanced to the second stage with outstanding performance in the international women’s team and became a dark horse in this competition.
The second stage of the race began on the 12th, and the single defeat elimination system was adopted. According to the schedule, the women’s team will decide on the 15th and the men’s team will win on the 16th.

The table tennis World Cup will be held in Macau, China.

The ITTF announced that the men’s singles World Cup and the women’s singles World Cup will return at the same time, and the competition will be held in April, 2024 in China and Macau Galaxy Variety Hall.

Liu Guoliang, Chairman of the Board of Directors of WTT World Table Tennis Federation, First Vice Chairman of ITTF and Chairman of China Table Tennis Association, said: "In April next year, the men’s and women’s singles World Cup will return to Macau, and table tennis fans from all over the world are welcome to gather in Macau again."

(Beiqing Sports)


Looking back on what they wore in the last century, we know that fashion is a reincarnation, and their clothes are all too foreign and beautiful.

Most people know that fashion is a circle, but it only ends on the surface. For the public, we can only deeply understand this sentence by seeing those fashionable clothes of the last century, and we can also find that many clothes of the last century are really fashionable and are not out of date now.

In this issue, we will review the clothes worn in the last century. After reading it, we will know that fashion is a reincarnation, and their clothes are too foreign and fashionable. Let’s take a look!

Compared with the present, many items in the last century are too unique. Whether it is a suit with irregular design, a silhouette coat, a shoulder pad suit, a leather coat, or bell bottoms, all of them reflect the unique aesthetics and taste of fashion icon in the last century.

Small suits with irregular waist design are the first choice for hipsters’ concave modeling, which not only closely follows the waist line and wears a small waistline, but also further weakens the width by using the height difference to hold the temperament model in minutes.

Going out of the street is like a catwalk. In 2023, it is also a very exotic fairy single product. Who would have thought that it would have appeared in the closets of beautiful women in the last century?

Fashion is developing, but classics are hard to go out of date. No matter how many times you watch it, it will still be beautiful by big-profile suits and coats.

This kind of silhouette suits and coats are designed with shoulder pads, and the shoulders are wide, so they are casual and chic, and they are not petty at all. Presumably, this is why silhouette suits and coats are still very popular today.

Fashion items are updated quickly, and people can’t go out when they buy a dress for two winters. Who would have thought that the long coats and leather coats with waists in the wardrobes of those beautiful women in the last century would be elegant and elegant to wear out now?

Look at the beautiful women above. The long coat with narrow top and wide bottom not only shows a small waist, but also adjusts the proportion of the body. It is also a fairy single product that releases the temperament.

Retro style is popular in fashion circles, which also proves that classics are difficult to be eliminated. In fact, if you look closely, you can find that wearing in the last century is yyds.

Not only do these fashionistas choose some unique tailoring and designs to show their fashion temperament, but also because they rarely follow the trend, dressing and dressing are not blindly imitated, and everyone adds their own thinking to their clothes. This is the real fashion.

Moreover, many retro clothes seem to be old and too far away from us, but in fact, many retro clothes are really bold, distinctive and sexy. All kinds of low-cut clothes can’t be worn out at the moment. Back in those days, it was very common.

The use of color in retro style is also bold and clear, far from the idea of color matching with clear soup and little water, and many shapes are added by color matching.

Retro red with distinctive foreign flavor and low profile, or warm and fashionable yellow and orange, or retro green and purple, these colors have a high appearance rate in the last century.

Retro wear that is also very foreign in the moment is of great reference value to the public. Let’s take a look!

1. Blue jeans

Jeans are not only popular in the last century, but also the strength of contracting the winter fashion in 2023. Who hasn’t had a few pairs of jeans in the closet?

Look at those hipsters in the 1980s and 1990s. At that time, I knew that jeans or straight style were the most attractive and neat. With short suits, they were charming without losing style.

2, plaid items

Fashion is a circle, and plaid, the representative element of retro wear, is equally classic, but plaid coats and wide-leg pants are surely not lacking in many Jimei wardrobes.

From the 1980s and 1990s to 2023, plaid coats and trousers are well-deserved temperament items, which are retro and fashionable without losing the British flavor.

3, overlapping modeling

I don’t think that overlapping wear is a dressing skill that is only popular now. Look at wearing in the last century. Overlapping wear has long been the specialty of these fashion icon.

Choose straight-line suits and coats to wear knitted cardigans, the materials are in contrast, and with neutral wind color matching or retro wine red color system, it is difficult to think of temperament.

4, below the knee skirt+leggings

Knee-length long skirts are particularly popular with fashionistas in the 1980s and 1990s. With leggings and grandma’s shoes, they are not only elegant and decent, but also particularly feminine. In 20 years, you will not be as good as them in dressing up.

Conclusion: Fashion is a reincarnation. We can understand this more clearly when we see the clothes worn in the last century. In 2023, we can still learn from these retro clothes and win elegance and high quality!

This article was originally created by Tiger Brother, and the pictures are all from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact to delete it. If you need to reprint it, please indicate the source, and plagiarism will be investigated! # Winter Life Punch Season #

Swimming never becomes proficient. Six pictures convince yourself that you can swim.

Figure 1 moves:

If you are under 6 months old, you can try it after reading the first one.

At this time, you have a skill called "swimming reflex". Put you on your stomach in the water, and when you are immersed in the water, you will paddle your limbs and subconsciously hold your breath, so your body will gain more buoyancy; You will stick to floating for a while, which is conducive to the rescue.

When you get older, the swimming reflex disappears, but it is an indicator of the normal development of the nervous system.

Figure 2 moves:

You will automatically hold your breath because there is a special valve in your throat at 6 months old. Now, you are sexually mature, and somehow you can’t always learn to hold your breath. When you get into the water, you will be so nervous that you will gulp water. If you just don’t mind the beauty of swimming and are in a hurry, I suggest you practice the dog-planing stroke immediately.

Hold your head high, lift your head to the position where your nose and mouth can be exposed to the water, and press the water alternately with your limbs to maintain a sense of rhythm. You can try some rhythms of stepping on some songs you like, so that people standing on the shore look ugly but at least have a good rhythm.

Figure 3 moves:

If you sincerely want to learn swimming, breaststroke! Stable posture, relaxed and lasting strength, and very high practical value.

Draw your arms to your chest and hold the water underwater, support your upper body rhythmically for rapid ventilation, and kick your legs backwards in imitation of frog posture. The details of your legs are as follows: 1. Separate to both sides. Step 2 straighten. 3. Then pinch the water inward.

Figure 4 moves:

But whether you watch sports news or idol drama, if you want to be cool and crazy, you should forget all the above three pictures. Freestyle is really worth learning. Compared with butterfly swimming, it is grandiose and ungrounded. It is low-key and luxurious, which allows you to bring your own aura and help you become a dazzling white strip in the swimming pool.

The body is prone on the water surface and streamlined. During the exercise, the head is kept stable, and the trunk rotates rhythmically around the longitudinal axis of the body for about 40 degrees, and the head is ventilated at this angle.

The action of kicking is basically to maintain the balance of the body, not the core power.

The main driving force of freestyle is in hand.

Then. . .

speed up

From these practical skills, you should have become an excellent swimmer now, and then you can show your swimming skills confidently!

All sides support Shuila, and I’m afraid it will depreciate again in the future. This is the Lakers.

Suddenly, there were more topics about Russell of the Lakers. ESPN reporter A- Smith bluntly said that Russell’s annual salary should be at least 25 million dollars, and Beverly even said that Russell would lose money if he didn’t sign a contract of 100 million dollars. However, Russell only reached a contract of 37 million dollars for two years this summer.

Russell’s contract renewal with the Lakers caused a sensation as soon as it was exposed. Before that, Russell insisted on paying hundreds of millions of dollars, which was unimaginable. But the question is, so many people support Russell, but the fact is that Russell is only willing to sign this two-year and 37 million contract? The reality is very cruel. After a baptism in the playoffs, Russell’s performance made his worth plummet, and no team in the market was willing to offer him a contract, let alone hundreds of millions of contracts.

Russell’s presence on the Lakers’ guard line has complicated the work of others, so it is necessary for the backcourt players who partner with him to share the defense for him, and even the whole team should make up for his loophole. Russell’s attack is also unstable, and wave shots often appear, which is one of the reasons why he was abandoned by the Lakers in the playoffs last season. The Lakers left him mainly in the hope that he could share the organizational pressure for James, with multiple holding points but without much hope.

This summer, the Lakers have done a good job in signing, bringing in many important role players, especially Vincent in the backcourt, which is definitely a threat to Russell. Vincent is a defender who has been certified in the playoffs and played in the finals. After the smooth running-in with the Lakers in the new season, it is highly probable that Russell’s position will be disintegrated, so I am afraid that Shuila will be a substitute in the new season, so it will be a new round of depreciation to meet Shuila.

In this era of defender blowout, it is not difficult to find a point guard of this level, and the defender is not the winner of the championship. A strong front line-up is the basis for winning the championship. Besides, Shui La, a point guard, doesn’t belong to him at all in the playoffs, so so much solidarity is more like an insult to Shui La. After all, he is really worthless.

The last Lakers point guard named Russell dropped directly from the top salary of more than 40 million yuan to the basic salary. Although there are reasons for your love and desire, you can’t deny the influence of the Lakers. Now it’s not easy for Russell to renew his contract with the Lakers, and it’s reasonable for his value to fall again. At present, the most ideal solution for Russell to keep his value is trading, but his future is also confused.

Bo Yu said sports: Premier League Rome is considering hiring De Zerbi to replace Mourinho, but Tottenham Hotspur and Chelsea are also.

On the other hand, the defense has obviously regressed. The opponent’s shots per possession increased by 27%(0.10), and the average xG was similar. The number of goals per game in Manchester City increased from 0.7 to 1.0. Whether it’s because Guardiola tried his staff to make the best use of Harland-which, among other things, led to the bench of full-back Joao Cancelo and eventually loaned it to Bayern-or because of the conscious retreat of the World Cup in terms of pressure and efforts (Manchester City players played more time in Qatar than any other club), Manchester City’s pressure was more passive and ineffective. Excellent opponents are particularly comfortable and productive for them: in eight games against the top six teams in the Premier League, Manchester City scored a goal in 13 shots (81.10 times per game), worth 11.6 xG.

Please note that Manchester City also scored 19 goals and scored 13 points in these eight games, but Manchester City did not control the situation as usual. Put some terrible luck into a close game-in a game decided by 1-2 goals, the average score per game is 0.1 (the average score of the other four teams in England is 2.1)-and we can see how Manchester City has left the door for Arsenal to break in at present. This also brought RB Leipzig back to the first leg of their last 16 Champions League (final 1-1 draw), and there is still some work to be done before they can advance next week.

There are big changes in the frontcourt this summer. Barcelona wants to clean two generals, and the No.10 in the team+the old Manchester City general.

This season, the team has successively introduced Levan and Rafinha, which has achieved good results. Barcelona hopes to continue to upgrade its frontcourt position this summer, while some players with poor performance will be purged. Fati and Phelan Torres are undoubtedly inferior to others in the frontcourt. In terms of reinforcement, Barcelona intends to introduce Rocco, while in terms of cleaning, Fati and Phelan Torres are the two frontcourt players who are most likely to leave the team. In order to have enough funds to continue the upgrade and reinforcement of the frontcourt, Barcelona may consider selling one of Fati and Phelan Torres.

Fati, the new Barcelona No.10 is obviously not as good as the previous No.10 players of the club, and it is difficult for people to see any signs of improvement. Fati’s future in Barcelona has become increasingly uncertain, and now the club is more inclined to sell it to recover funds, rather than give time to prove itself. Fati’s own performance is unstable, and it also affects other players on Barcelona’s offensive end from time to time. The most classic scene is that Fati grabbed Levan, who was in a better position, so that the latter failed to make a header attack. Fati failed to have a good chemical reaction with other teams in the frontcourt, but it had the opposite effect. The data of 6 goals and 3 assists in 36 games seems not bad, but Fati did more harm than good in the frontcourt.

Fortunately, Fati still has a market, and several top teams in the Premier League want to introduce this Barcelona frontcourt player. Therefore, as long as Barcelona is willing to push Fati into the transfer market, I believe it can be sold at a good price. As for Phelan Torres, he only came to Barcelona in January last year, and this season has actually begun the first full season of his career in Barcelona. However, the club is obviously not satisfied with Phelan Torres’ performance on the court. Poor ability to seize opportunities, whether it is personal scoring or organizing assists, has not played the role and effect expected by the coach. Phelan-Torres Espiba has a low presence on the offensive end, which has actually lasted for a long time.

People don’t see any signs of recovery in Phelan Torres. Phelan Torres is not as good as Dembele in breaking and killing on the flank. The latter can not only play a critical role, but also always send assists to his teammates. Barcelona hopes to sell Phelan Torres this summer. At the beginning, it cost 55 million euros to introduce him from Manchester City, and the capital cost is a little. Now it seems that this transaction is obviously disappointing and at a loss. Phelan Torres has played 32 games for Barcelona so far this season, of which only 13 started and scored 5 goals and 1 assist. It’s worse than Fati in data.

For Barcelona fans, compared with Fati, the club is actually more inclined to sell Phelan Torres. After all, the former comes from the team’s own youth training, and the fans still hope Fati can play and show his due role on the court. Phelan Torres is not from Barcelona, but from Valencia. Phelan Torres made a name for himself in Valencia and attracted the attention of Manchester City. During his time at Manchester City, Phelan Torres’ performance was remarkable. However, due to Barcelona’s invitation, fans have the idea of returning to La Liga. Manchester City chose to follow Phelan Torres’ wishes and the deal was successfully concluded. However, it is a pity that Phelan Torres, who returned to La Liga, played an outstanding performance in Valencia and even Manchester City, but now he is facing the fate of being purged.